Were you new - and how did it go?


What do those who have purchased PARANOIA - having never seen the game before in any previous incarnation - think of the game?

And, more importantly, having purchased the game, have you played it? And, what did your players think?
2 sessions thus far. My players have 1 created characters and taken the MBD test.

1 is on her second character (registered her MA mutation) and the others are on 2nd or 3rd clones.

The equipment guy "tests" each barrel 6 times before passing them to the other trouble shooters.

The happyness offcer took a "deep happyness core sample" from the team leader.

The team leader has a tic where he will not respond to direct questioning.

All in all...If they make it to the mission...Im sure they will have a good time.
Well, I've played once. Everyone had a good time except for one guy.

He said that in retrospect the game was too much like his job.
Where he didn't know what he was really supposed to be doing, and worries that his co-workers would be plotting against him. I think he's a bit *too* paranoid, but oh well.

The *only* bad thing that people said about it was that it felt like they don't accomplish anything, as their characters tend to die so quickly and that playing was almost "pointless".

I wasn't sure what to say to that. They *are* used to the more co-operative style of RPG though.
Thrack said:
2 sessions thus far. My players have 1 created characters and taken the MBD test.

1 is on her second character (registered her MA mutation) and the others are on 2nd or 3rd clones.

The equipment guy "tests" each barrel 6 times before passing them to the other trouble shooters.

The happyness offcer took a "deep happyness core sample" from the team leader.

The team leader has a tic where he will not respond to direct questioning.

All in all...If they make it to the mission...Im sure they will have a good time.

Sounds like your group has Paranoia pretty well figured out. "Deep happiness core sample?" That's good stuff.
I've been hooked since the day I opened the rulebook. Currently thinking of putting together an online group to try it out with - will post back if and when this happens :)