Weird thing in Aquilonia Sourcebook


Banded Mongoose
p.112: "The fort is barred from the outside, making the guards have to use ladders to climb down to open the gate."

Maybe I didn't succeed at my daily INT check, maybe this is a joke, maybe this is serious, but pastiche...?

Here is a quote from Conan the Rogue: "The gate itself was made of massive timbers. They fit the opening none too well, and to Conan's initial amazement, they appeared to be barred on the outside."

The city was using the fort as a prison of sorts, so they didn't want the people on the inside getting out.
I remember Conan the Rogue, though not specifically that part. I remember liking it quite a bit. I've generally enjoyed John Maddox Roberts' pastiches - he and Robert Jordan were my favorites. Of course now that Howard's original stories are back in print, I'm sure Roberts and Jordan would pale in comparison :wink:
His pastiche on the Cimmerians was not bad (Conan the valorous) but he mixed up to much Lovecraft and Conan and the end was definitly silly.
Valorous is one I never got ahold of but would've liked to read. Silly or not, John Maddox Roberts wrote some fairly readable and entertaining pastiches... much better than Leonard Carpenter and Roland Green. Those guys are PAINFUL to read!
Yes, Roland Green and Steve Perry (I don't know Leonard Carpenter yet) are awful. Their are good at entertaining a young public and it suits well with their Star Wars novels but they shouldn't have tried their hands at Conan.
Now that's something I'd like to try sometime. My writign style tends to fall between Lovecraft and Howard. Wonder if I could pull it off.

And yes, Carpenter was painful to read. Can't he do one story at a time? I agree the Maddrox was good and Jordan.....he did okay, but I really hate S&M imagery in my fantasy- even Howards. [Blasphemer!] The whole being female thing means that violence against females ain't a fun read, people. I am also not fond of d'Camp's prose [Blasphemer again!] He's sort of the August Derelth of REH's legacy me thinks. A better editor than a writer. Not saying it's a bad thing- after all they both kept the legacy goign until it caught popularity again, but they aren't ggod writers.

VincentDarlage said:

Here is a quote from Conan the Rogue: "The gate itself was made of massive timbers. They fit the opening none too well, and to Conan's initial amazement, they appeared to be barred on the outside."

The city was using the fort as a prison of sorts, so they didn't want the people on the inside getting out.

Thanks for your answer, Vincent!
VincentDarlage said:

Here is a quote from Conan the Rogue: "The gate itself was made of massive timbers. They fit the opening none too well, and to Conan's initial amazement, they appeared to be barred on the outside."

The city was using the fort as a prison of sorts, so they didn't want the people on the inside getting out.

Excuse-me, but I'm french canadian and I dont quite understand the meaning of "pastiche". Does it means it a joke?
A pastiche is a story written in the style of another author, using his themes and characters. Any Conan story not written by Robert E. Howard is a pastiche.

Likewise, stories about Sherlock Holmes that were not written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle are pastiches. Thre are Tarzan pastiches, Perry Mason pastiches, Elric pastiches, V.C. Andrews pastiches and many others. If a character is famous and liscensed, then it probably has been pastiched.