some sorcery styles have feats that grant a magick attack bonus, like hexer, summoner, i'm not sure if there are others.
there are other feats like improved evil eye that will apply whenever the range of the spell is evil eye, like spells from hypnotism some curses and divinations, and probably others. there's another i don't recall the name from sos also, that grants a bonus to spells with touch range. this one i am not sure if it grants the bonus to cast the spell, or to deliver the touch attack. improved evil aye is cool because it grants the bonus to spells and magic like abilities with that kind of range (quoting from memory), so it benefits a character in a war of souls and using the rule of the sorcere's soul.
there's also magic power attack that grants a plus for every 2 extra pps spent to fuel the spell. this one works with all spells! at the expense of extra pps which can grant you a bonus up to your charisma bonus. it also overrides the hd limitations of hypnotism spells. it's a great feat for a sorcerer. it might even grant pluses to a war of soul checks, since the description of wos says: "a war of souls check is like a magic attack roll."