Vendhyan Yogis, or Jungle Ascetics

Yogah of Yag

Despite the fact that Hyboria's Fiercest states that Vendhyan Barbarians are not allowed (p. 95), I feel that it may potentially be acceptable to do so if creating yogis (forest philosophers, jungle ascetics) who were not uncommon in ancient India (the RL inspiration for Vendhya, of course). A yogi would essentially be a Scholar who has turned away from being in cities, towns, villages to pursue spiritual perfection or attain some profound truth by living the simple life in forest, jungles, mountains, etc. The Shaman multiclass (HF, 92) seems a decent place to begin.

If anyone has some other interesting ideas as to how to develop this, feel free to jump in.
I think it's pretty reasonable that you can't make a 1st level Vendhyan barbarian. As far as I know, there are no "wild" Vendhyan tribes, so nobody is born a barbarian there. And these "yogis" have to come from somewhere, y'know. You can always multiclass after the first level, reflecting any changes your character goes through (like "turning away from civilisation" and such).
Well, the Vendhyan template is actually for the Kshatriyas, who socially would never become a Yogi. If I am ever hired to do a sourcebook for Vendhya, I would make a template for each social caste - and one of those could make for a decent yogi.
Interesting. I did not know the Vendhyan info was meant solely for Kshatriyas. However, the historical Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama [c. 563-483 BC], was born a Kshatriya, then later became a pupil of the various wise-men (yogis?) in northern India at the time, IIRC.

Designing info. for each of the varnas would be useful, but in the future. I doubt there will be a stampede of Conan RPG enthusiasts rushing to get a Vendhya sourcebook(?) I could be wrong...

1) Brahmanas
2) Kshatriyas
3) Vaisyas
4) Shudras
5) [Harijans, untouchables, outcastes]
6) Mlecchas [barbarians] :)

I'm not altogether sure if 4) and 5) overlap or are the same. :?

(I studied a significant amount of ancient Indian culture in college, along with Classical Sanskrit.)

I will have to get some more info from my Indian colleagues...
I'm really not sure how the Barbarian class is supposed to fit into the "Yogi" concept :? I mean, exactly what about abilities such as Crimson Mist, Mobility, Versatility, Bite Sword and a full BAB says "barefoot enlightened wiseman of the woods"? :lol:

If I had to whip up a Yogi real quick I'd be inclined to just make him a single class Scholar with the Orential Magic style, plenty of Kn[Nature] and use his Int skill points for Survival.

It dosn't take much to live out in the wilderness by yourself. Espically if your living an asthetic lifestyle. You certainly don't need levels of Barbarian to do it.

Hope that helps.
Actually Barb/Sorc in Hyborias Finest becomes a Hermit (perfect for Yogi) and gets Arcane Sustinance instead of Crimson Mist and Self-Sufficient (the feat, +2 Heal and Survival) instead of Bite sword. Also at 3rd level Barbarian you can take Performed Magic instead of Trap Sense from the Shaman option and get +1 Magic Attack and +1 to perform skills.
bjorntfh said:
Actually Barb/Sorc in Hyborias Finest becomes a Hermit (perfect for Yogi) and gets Arcane Sustinance instead of Crimson Mist and Self-Sufficient (the feat, +2 Heal and Survival) instead of Bite sword. Also at 3rd level Barbarian you can take Performed Magic instead of Trap Sense from the Shaman option and get +1 Magic Attack and +1 to perform skills.

Very good point. Thanks. :D
I haven't had time to develop any Eastern (Vendhyan, Khitan) PCs yet.
You're right. Having Crimson Mist and other warlike abilities clashes with the philosophy of avihimsa (non-harming, non-violence).
This helps.
bjorntfh said:
Actually Barb/Sorc in Hyborias Finest becomes a Hermit (perfect for Yogi) and gets Arcane Sustinance instead of Crimson Mist and Self-Sufficient (the feat, +2 Heal and Survival) instead of Bite sword. Also at 3rd level Barbarian you can take Performed Magic instead of Trap Sense from the Shaman option and get +1 Magic Attack and +1 to perform skills.
If you take all the options for Shaman and Hermit you end up with a Scholar/Barb who doesn't get the barbarian raging nutjob effects, but gets the survival and other benefits.
The idea of a Yogi being the equivalent of a barbarian seems slightly illogical.. Barbarians seem free spirited and lacking the inherent law that I would see allowing one to become a Yogi. Surely a Yogi would be attuned to natural laws than a barbarian would..

Afterall a barbarian is not allowed certain feats (or loses them) at certain levels because of his natural chaotic mentality. Just a wild thought.
A Barb/Scholar Hermit/Shaman fits the Yogi very well actually... They are barbaric by the standards of their culture (they're abandoned civilization for reflection) and since they don't get the crimson mist or bite sword, they're much less combat oriented than a normal barb.
And since the only other likely alternative for one who dwells in the wilderness would be a Borderer which doesn't fit- after all what Yogis is going to have Favoured Terraina and Fighting Style I think BJ's idea for a hermit works perfectly. After all Yogis are the archetypical Hermits, dwelling apoart from civilization to seek inner wisdom. A Hermit would fit a Eastern contemplative as well. Anyone using my rules for Sorcery could fit the spells fo the Body and Mind Sphere that I created for LokiOne's Oreintal campaign could easily fit them into the character concept as well.