naar can replace or resurrect each darklord, but vashna seems to be the only one who struggles to come again at life by his own forces. Is the first archlord the only exception for the Vonatar find that a darklord is a mere marionette of god of evil's will. This might possibly find some credit in the legends, where we are told that vashna's blasphemy toward his own master was what eventually lead him to his very, physical, death. Opinions?
By the way, no image or description of vashna except for what we read in his death scene in the legends? Do i correctly remember him resembling some kind of a huge werewolf/werebear?
By the way, no image or description of vashna except for what we read in his death scene in the legends? Do i correctly remember him resembling some kind of a huge werewolf/werebear?