Valen & The Boys from the Dwarf


Just before Christmas I finished off a couple of scratchbuilds.

Due to other priorities I have not got around to finishing, or indeed in one case starting their paint work. My real life situation is also not stable at the moment and it is likely that I may suddenly have less time to spend on the forum very soon. So it could be sometime before the two ships make their fully painted debut but rather than delay I decided to post them as is; and repost the painted versions later;




(I would also lke to thank AdrianH for his 2nd opinion & advice yesterday re the canon colours of the Valen).

The next one is a certainly irrelevant to CTA, but no excuses other than I have wanted to build one for quite a few years just didn't plan on her being so small. Paintwork started but far from completed.

Besides its becoming a Christmas tradition for me to build a ship with acrylic hemispheres.

The legacy of 3rd Space lives on.




Finally and a little bit faster than I thought yesterday;


I would describe this Blue Star as probably not quite finished yet, need some more subtle highlighting on the edge of the blue. This was my second experiment, tried light blue paint for the patches, but silver just looked better for me and I felt tied in better with the ISA Whitestar scheme as in purple & silver. May still try a light as in "non heavy" blue ink glaze on the silver tho.
Valen: nice work! (And it's AdrianH. I am not a water conduit. :P)

Starbug: also nice work. Now we need ACTA data, if only to imagine Lister saying "What the smeg is that?" when he sees his first Vorlon, or Rimmer's face when he sees his first Shadow ship. :D

Blue Star: you did a better job on the windows than I did! I also used the same base coat for my Blue Stars as for my White Stars - literally. I'd put some silver into a pot of white to create a slightly metallic very light grey for the White Stars, and still have most of it left, so I used it again for the Blue Stars.
AdrianH said:
Valen: nice work! (And it's AdrianH. I am not a water conduit. :P)

Starbug: also nice work. Now we need ACTA data, if only to imagine Lister saying "What the smeg is that?" when he sees his first Vorlon, or Rimmer's face when he sees his first Shadow ship. :D

Blue Star: you did a better job on the windows than I did! I also used the same base coat for my Blue Stars as for my White Stars - literally. I'd put some silver into a pot of white to create a slightly metallic very light grey for the White Stars, and still have most of it left, so I used it again for the Blue Stars.

Da Boss & AdrianH - Thanks for the comments guys,

AdrianH - curse my speedy 20 words a minute, not quite touch typing and easily distracted vision :oops:

although a drain H has a certain practicabilty about it.

Very interesting on the light grey silver approach, I see some Kickaha paint laboratory experimentation on the cards. For paint laboratory read the not very converted former walk in cupboard that I am allocated to by my better half.

Re the Dwarfers - the Centauri could not of course suffer the Cat to live, how could they be seen to be upstaged on the style, fashion and elan fronts. They would have to fan their heads in shame. :lol:
Re the Dwarfers - the Centauri could not of course suffer the Cat to live, how could they be seen to be upstaged on the style, fashion and elan fronts. They would have to fan their heads in shame.

Who do you think they're talking about when they use the phrase 'lion of the galaxy'?.....
locarno24 said:
Re the Dwarfers - the Centauri could not of course suffer the Cat to live, how could they be seen to be upstaged on the style, fashion and elan fronts. They would have to fan their heads in shame.

Who do you think they're talking about when they use the phrase 'lion of the galaxy'?.....

:lol: :lol: :lol:

(Is it the............ Narn.......... btw?)
No, that would be the lying of the galaxy. As in lying down on the job - lazy slaves. :twisted:

The Centauri would probably try to recruit Cat to serve on one of their ships. He gets to wear Centauri outfits, and with any luck he never finds out that his rank on the ship is "mascot".

Rimmer defects at once when Morden asks him "what do you want?", although it soon becomes clear that a hard light holodrive with Shadow technology has certain features he wasn't expecting. And the whole war against the Ancients takes a new twist when Lister has the idea of lobbing a tactical nuclear curry at the nearest organic ship.

Kryten becomes the next guardian of the Great Machine, having the advantages over previous incumbents that he can interface to it more easily and will probably live longer, provided Zathras keeps his hands off Kryten.
whenimaginationfails said:
Kickaha, wow! Great work.

Please, please, please post how you built the Valen. I, and likely others, would love to build one of our own.

Thanks for your comments (Whenimaginationfails & Banichi)

On a build article, certainly is possible. Still have all of my dimensional sketches from the various pieces I constructed as well as some notes from the build, also have the original master bits kicking around.

I drew up some of the curving hull pieces on paper before commiting to plasticard for the masters, so in theory I have ready made templates for some of the more difficult curving fuselage pieces.

The most challenging part on the Valen was capturing the curving lines while keeping an open nose.

Most of the construction is styrene sheet and precut strip cut then filed to shape however I needed something that was strong thin crosssection and easily formed into the complex curving shape for the walls in the launch bay area so I resorted to my old favorite "free" material aluminium sheet/foil cut from a Coka Cola tin. The biggest challenge then was maintaining the thin wall launch bay external shape while I constructed the ship and I had to come up with a new technique for that. Finally and unusually for me, in ship construction anyway, there was also a bit of green stuff shaping for the top of the hull. (exception Starbug which has a lot of greenstuff).

Will take a bit of time to draw up a build instruction doc and I am pretty busy on other project comitments at the moment so in reality would be a few months before I could spare the time but can do.
Kickaha said:
Will take a bit of time to draw up a build instruction doc and I am pretty busy on other project comitments at the moment so in reality would be a few months before I could spare the time but can do.

For me at least, a few months would be but the briefest of time considering all of the other projects I have. I look forward to reading it and trying it out when you are able to write it. Thanks so much.
bondp99 said:
WOW :shock:
impressive Valen

Is there a chance for moulding it??? Would be definitely interested in getting one!

Thanks for your comment, much appreciated.

However, to answer your last question:- sadly not possibile for a WB owned ship design.

Main reason why I now mostly build my own designs. Some canon ships though are irresistible. This Valen is one of them, not so sure on the other Valen. :lol: