Traveller Symposium - Friday 28th


Staff member
Just to let you all know, this Friday at 5pm GMT/Noon EST there will be another Traveller symposium at the Fantasy Grounds Academy. This time round, I will be joined by Youtuber Seth Skorkowsky and we will be discussing all things Traveller - you will be welcome to come along and ask us anything!

You can find the Discord link to the symposium here:

And Fantasy Grounds will also have it on their Twitch channel here:

See you all there!
In the off chance that Skorkowsky reads this.
The community has made a spread sheet to help make space ships.

We also have one for Vehicles as well.
I was excited to hear Matthew mention a plan for turning Mongoose into an employee-owned enterprise at some point in the future - hopefully not the Far Future. As a former employee/co-owner of one of the only, at the time, publishing collectives in the UK, it is great to hear the publisher of my favourite RPG exploring that business model. :D
I was super stoked to hear about a possibility of making The Secret of the Ancients a three-part campaign (with the SotA being part 1). Hopefully this comes into being!

I didn't quite get all that was said about the up-coming 'Singularity' campaign, so I'm hoping for an official announcement soon (to get more info about it).