The New Great Rift is Here!

I can't see the file in my Downloads bit on Mongoose site - I don't see The Great Rift at all, not even the old one.
If I go to the order itself, I can see the product but does nothing if I click it.

Am I doing something wrong?

(I have been able to access other previously updated books, like Companion 2024)

Same here. I received an e-mail telling me the file was updated and the link on the e-mail worked (and I was able to download the updated books from there), but the file doesn't show up on my Downloads page.
You had mentioned that previous owners of the Great Rift Box Set (GRBS) would be eligible for a free PDF update. Is that only for people who bought it directly from Mongoose Publishing? I bought the GRBS from Amazon in December 2024 and now am concerned I will need to rebuy the slip case reprint just to get the update. Thank you for your attention in this matter.

Folke Sonin
Did you get the pdfs from the Bits & Mortar program for that purchase?
Unless it the system was removed from the books. it was sort of an odd thing, a mix of races in the middle of nowhere. I guess I have to skim the new books to see.
To reply to myself, all the Phobetor material is still there, so we should have gotten a Phobetor map download instead of two Reft downloads.
Speaking of Phobetor, I'm kinda wondering how (and why) a small group of K'kree managed to fly nearly across the entire Charted Space, land on a very isolated planet full of backwards humans transplanted there 35,000 years earlier - and then proceed to get curb-stomped by said humans so hard that the poor K'kree had to run and hide and regress to a TL3 society? ;)

Speaking of Phobetor, I'm kinda wondering how (and why) a small group of K'kree managed to fly nearly across the entire Charted Space, land on a very isolated planet full of backwards humans transplanted there 35,000 years earlier - and then proceed to get curb-stomped by said humans so hard that the poor K'kree had to run and hide and regress to a TL3 society? ;)

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And how do we do it on a larger scale?

(Just kidding, just kidding, put down that... uh... is that a blade of grass you're brandishing at me?)
A little off topic, but since the matter of K'kree over spinward way came up, my favourite super-minor NPC in Mongoose Traveller is probably Tuk', the K'kree who runs a bar on Theev. It's a throwaway reference in Pirates of Drinax (AKA arguably the best Traveller campaign), and I really, really want to know more. Not only is this far, far from K'kree space, but there's no indication that there are any other K'kree present. Also, Tuk' is female, which is even more interesting in terms of "lone, independent K'kreer!" (that's apparently the true, rarely used, singular).

She's a lone K'kree, so she's obviously insane, by definition. Yet she's also clearly a functional form of insane, since she's apparently running a business and doing pretty well at it. And she's still pushing vegetarianism, we're told, so she's not some sort of total moral degenerate. She's like some crazy outlaw with a heart of gold (by K'kree standards), serving drinks to stinky Human pirates.

I demand that she see further use in all your Drinax campaigns.
A little off topic, but since the matter of K'kree over spinward way came up, my favourite super-minor NPC in Mongoose Traveller is probably Tuk', the K'kree who runs a bar on Theev. It's a throwaway reference in Pirates of Drinax (AKA arguably the best Traveller campaign), and I really, really want to know more. Not only is this far, far from K'kree space, but there's no indication that there are any other K'kree present. Also, Tuk' is female, which is even more interesting in terms of "lone, independent K'kreer!" (that's apparently the true, rarely used, singular).

She's a lone K'kree, so she's obviously insane, by definition. Yet she's also clearly a functional form of insane, since she's apparently running a business and doing pretty well at it. And she's still pushing vegetarianism, we're told, so she's not some sort of total moral degenerate. She's like some crazy outlaw with a heart of gold (by K'kree standards), serving drinks to stinky Human pirates.

I demand that she see further use in all your Drinax campaigns.
That's what she wants you to think. In reality, she's running the show on Theev :)
three giant poster maps
So anyway. So far the upgraded PDFs have five sides of those (the sector maps), but one of them appears twice on the downloads page and there's no new version of Phobetor [1]. What gives?

[1] Before anyone points it out: the .zip contains the first edition files, and as such the first Phobetor map.
Now I'm picturing her as a very obvious pantomime-style horse costume, but everyone is too drunk to notice. Or just think that's what K'kree actually look like.
With six limbs, a head and a tail to work with, she's probably two Hivers, each with some spare limbs available for under-the-counter actions like mixing drinks or reloading a shotgun.... A Very Difficult (12+) Recon check, DM-1 per drink, will allow a customer at the bar to notice one or more extra limbs... in the case of the 'back' Hiver, it may be the limb that has eyes and an indeterminant number of ears or IR sensors (actually that's another Hiver manipulation: they're all ears, but the Hivers can snap their fingers tentacles to use echolocation to 'see' in the dark.)
Oleb is not going to be pleased when he demands to know why his emissaries to Theev are being turned away and gets told its because a heated debate about Hiver infrared sensors ended with his best operatives trying to unzip a bartender and starting a city-wide brawl.
Is the physical version already in stock? Release Schedule page says May, but the product page just says "Add to Cart" instead of "Pre-Order" like other pre-order books. It also does't show any pre-order message/popups on the cart or anything.
Same question here. The release schedule indicates a pre-order but the usual pre-order stuff doesn't happen, it just adds to cart normally along with in-print stuff, etc. If I order this together with other in-stock stuff will that delay everything until May? Or is it actually in stock?