Was browsing the Elder Threadi - err, older threads when I (once again) found this one ...
That thought about recreating Amory as a domain looks damn good, as far as I'm concerned! Maybe that's just because of the fascination the Cener Druids seem to hold for me, but the thought of that small realm, lying in the shadow of the Cener Mountains, plagued by a dreaded cult of druids and ruled by a lord who is at least in league with said druids and serves a powerful demon lord ... Damn, were I playing
Ravenloft I would definitely go for that! :twisted:
Of course, a lot depends on which background is your primary one, Aon or the AD&D multiverse, as the "cosmologies" are more or less incompatible. The Demiplane of Dread has no real place in Aon (one could place it somewhere in the Daziarn or the Plane of Darkness, of course, but without the other campaign worlds like Faerûn, Krynn, Athas etc., some part of
Ravenloft would be missing), but you could certainly add a Magnamund-like world into the AD&D multiverse. (Only in that case certain characteristics of Magnamund would get lost, i.e. parts of the cosmology. No place for the Daziarn, for example.)
BTW: For more on Roark, maybe a look at the novel
The Lorestone of Varetta might help to flesh him out. I haven't read the novel myself so far, but a reliable source told me that this novel were not only the best of the
Legends of Lone Wolf, but also a quite good fantasy novel on it's own. (He who told me that
doesn't like most of the other
Legends novels, so that's quite a statement, I suppose ...)
Paido, who wouldn't add
Ravenloft to a
Lone Wolf game, but the other way round ... that would be tempting!