Terror of the Unkwown


According to the TotU rules, "When a character encounters a monster he has not encountered before...". This seems to imply that a Terror check happens once for each monster.

However, in the Demon killer Feat: "Each time you defeat a new monster, you become immune to the Terror effect of that creature, if any. This would seem to infer Terror checks happen each time you encounter a monster.

Which is correct ?

Mad Dog
I read that as each time he encounters a specific monster that he has not encountered before. That is, encountering one ghoul does not make you immune to terror checks from all ghouls, just that specific ghoul. The Demon Killer feat is what makes you immune to the terror of all ghouls.

Hope that helps.
Agreed. I also threw in a house rule in "Raven's Errata" that gives a cumulative +1 bonus to Terror checks each time the player encounters the same type of creature to represent the lack of fear familiarity breeds.
Oh wow, I didn't even read it that way, thanks for the posts! (Of course, my guys haven't come across the same kind of monster more than once, but this is good to know).
If you "defeat" a creature, it is likely dead and will nevermore be ecountered.

This is very unclear. Need official errata.

Mad Dog
Not necessarily. Say you beat it senseless, give it a wedgie, or otherwise make it run away or drop it to zero hit points, you've defeated that particular creature, it's terror of you has been lost as you defeated it. If you see that same creature again, you won't be terrorized.
This is actually the ultimate test of manhood among the Kezankian hillmen; to give a Man-ape a wedgie and live to tell about it.

That would explain the dearth of Kezankian Hillmen....

Mad Dog