Here is a new house rule I'm playing with, replacing my previous random critical hit bonus effects table discussed on another thread. Looking for advice and opinions.
You perform a critical hit as normal in Conan, but you
also have a chance to do a SUPER-CRITICAL.
Your mighty blow stands a chance to beat your
opponent back in melee; your opponent is allowed a
Reflex save (DC 10 + damage dealt) to negate this
additional effect. If he fails, he is knocked backwards
5 feet. If he rolls a critical failure (1) on his Reflex
save, he is knocked back five feet and knocked prone.
backward movement pushes him over into a falling
situation, he is allowed another Reflex save (DC 15)
to catch himself.
is no room to knock him back, he instead takes your
Strength mod as bonus bludgeoning damage
(minimum bonus of +1), as you catch him “between a
rock and a hard place”.
FATE POINT: For 1 FP, you may choose to inflict
one bonus effect from the following list of options:
ARMOR BUSTER: You have three options: 1)
Automatically cave in, destroy and knock off your
opponent’s helmet; or 2) reduce his armor’s DR by a
number of points equal to your Strength modifier
(applies to breastplates and plate armor only); or 3)
brutally batter and bend his shield out of shape so that
he immediately loses 50% of its Parry bonus.
KNOCK-OUT: Automatically knock-out a minor
NPC (level 1-3). The NPC remains unconscious and
prone for a number of round equal to 3 + your
Strength modifier (minimum knockout of of 1 round if
you have a Strength modifier penalty).
STUN: Automatically stun an experienced NPC (level
4+) who fails his Reflex save vs. your Super-Crit. The
opponent remains stunned for 1 round, unable to
attack but able to defend himself.
You run your opponent through (not necessarily in a
vital spot). Your opponent is allowed a Fortitude save
(DC 10 + damage dealt) to negate this effect. If he
fails, he is impaled by your weapon (-1 attack,
damage, skill checks, saving throws, dodge and parry).
The weapon cannot be removed by anyone except by a
Strength check (DC 10 + damage dealt). Each round
the weapon remains in the wound where the target
does not remain absolutely still causes 1 hp in
additional damage; removing the weapon inflicts the
weapon’s normal damage (with no Strength modifier),
or half its normal damage for arrows and bolts.
FATE POINT: For 1 FP, you may choose to inflict
one bonus effect from the following list of options:
SPIN: You use your melee weapon as leverage and
spin your impaled foe either left or right, into an
adjacent foe. Roll to hit normally; you inflict normal
weapon piercing damage (no Strength modifier) to the
impaled foe and 1d4 bludgeoning damage to the
adjacent foe struck by the impaled one. All of you are
forced to move five feet (counter clockwise if you
spun left, clockwise if you spun right).
SPUN OVER THE EDGE: If the foe’s
movement spins him into a falling situation, he is
allowed another Reflex save (DC 15) to catch himself.
NO ROOM TO SPIN: If there is no room
to spin him, treat this attack as a twist (see below).
TWIST: You savagely twist your weapon in the
wound of your impaled foe (melee weapons only).
This automatically inflicts an additional amount of
damage equal to that normally caused by the weapon
(not including your Strength modifier).
Your savage cut may have struck an artery. Your
opponent is allowed a Reflex save (DC 10 + damage
dealt) to negate this additional effect. If he fails, he
begins bleeding to death at the rate of 1 hp per round
until either he is magically healed or the Heal skill is
successfully used on him (DC 20). If he rolls a critical
failure (1) on his save, his blood loss equals 2 hp per
NO BLOOD: Bleeding damage has no
effect on constructs, oozes and undead (except
vampires), or any other creature without blood.
FATE POINT: For 1 FP, you may choose to inflict
one bonus effect from the following list of options:
You detect and exploit a weakness in your opponent’s
Armor Failure: Your blow caused straps or
buckles to become broken in your oponent’s armor,
lowering his DR by -2 until it is repaired (10 sp).
Shield Failure: You cleave through and
destroy his shield. He immediately loses its Parry
bonus. He must drop his shield.
Helmet Failure: You give him a ringing
blow to the head and blood drips into his eyes,
temporarily blinding him for the remainder of the
No Protection: If he is not wearing any
protective gear, then you cause his clothes to rip and
tear, causing him a -1 penalty to his Dodge DV this
round while he is thus distracted. If he is not wearing
clothes (or has only a loincloth or similar scanty
attire), he suffers no ill effect (aside from your critical
hit damage).
You perform a critical hit as normal in Conan, but you
also have a chance to do a SUPER-CRITICAL.
Your mighty blow stands a chance to beat your
opponent back in melee; your opponent is allowed a
Reflex save (DC 10 + damage dealt) to negate this
additional effect. If he fails, he is knocked backwards
5 feet. If he rolls a critical failure (1) on his Reflex
save, he is knocked back five feet and knocked prone.
backward movement pushes him over into a falling
situation, he is allowed another Reflex save (DC 15)
to catch himself.
is no room to knock him back, he instead takes your
Strength mod as bonus bludgeoning damage
(minimum bonus of +1), as you catch him “between a
rock and a hard place”.
FATE POINT: For 1 FP, you may choose to inflict
one bonus effect from the following list of options:
ARMOR BUSTER: You have three options: 1)
Automatically cave in, destroy and knock off your
opponent’s helmet; or 2) reduce his armor’s DR by a
number of points equal to your Strength modifier
(applies to breastplates and plate armor only); or 3)
brutally batter and bend his shield out of shape so that
he immediately loses 50% of its Parry bonus.
KNOCK-OUT: Automatically knock-out a minor
NPC (level 1-3). The NPC remains unconscious and
prone for a number of round equal to 3 + your
Strength modifier (minimum knockout of of 1 round if
you have a Strength modifier penalty).
STUN: Automatically stun an experienced NPC (level
4+) who fails his Reflex save vs. your Super-Crit. The
opponent remains stunned for 1 round, unable to
attack but able to defend himself.
You run your opponent through (not necessarily in a
vital spot). Your opponent is allowed a Fortitude save
(DC 10 + damage dealt) to negate this effect. If he
fails, he is impaled by your weapon (-1 attack,
damage, skill checks, saving throws, dodge and parry).
The weapon cannot be removed by anyone except by a
Strength check (DC 10 + damage dealt). Each round
the weapon remains in the wound where the target
does not remain absolutely still causes 1 hp in
additional damage; removing the weapon inflicts the
weapon’s normal damage (with no Strength modifier),
or half its normal damage for arrows and bolts.
FATE POINT: For 1 FP, you may choose to inflict
one bonus effect from the following list of options:
SPIN: You use your melee weapon as leverage and
spin your impaled foe either left or right, into an
adjacent foe. Roll to hit normally; you inflict normal
weapon piercing damage (no Strength modifier) to the
impaled foe and 1d4 bludgeoning damage to the
adjacent foe struck by the impaled one. All of you are
forced to move five feet (counter clockwise if you
spun left, clockwise if you spun right).
SPUN OVER THE EDGE: If the foe’s
movement spins him into a falling situation, he is
allowed another Reflex save (DC 15) to catch himself.
NO ROOM TO SPIN: If there is no room
to spin him, treat this attack as a twist (see below).
TWIST: You savagely twist your weapon in the
wound of your impaled foe (melee weapons only).
This automatically inflicts an additional amount of
damage equal to that normally caused by the weapon
(not including your Strength modifier).
Your savage cut may have struck an artery. Your
opponent is allowed a Reflex save (DC 10 + damage
dealt) to negate this additional effect. If he fails, he
begins bleeding to death at the rate of 1 hp per round
until either he is magically healed or the Heal skill is
successfully used on him (DC 20). If he rolls a critical
failure (1) on his save, his blood loss equals 2 hp per
NO BLOOD: Bleeding damage has no
effect on constructs, oozes and undead (except
vampires), or any other creature without blood.
FATE POINT: For 1 FP, you may choose to inflict
one bonus effect from the following list of options:
You detect and exploit a weakness in your opponent’s
Armor Failure: Your blow caused straps or
buckles to become broken in your oponent’s armor,
lowering his DR by -2 until it is repaired (10 sp).
Shield Failure: You cleave through and
destroy his shield. He immediately loses its Parry
bonus. He must drop his shield.
Helmet Failure: You give him a ringing
blow to the head and blood drips into his eyes,
temporarily blinding him for the remainder of the
No Protection: If he is not wearing any
protective gear, then you cause his clothes to rip and
tear, causing him a -1 penalty to his Dodge DV this
round while he is thus distracted. If he is not wearing
clothes (or has only a loincloth or similar scanty
attire), he suffers no ill effect (aside from your critical
hit damage).