Suggestions Needed: Gen Con 2008...


Good Morning, All:

As usual, the wheel of the year turns and once more we are at the point where I must consider ideas for the adventures I will be running at Gen Con Indy this summer. Event submission begins in a few weeks, and in order to insure a place for my games, I will have to submit them quickly.

This year, I thought I'd do something new, and ask you guys what you would like to see as a Convention adventure that can be run from beginning to end in 4-6 hours. Are there any scenarios you'd like to explore? What kind of adventure would you want to sign up for?

I was thinking about some exploratory "missions" along a frontier, but if you guys would rather see something else, I am open to hearing your input. Feel free to choose your time period (Interstellar Wars, Classic Era, 1248, whatever), if it will help with your suggestion. If you want a "Return To..." style adventure that revisits an old classic, feel free to suggest it. Whatever it is, I'm open to hearing it. If it sparks my interest, too, I could be running your idea in August.

Basically, you have until the end of January, 2008, to post some ideas and concepts of games you'd like to see me run at Gen Con (again within the 4-6 hour time constraint). I'll choose the ones that seem to get the most support or spark the most enthusiasm within me, and I'll take the ideas from there, fleshing three of them out into full adventures for the Con.

So here's your chance to help decide what scenarios I will run at Gen Con. I look forward to your input.

With Regards,
Flynn said:
As usual, the wheel of the year turns and once more we are at the point where I must consider ideas for the adventures I will be running at Gen Con Indy this summer. Event submission begins in a few weeks, and in order to insure a place for my games, I will have to submit them quickly.

This year, I thought I'd do something new, and ask you guys what you would like to see as a Convention adventure that can be run from beginning to end in 4-6 hours. ...
Hi Flynn...

I'm not sure where in the country you are located in, but I'm in the same town as the webmaster for the site that hosts StellarReaches.

One of the best Traveller adventures I've ever played in was the CT adventure where we were private guards on some mining operation, the guy we were protecting got killed when a "worker's uprising" happened, and we had to escape to the starport by going overland in a small surveying vehicle while avoiding being captured. Was a great and different. I'd love to something along that line... different. No exploring some artifact/location from the ancients or just trade mission. Espionage, covert ops during a conflict, something like that.

Also, since I expect to be at Gencon but the only real time I'll be available is Friday night starting about an hour after the exhibit hall closes, (and I won't have info on my badge until I check into my hotel) if I could maybe get you to hold aside one slot so I could join in. {{hopeful Grin}}
ParanoidGamer said:
One of the best Traveller adventures I've ever played in was the CT adventure where we were private guards on some mining operation, the guy we were protecting got killed when a "worker's uprising" happened, and we had to escape to the starport by going overland in a small surveying vehicle while avoiding being captured.

Across the Bright Face, sounds like.
Sounds about right. I was just to lazy to get up for the 87th time in a few hours (I typically am on the sofa with the laptop on my lap, and it gets tiring getting up and down all the time).