Wouldn't this be a nice thing?
The city is described by REH himself in one of his real good stories; there is a lot of potential conflict: an old Stygian nobility, that revers Set, an alien occupation force (Turan), that is mighty, but with only small troops in the city, the dirty work is done by Shemitish mercenaries, all cower in fear, when the Darfari cannibals roam the night, the bestial cult of the ape-god Hanuman dominates the masses. Further there is no wall around the city, so Kozaks can come and go as they wish (espionage and raiding), the Road of Kings goes through town, so Khitan traders and wizards are not out of place.
I put this thread on the Publish forum, too: if you're interested, please second this, so Mongoose will maybe hear our pleading! :wink:
The city is described by REH himself in one of his real good stories; there is a lot of potential conflict: an old Stygian nobility, that revers Set, an alien occupation force (Turan), that is mighty, but with only small troops in the city, the dirty work is done by Shemitish mercenaries, all cower in fear, when the Darfari cannibals roam the night, the bestial cult of the ape-god Hanuman dominates the masses. Further there is no wall around the city, so Kozaks can come and go as they wish (espionage and raiding), the Road of Kings goes through town, so Khitan traders and wizards are not out of place.
I put this thread on the Publish forum, too: if you're interested, please second this, so Mongoose will maybe hear our pleading! :wink: