This sounds like good advice.
I wrote up this NPC for an adventure several episodes ago, and it took me 2 hours to write him up (was still writing him on one of the player's laptops while they were arriving that day!!!) I have him in a word doc w/ different text formats, blocked out in grey, with word comments for racial notes for skills, etc. This is more work than you'd most likely ever need to do, and this isn't even my big bad NPC nemesis guy!!!
§ Xopalun: male Stygian scholar 8 (AE p59-60)
Hit Dice: 8d6 (41hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft.
DV (Dodge): 14 (+3 level, +1 Dex)
DV (Parry): 12 (+3 level, -1 Str)
DR: 0
Attack: 6/1 Unarmed Strike +6 melee finesse; or Knife +6 melee finesse (1d4+1, Crit. x2, AP 0)
Magical Attack: +8 (+4 natural, +4 Charisma)
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +10
Corruption: 8… (-2 to saves, racial (p35); - to all CHA checks vs. Code of Honor, + vs. Corrupt characters, Demons, to Intimidate (pp189-191))
Special Qualities: Knowledge is Power (p59)
Abilities: Str 9, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 19, Wis 15, Cha 18…
Skills: Appraise +5, Bluff +7, Concentration +10, Craft: alchemy +11, Craft: herbalism +11, Decipher Script +10, Forgery +3, Gather Information +8, Handle Animal +4, Heal +3, Intimidate +9/+17…, Knowledge: Arcane +13, Knowledge: Local +3, Knowledge: Nobility +5, Knowledge: Religion +6, Listen +4, Move Silently +4, Perform: Ritual +10, Search +4, Sense Motive +7
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Stygian bow (+1 racial bonus to attacks) (p35), Iron Will (p112), Ritual Sacrifice (p117), Hexer (p110)
Languages: Stygian, Acheronian, Argosian, Darfari, Demonic, Hyrkanian, Iranistani, Keshani, Kothian, Kushite, Old Stygian, Shemitish
Spells: ~Curses – Lesser Ill Fortune (p197), Ill Fortune (p199); ~Divination – Astrological Prediction (p200), Sorcerous News (p201), Visions (p202); ~Necromancy – Raise Corpse (p210), Agonising Doom (p210), Death Touch (p212); ~Summonings – Summon Demon (p217), Demonic Pact (p217), Summon Demon (p219)
Possessions: Silk robes, with sandals about his feet, silver ritual knife (+2dmg (-1silver=+1dmg), magic-impermanence (p185)), 8 doses of the Black Lotus blossom (p225), 2 doses of Yellow Lotus resin (p226)
Description: Xopalun is a Stygian of moderate height and a thin, almost gaunt build. He has a dark smooth skin, with his head shaven. His eyes seem black. He bears a proud, sneering
In posting him, I expect to find a lot of replies with errors I've made here and there. I just copied & pasted him in here, boldfacing stats like I did in my word doc. (I couldn't exactly put in all the word format comments telling where stats come from, or special symbols that'd help me figure out what meant what using Insert/Symbol).
The reason I'm posting him is, well, I haven't looked at him since the guys killed his Stygian butt. But I wracked my brain trying to draft up the enemy I'd envisioned from the campaign's start, whom they would have to meet when they did, and assumed that they'd kill him or he'd TPK them. The Sorcerer in my Saturday party doesn't look on these boards, if he did he'd be surprised at his writeup vs. what he'd assumed (he assumed Xopalun was much higher level than 8, and thought he was tougher than his teacher, which was untrue, but that's what happens when players make assumptions instead of investigating!!! :twisted: ).
Anyway, I never used to write up NPCs, got into it as my players heckled me for winging it so I complied and started writing things up.
What have I discovered? Basically what argo is suggesting. Don't wrack your brains killing yourself trying to make up a guy from scratch. I had this guy in mind before my very first adventure, and I just used storytelling style DMing to get the players together. The first time they met him, well, knowing the spells in the case of a sorcerer is important when you have players who question your moves, but for the work of making him up, I "played his writeup" for at most 20 minutes.
Use argo's advice. Hope this helps.