SST Evo Open Day - Sept 30th


Staff member
Hi guys,

We have a preview of Starship Troopers Evolution planned for the 30th September, at our Swindon offices. We can still squeeze one or two more people in, so if you are interested, and have a few SST models, drop me a line at
Why, oh why does every minis company have to be based in England?

One day I'll get there though!

I really don't have anything more to add.
Anyone coming to this Open Day, the now customary (for ACTA tourneys and Open Days) meet up in the cafe up the road for breakfast is being planned on this thread:
I'll be there too, although it'll have to be an early start for me to drive up from Portsmouth, so I'll probably miss the pre-opening festivities at the cafe.
damn cant make this weekend as my GF is moving in and im driving the van !!!


so pleaseeeeee some one,,,, get some pics,,,lots of pics.......

hope you guys have a good time.

next time,, next time.. il be there :)
Just started a thread here:

To see who;s coming along, who's joining us for breakfast and who's up for drinking afterwards.

Oh and if anyone has a flourescent green fiddle, bring it along for afterwards :lol:

Shame I cant come afterwards. I could drink with a meal now!
:D :p

But I have drinking in fields next to the thames to do :)