Spot the difference between Atlantean edition and the 1:st



Just wondering how you spot the difference between them? Don't want to buy the old one now when I've decided to try it out. :D

Look on the bottom of the cover and it should say Atlantean Edition. If you look at the picture on the Conan page you can see the brown lettering on the rocks that Conan is standing on.
Thanks for you reply. Now I can finally get my hands on it.
The cover has the "Atlantean Edition" thing at the bottom, but the spine is also different in that it does not have the OGL grphic at the top of the spine and the bottom does not have the Mongoose "MGP 7701" in the little yellow-orange box. The map on the interior cover is differnt to the original printing, but easier to spot is that the masthead page (the first page with the table of contents and copyright info) is all Table of Contents and doesn't have Paul's and Ian's dedications there.

I found mine yesterday and I'm best X-mas present so far...

Nobody. Just walked into my local game store and there it was...gleaming on the shelf. :lol: