At last I managed to battle-test this PrC vs armoured PCs. Player's average lvl was 6, and there were three of them. They had DRs of 6, 8 and 11, respectively. There was a soldier and two multiclassed soldiers.
Sent three foes versus each of them. They were 4 lvl Scholar/1 lvl Scarlet Circle (2) and a 4 lvl Scholar/2 lvl Scarlet Circle. And there was also a 4 scholar/6 Scarlet Circle leader who was supposed to be able to prepare his spells before entering the fight.
Players wiped out the low level Scarlet Circle without sweating. This included the 4 Scolar/2Scarlet Circle foes. Only the player with DR 6 was hurt, but overall damage was negligible. Of course, the fact that one of the players had Great Cleave and used a greatsword could have something to do with this.
The 4 Scholar/6 Scarlet Circle managed to raise his DV via Darting Serpent and used Web of Death all the way, until he decided to employ Gelid Bones in one of the PCs. At this moment he had all of his men, and his blows had not taken down the DR 8 PC, as he was a PC with a very high Parry Bonus and he didn' manage to land at him more than two finesse attacks, if I recall correctly. However, he did real damage to this PC, and perhaps could have won, were he not surrounded by PCs.
The player attacked with Gelid Bones (that of DR 11) was brought down at last, but this was a useless gesture as this round he was struck by a Two Weapon Strike player... which ended in Massive Damage and death.
Sorry for the dryness of the report, (I'm not so confident in my English to tell it in story terms, you know, with dialoges and all) but I think the point is made: There are some weaknesses in the class, at least at low levels. A 4Sch/2SC character can be finished as easy as a 2 lvl Soldier.
The 4Sch/6SC concept was powerful, just not enough to fight three fight oriented players at the same time.
Next time I will try the 4 Sch/8Scarlet Circle I have prepared. Now this seems more threatening (based on his stats, at least). 8)
I will tell you the results whenever I carry it out (current work load makes impossible for me to know when, but I hope I don't get as delayed as Mongoose :lol: ).
Of course, if there's any question about this first test, please tell me...