Sons of Cimmeria -- 1st and 2nd printing


I am sure you have all seen this already since it is reported on, but it is official word from Matt Sprange regarding the 2nd printing and those who bought the 1st. This is from the following thread: HERE

Feeling a little disenchanted with the first printing of Conan? Don't worry too much - we are currently looking into launching the Sons of Cimmeria program. What this will basically be is a 'private' club for those who bought the first printing, and will give access to all sorts of bits and bobs we would not normally offer, some freebies and (cross fingers) a discounted second printing rulebook. We just need to square a few things away, but look out for an announcement soon.

I for one am proud to be a customer. :)
I saw it too. The typos didn't upset me too much; I have yet to find any rpg product without them. Although some of them were kind of amusing. I thought the OGL somehow prevented Mongoose from using the word "spellbook" and they were forced to use "spellb.ook" instead. :)

The binding on my copy is a little soft and mushy. So I will definitely jump on board if it looks good.
Yuan-Ti said:
I am sure you have all seen this already since it is reported on, but it is official word from Matt Sprange regarding the 2nd printing and those who bought the 1st. This is from the following thread: HERE

Feeling a little disenchanted with the first printing of Conan? Don't worry too much - we are currently looking into launching the Sons of Cimmeria program. What this will basically be is a 'private' club for those who bought the first printing, and will give access to all sorts of bits and bobs we would not normally offer, some freebies and (cross fingers) a discounted second printing rulebook. We just need to square a few things away, but look out for an announcement soon.

I for one am proud to be a customer. :)

Groovy! Having heard this I feel this monkey can get off thier backs and let them do thier jobs! :D :D :D
That is wonderful news. Although not official yet, I sure hope this comes through.

Thanks for posting this here Yuan-Ti.
I would have missed that statement.
slaughterj said:
So what do I get for buying 2 copies of the 1st edition? ;)

A Medal of Mongoose Honor!
Hm, how I'm supposed to prove, that I'm have bought the 1st ED? I have bought my copy from my retailer in Germany. I'm hoping I can become a Son of Cimmeria :)
King_Kull said:
Hm, how I'm supposed to prove, that I'm have bought the 1st ED? I have bought my copy from my retailer in Germany. I'm hoping I can become a Son of Cimmeria :)

I am sure they will have some way to prove your purchase. Although, you may have to mar your beautiful book in order to do so...
Whoa! There's nothing official yet about any of this. Matt said they are working on it. I should not have suggested they will require us to cut something out of our books because maybe they won't. I was just speculating they will have some way to ask us to prove we have them if it will indeed be a special club for 1st printing purchasers.

Apologies if I have confused this in any way and if I have people thinking bad thoughts. :oops:

We should all be happy!
I got my receipt from my mail order, so I'm good or I assume I'm good. Liked the sound of the club idea though.

"You know the riddle of steel?"
Lando The Archmagi
This is an excellent idea, and a generous one at that. You folks at Mongoose are bending over backwards for your customers, and I, for one, appreciate it.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!


Yes, if you want another book at %40 retail plus shipping, you will have to mar the one you have.

If you just want other goodies, you send to the email they provide.