Lokhuzor said:
Nobody to reply to my questions ??
Well, you did address them directly to August

If you're looking to get his attention it might be worth putting "A question for August or other Mongoose staff" or something in the subject line so he knows to read the post.
I will do what I can in his stead (that sounds familiar from somewhere, although he's certainly not my dead older brother), tho' I be but a humble shopkeeper and part-time writer unfit to even consider the very attempt to fill those enormous shoes, even for just one post
Lokhuzor said:
1/ I would like to command the Lone Wolf character packs. Where could I find them in France ?
Your best bet is to order them direct from Mongoose. They're trickling into the retail chain slowly, but do not appear to be widely available for at least another month. Of course, you may find the occasional exception, but for a guaranteed service go straight to Mongoose's online store.
Lokhuzor said:
2/ When the next supplement is available ? "Might of Magnamund" ? And what is planned after ?
I'm not sure what is next, but I can tell you that hopefully around the second half of this year there ought to be a whole bunch of LW scenarios - there was a call not long back for freelancers to help out here, with a deadline of end of March for manuscripts. Allow around 4-6 months for these to be edited, proofread, sent to the printer, get shipped to the warehouse, and enter distribution.
Lokhuzor said:
3/ And what about the availability of that big Lone Wolf Adventure ?
No sign yet, there was a hope it would be out in time for Christmas, but understandably Mongoose have to keep up with the work that puts food on their tables, and things like this have to be slotted in when and where they can.
Hope that helps!