So... What will YOU do?


Hey all from the resident noob

I've seen a fair bit of speculation as to what Mongoose will do in the future or what some think they should do in regards to space ship combat games. We are all sad to see ACTA moving on in a few weeks.

I'm wondering however, what you as a gamer are planning on doing July 1 and beyond? Will you continue to use 2e as written with P&P et al? Will you move towards fan-based mods and develop your own rules along with local players? Will you divest yourself of the game and move to another system? Or will you?????

Myself I'm in a bit of a bind. I know of no other local player, there was one, but I bought his ships off him. No LGS has any stock so no new players on the horizon. I started this game in order to add it to the games my new old boys gameclub will play once it gets (if it gets that is) going. That and I've always been a big Babylon 5 fan and have the DVD collection to back that up. Otherwise I can always have a couple friends over and I can share my fleets. I've tried to buy the rules from my LGS (they cancelled the order) and a couple of times from online traders etc but both deals fell through (one is apparently lost in the mail) so I may have to suck it up and pay full price before month's end (I'm sure Matt is happy to hear that :) ) but truth is my gaming budget is getting smaller in today's economics (having a new baby in 8 weeks doesn't help the finances either!)

To be honest though, I've also taken a look into the generic space combat game systems and then use my Bab 5 ships. If mongoose goes the way of generic space combat, I'm all over that as I like the way this company works (from what little I've seen). My LGS carries lots of Mongoose RPG's and a few I've talked to say they really like them. And this forum is a refreshing change from many others I've seen out there.

So, how about you? Where will you go from here?
To early to say, we still don't really know whats going to happen with the CTA rules, I will in all probability move onto another ruleset with fan made ships for it, although who knows, with a few changes and maybe a ship design section new CTA may well be the dogs proverbials
I'll be sticking with ACTA 2e for the forseeable future, unless someone produces v3 B5 content I think is far better. The Babylon 5 connection was what attracted me to the game in the first place, and I've a half dozen fleets I'm not going to sell off or stick in the back of a cupboard just because the game isn't being supported officially anymore.
Clanger and I are working on some homebrew Fading Suns/Noble Armada rules. But mostly we'll keep playing 2e. Even got a new recruit at the games club this week. :)
I've been working on getting a decent sized group playing this for the last 3 years or so, and we also have a new recruit who is happy to find a use for his old B5 wars ships, so I guess I'll keep playing for as long as I have people to play against.

I like this system. It's fun, easy to teach, and lends itself to some cool gaming moments. There are a few issues, but hey, when arn't there.
I've managed to get my hands on the Agents of Gaming ship data sheets and have been working on converting the ships that aren't in the rule book or P&P into working ACTA ship stats...

It can be hard since some of the ships have deviated from what appears to be the normal conversion methode I have derived using exsisting ships and the AoG data sheets. My little gaming group is looking forward to when I have completed the work.... though it is going to be horribly unofficial. I am also going to do up counters for all those ships that don't have them. Now I that I have the Omicron too (thanks Matt) I can make the counter for it too. :D
I'll keep playing when the opportunity presents itself. We have several B5 players locally and more within an hour's drive so hopefully finding a game won't be too hard. It will be easier if 3E has a ship builder formula so we can convert ships, but I guess we'll have to wait and see. I am debating placing a last order with IWM for a couple more ships before EOM, but we'll see how much money I have left after paying bills in the next few days.

Cheers, Gary
Joe_Dracos said:
hmm, would you like some of the material I have gathered. I have some early years ships for those races. Even the Yolu.

be great to see it - I have some of the AOG stuff which have been using as well for information / inspirtation - - we could swap info?
I'lls stick to ACTA 2nd ED as far as there will be no better B5 Cons under CTA V3. Starmada got me attracted a bit :oops: