Thalran Korisha
Let me start by declaring my love of RQ2, this should set the context for my post.
I was realy excited when i heard about the RQ4 and was praying for good things, some of which i have recieved!
things i really like!
I like the new damage system, it balances out the problem of trying to get a 2d6 damage bonus so they can punch threw walls.
I like the armour penalties to dex based skills including combat, it means there is now a purpose to lightly armoured characters.
I like the new rune system for battle magic, it brings runes to the for.
Thing i might grow to like. I have yet to play the system in to any great lengths but i think i could grow to like:
The simplification of attack/parry skills, why have two stats
The character generation and profesion system, seems comprehensive and fun.
the system for rune magic, not sure about the reason for characters having to pay hard cash etc when half there money goes to the cult anyway.
Which brings me to things i am worried about.
Rune Priests, why would you ever want to be one? are there any benifits over an initiate,
Runelords again they don't feel different enough to initiates to me, although they do get the DI role which is good
Sourcery: yuk! (just a personal thing)
Cults, What is going on with the RQ3 cults light business. I like my cults to be fleshed out. Quality not quantity. I am really worried that cults are going to get the same treatment as they did in RQ3. I my opinion they are the key to RQ, they are what players strive to achieve,skimp on these and you risk making the whole RQ4 experiance into just another RP fantasy game. You know go out kill things get stronger kill bigger things.
SO at the moment i am about to start running a RQ4 campain, i will run it warts and all to start with,hopefully the players and me will have a blast!
But please, please don't skimp on the cults, i would rather by 3 books with ten fleshed out cults in each of them than one book with 60 micky mouse cults.
Death to the red Moon
P.S. Thanks for your time!
I was realy excited when i heard about the RQ4 and was praying for good things, some of which i have recieved!
things i really like!
I like the new damage system, it balances out the problem of trying to get a 2d6 damage bonus so they can punch threw walls.
I like the armour penalties to dex based skills including combat, it means there is now a purpose to lightly armoured characters.
I like the new rune system for battle magic, it brings runes to the for.
Thing i might grow to like. I have yet to play the system in to any great lengths but i think i could grow to like:
The simplification of attack/parry skills, why have two stats
The character generation and profesion system, seems comprehensive and fun.
the system for rune magic, not sure about the reason for characters having to pay hard cash etc when half there money goes to the cult anyway.
Which brings me to things i am worried about.
Rune Priests, why would you ever want to be one? are there any benifits over an initiate,
Runelords again they don't feel different enough to initiates to me, although they do get the DI role which is good
Sourcery: yuk! (just a personal thing)
Cults, What is going on with the RQ3 cults light business. I like my cults to be fleshed out. Quality not quantity. I am really worried that cults are going to get the same treatment as they did in RQ3. I my opinion they are the key to RQ, they are what players strive to achieve,skimp on these and you risk making the whole RQ4 experiance into just another RP fantasy game. You know go out kill things get stronger kill bigger things.
SO at the moment i am about to start running a RQ4 campain, i will run it warts and all to start with,hopefully the players and me will have a blast!
But please, please don't skimp on the cults, i would rather by 3 books with ten fleshed out cults in each of them than one book with 60 micky mouse cults.
Death to the red Moon
P.S. Thanks for your time!