Sneak attack with two weapon fighting


Hello guys, in my conan campaign setting there is a thieve who uses two weapon fighting (2 daggers) when he sneaks the damage of the sneak attack will calculate both daggers? (i mean 1d8 + 1d8 for the extra attack of the off hand dagger) or will be just one 1d8 from the first strike?thank you!:)
In conan the rpg campaign setting it sais that thief is not profficient with two weapon fighting, but on this forum i saw you guys said that everyone is profficient to use two weapon fighting, so i guess that the thief of 2nd level also could use it with no penalty right? :)

Thank you SableWyvern for you reply:)
Not everybody is proficient with 2-weapon combat. So if your thief is a straight thief, then he would suffer 2-weapon combat non-proficiency penalties. This would not invalidate his ability to apply sneak attack damage to both attacks. However, as in my own case, I have a soldier1/thief 1 character, an he IS proficient with 2-weapon fighting from his soldier level. This could also work with a (barabarian, borderer, or nomad)/Thief combination. He also simply take the feat to gain the proficiency.
Cimmerian said:
In conan the rpg campaign setting it sais that thief is not profficient with two weapon fighting, but on this forum i saw you guys said that everyone is profficient to use two weapon fighting, so i guess that the thief of 2nd level also could use it with no penalty right? :)

Thank you SableWyvern for you reply:)

You are misled. Whilst pretty much every warrior style class does start with the two-weapon combat proficiency, the Thief doesn't.

Neither does the Noble or Scholar.
There is a Two Weapon Fighting Feat, which you need to negate the majority of the penalty for using 2 weapons, but any character can pick up two weapons and use them with minimal penalty if the off-hand weapon is light. A light off-hand weapon and the 2WF feat reduces all the penalty to zero.