Slayer's Guide and Encyclopaedia Arcane Compendiums...


Hello Mr. Sprange and crew,

First time poster, I hope you'll forgive me for not having the time to navigate through 26 pages of posts to see if this question has been answered in another thread...

Does Mongoose intend to publish more Slayer's Guide and Encyclopaedia Arcance compendiums? I'd rather spend my money on updated compendiums than have to buy each volume separately.

Thanks in advance for your time, and keep up the good work!


-- TwiceBorn
as far as I am aware the answer is no goose seems to have so many new projects on the go that it seems unlikly but a offical answer would be great :D
msprange said:
We have no immediate plans for further Compendiums on these titles.

That's a disappointment, but thanks for the providing me with the official reply... and my apologies for not checking these boards in a while!
lastbesthope said:
Reborn said:
But I want more comedy Slayer's Guides :(

Ah well, still got Games Masters and Munchkins to get my hands on.

You mean Female Gamers, there is no Slayer's guide to Munchkins AFAIK.


Or he could be referring to Rules Lawyers.

I believe the complete list of parody products is:

Slayers Guide To Female Gamers (Jim Desborough)
Slayers Guide To Rules Lawyers (Jim Desborough)
Slayers Guide To Games Masters (Me)
Encyclopedia Arcane: Nymphology (Jim Desborough)
The Quintessential Temptress (Jim Desborough)
HEy Jonny, long time no see.

He's not referring to Rules Lawyers because that;s the one I made him buy :lol:

I'll need to see about Nymphology and Temptress though. Were they ever in print or pdf only?

lastbesthope said:
HEy Jonny, long time no see.

Well I've been around... :)

lastbesthope said:
He's not referring to Rules Lawyers because that;s the one I made him buy :lol:

I'll need to see about Nymphology and Temptress though. Were they ever in print or pdf only?


I'm pretty damn sure that Nymphology was PDF only. Don't kow about Temptress.
Hey Jonny,

I ranm into Bog Boy at the Bristol Comic Expo in May, didn't aee you there though.

From the blkurb on the site Temptress was pdf only as well.

both were too rude to print but very funny have had to order blue magic 3 times due to buggers not giving it back and then leaving the country :evil: