Slaine - A Role-Playing-Game of Celtic Heroes - About Dwarves

I was wondering if anybody has homebrewed extra information about Dwarves that wasn't given in any of the source books. What I do know about them is that they are more like goblins in appearance (Warhammer Fantasy Goblins) and they are descended from Elves. They are not exactly like the Dwarves of Tolkien universe. They don't always have facial hair or even great big beards and their origins are unknown. I'm not sure if they have a hidden city some where in Tir-Nan-Og, but I would love to know where they congregate exactly?
Here's what I now got since, I did some research of my own. Honestly, it's not my work and what I did do myself is based on the work of Slaine author Pat Mills and Ian Sturrock author of the official role-playing game of Slaine. I read a bit, and then some more from books I own and what the internet had to offer and then prompted a question to an A.I. Story Writer (Yes, I know it's a bad thing to do, but I felt alone here...) to see what insightful know it would offer me on top of using everything, I put into prompt...(these are my own words)

Dwarves that roamed Tir-Nan-Og are what became of the Fey or the Sidhe that stayed in the mortal realms after the sinking of Atlantis. With that, their fey powers dwindled and they became likened to a degenerate species of short humanoids with rat like features. The Dwarves of Tir-Nan-Og. While some mingled with the Titans. A prosperous race of Giants. From there they became the more classic dwarves known as Titan-Dwarves. Proud and noble craftsmen, guardians of ancient lore and keepers of earth's secrets with stout bodies and long thick beards...

There is more...

On a related note... this is what I have thought about the Tuatha-De-Dannan (Celtic Gods and Goddesses including thunder thighs herself... ) and the Sidhe were in their hey day and hypothesized that according to Pat Mill's Slaine. They must have occupied the great island and city of Atlantis in their own separate regions along with the mortal peoples. Who soon became the Inhabitants of Tir-Nan-Og after Atlantis sunk. They entered their own El-worlds or the Celtic Otherworld or Annywn. Those of the Tuatha-De-Dannan that stayed in the mortal realms became demi-god (but mortal...) heroes, and those Sidhe that stayed in the mortal realms became... You can see where this is going... the degenerate race of Dwarves. While some of those Dwarves mingled with the Titans (Perhaps former inhabitants of Atlantis themselves...) to become the less degenerate Titan-Dwarves of Slaine's day on Tir-Nan-Og.
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I may have erred in that I have said that the Tuatha-De-Danaan are the Celtic Gods & Goddess's including the Earth Mother. Which I learnt from books of mythology and internet wikis. However, it clearly states in the rules the name was given to the four tribes that established the four cities in the north and brought with them the treasures of Atlantis...

Of course, I would need to reread the entire Slaine saga to be sure Pat Mills agrees with the official role-playing game here and I'm not blaming authors (and myself included...) because I'm am sure Celtic myth is subject to flights of whimsey. It need never have to make sense, but just needed further explanation about Dwarves, the Fair-Folk, the Gods and Goddess's... :)
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Well, there you have it. It's written in the afterward of the very first Slaine Graphic Novel (Warrior Dawn). I was wrong or maybe Pat Mills was not really being clear if the First People or Tribe of Danu are Gods and Goddess's or not and saying so on purpose. But his words are cannon and so are Ian Sturrock's words, So it's unanimous. But still not quite clear and I will stick with my version because it suits me fine...ApplicationFrameHost_MKnXGqc2D5.png
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Slightly off topic question about the world of Slaine...

Would anybody here agree that Atlantis and Tir-Nan-Og are the same landmass where it forms the very tip of the sunken island/city or was Atlantis further west of Tir-Nan-Og separating bother lands completely?

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The more I read about this and reread what I just read. The more I believe I was wrong with what I thought was cannon to Slaine's world for a very long time... How embarrassing. I could just delete everything I wrote up here today, but I will leave it that way. It does change the game for me a lot. Knowing stuff is now different from how I thought it was.