How would you stat Wolf's Sword?
In the game books its +5 to CS, though against the dragonlord it's +7CS, it shoots an arc of lightning at Kekataag's feet with no apparent effect, and Naar is afraid of the sword's ability to "wound and weaken him" (as opposed to the sommerswerd's ability to kill him).
I'd say +2 superior, +3 magical broadsword, maybe some sort of additional effect against subtype:evil creatures? I dunno, +2d6 damage or 1d10 Con damage or something?
In the game books its +5 to CS, though against the dragonlord it's +7CS, it shoots an arc of lightning at Kekataag's feet with no apparent effect, and Naar is afraid of the sword's ability to "wound and weaken him" (as opposed to the sommerswerd's ability to kill him).
I'd say +2 superior, +3 magical broadsword, maybe some sort of additional effect against subtype:evil creatures? I dunno, +2d6 damage or 1d10 Con damage or something?