Hello All,
Just thought I'd pop in and say hello. Thanks to everyone here who had such nice things to say regarding my Xuthal article. Really glad you guys liked it. Rereading it myself, I began to wonder... Just jitters I guess.
Anyway, let's see
Rene wrote:
1. On p.16 it is said that the entire race is sterile. This is wrong according to Thalis who prophesies that in few generations they will be extinct. The context implies that Xuthalan generations are meant, not generation in the sense of "a few decades".
Well, I kinda disagree here. My understanding was that Thalis meant that it would take generations for the present 'generation' of Xuthalans to die out -- this because they prolong their life via the lotus wine. Since this is the case, and they are slowly being killed off by Thog, eventually they will be extinct. Of course, this will take longer than would ordinarily be the case for those unable to produce, because they prolong their lives unnaturally.
Rene wrote:
2. Thog is IMO overpowered. This guy has not only DR 8, but 6 good devastating attacks, too. I can't imagine how even a 15th level Conan should have brought him down with just a sword in hand, a loincloth as armour and weakened from wandering in the desert and fighting a bunch of Xuthalans.
Maybe I'm too critical or the author wanted a Thog who is a challenging opponent to a whole PC group.
This could be true, but I think it is a bit amusing. I was actually a tad worried that Thog was underpowered. I mean if you compare him to the other Demon Lords in the core books, he is not quite in their league. Take Khosatral Khel for example, and in the Devil in Iron, Conan puts him down much quicker than Thog. True, he had the knife, put it still seemed kinda quick once he had it. It's a tough thing really, to translate into game stats, but i was pretty pleased all in all.