Signs and Portents and Lone Wolf



What issues of Signs and Portents do I need to purchase to get Lone Wolf stuff? Which ones have the coolest LW stuff?

I can already remind you that in the last 2 free and downloadable issues of S & P, you can find a really great couple of articles on the wildlands city of Port Bax, one of the first major spots you get to visit in the LW series.

The articles come stocked and loaded with maps, descriptions and stats.
And it rocks, too.

For the other issues, and already published stuff, can't help you, sorry...
Welcome to the boards, DonD.

Lone Wolf articles in S&P are:

Issue 21: The town of Tanoren
Issue 22: Vagabond NPC class, Adventure in Tanoren.
Issue 23: Toranese archer PC class (written by me!)

and in the free issues:
27 & 28: Port Bax
rorqual said:
on the wildlands city of Port Bax, one of the first major spots you get to visit in the LW series.

That should be "the Durenese city of Port Bax", but who's paying attention anyways. :wink:
Got a couple of quick questions;

Been looking through the list of S&Ps, and I found the following have Lone Wolf related material: 21-23, 27-28, 32-34. Did I miss any?

The other question is; are there electronic versions of 21-23 that can be purchased anywhere? I'm wanting to print all the Lone Wolf specific articles out and put them in a binder for easy reference. I'd hate to have to buy the print magazines just to take them apart and scan them; I'd rather buy the .pdf and skip that part.