I promised I'd do this a little while ago and I'm just now getting to it, here's the list of ships and when stuff becomes available in the Babylon 5 universe.
For this list it'll be listed by hull first, then variant, years in production, year the last ship will be retired, and when the last ship of that type was destroyed.
Artemis Heavy Frigate
Beta, 2180-2240, N/A, 2248
Zeta. 2242-2257, 2274, N/A
Avenger Heavy Carrier
Gamma, 2168-2242, N/A, 2246
Explorer Survey Vessel
Alpha, 2253-current, N/A, N/A
Hermes Priority Transport
Alpha, 2168-2268, 2277, N/A
Hyperion Heavy Cruiser
Theta, 2246-2262, 2268, N/A
Beta, 2217-2225, 2230, N/A
Delta, 2240-2245, 2272, N/A
Epsilon, 2246-2265, 2278, N/A
Gamma, 2230-2260, 2270, N/A
Lambda, 2257-2263, 2270, N/A
Zeta, 2246-2250, 2253, N/A
Nova Dreadnought
Beta, 2242-2254, 2270, N/A
Olyumpus Corvette
Delta, 2241-2249, 2271, N/A
Beta, 2229-2235, 2240, N/A
Omega Class Destroyer
Alpha, 2250-current, N/A, N/A
Beta, 2255-current, N/A, N/A
Gamma, 2259-current, N/A, N/A
Oracle Scout Cruiser
Gamma, 2216-2252, 2268, N/A
Orestes System Monitor
Epsilon, 2249-2256, 2266, N/A
Poseidon Supercarrier
Alpha, 2262-current, N/A, N/A
Sagittarius Missile Cruiser
Beta, 2230-2240, N/A, 2245
Tethys Police Cutter
Kappa, 2246-2268, 2279, N/A
Iota, 2243-2265, 2279, N/A
All in service dates are taken from Fleet Action, any dates that conflict with dates in the EA book are to be used however you want to use them.
I'll be sure to post other the other fleets after a while.
For this list it'll be listed by hull first, then variant, years in production, year the last ship will be retired, and when the last ship of that type was destroyed.
Artemis Heavy Frigate
Beta, 2180-2240, N/A, 2248
Zeta. 2242-2257, 2274, N/A
Avenger Heavy Carrier
Gamma, 2168-2242, N/A, 2246
Explorer Survey Vessel
Alpha, 2253-current, N/A, N/A
Hermes Priority Transport
Alpha, 2168-2268, 2277, N/A
Hyperion Heavy Cruiser
Theta, 2246-2262, 2268, N/A
Beta, 2217-2225, 2230, N/A
Delta, 2240-2245, 2272, N/A
Epsilon, 2246-2265, 2278, N/A
Gamma, 2230-2260, 2270, N/A
Lambda, 2257-2263, 2270, N/A
Zeta, 2246-2250, 2253, N/A
Nova Dreadnought
Beta, 2242-2254, 2270, N/A
Olyumpus Corvette
Delta, 2241-2249, 2271, N/A
Beta, 2229-2235, 2240, N/A
Omega Class Destroyer
Alpha, 2250-current, N/A, N/A
Beta, 2255-current, N/A, N/A
Gamma, 2259-current, N/A, N/A
Oracle Scout Cruiser
Gamma, 2216-2252, 2268, N/A
Orestes System Monitor
Epsilon, 2249-2256, 2266, N/A
Poseidon Supercarrier
Alpha, 2262-current, N/A, N/A
Sagittarius Missile Cruiser
Beta, 2230-2240, N/A, 2245
Tethys Police Cutter
Kappa, 2246-2268, 2279, N/A
Iota, 2243-2265, 2279, N/A
All in service dates are taken from Fleet Action, any dates that conflict with dates in the EA book are to be used however you want to use them.
I'll be sure to post other the other fleets after a while.