Shadows Sourcebook

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I was wondering when all the information on the Shadows and the Drauk are coming out. Mongoose knows that this is the one everyone is waiting for but I hope they don`t keep everyone waiting to long. Will the Drauk and the Shadows be presented in the same book or not? Do I have to wait until the 3rd season book comes out for Shadow stuff? 4th and 5th season books for Drauk stuff? Please answer if you can.

as i understood information about the drakh will be found in the centauri sourcebook ....
as to say if this wil cover all the ground about them, i don't think so ;););)

info about the shadows are most likely to be found in the sourcebook about the two ancient races ... but no release date as for now

Besides that, i'm fine !! ;) !!
Think before the shadows we need Centauri Narn and league of non aligned worlds. Shadows and Vorlorns should come after that point.
The drakh would show up in the Centauri book since after the last Shadow war some of the drakh moved onto Centauri Prime, hell some of them probably moved in when the Shadows did. This took place around the end of season 4/during season 5.
LoneStranger said:
The drakh would show up in the Centauri book since after the last Shadow war some of the drakh moved onto Centauri Prime, hell some of them probably moved in when the Shadows did. This took place around the end of season 4/during season 5.

This happens quite early season 4 - note we have the scene in "Lines of Communication" (I believe) where the Regent wakes up with his Keeper. The Drakh influence however isn't significantly built up until the fifth series.
Just out of interest, is there an author lined up for the Shadow & Vorlon suplement yet (and more importantly are they going to have access to the B5W "War of the Ancients" supplement)?
We have no set author at the moment (though August is a hot favourite) but it is on its way. A War of the Ancients type book is not on the cards right now, though this licence still has years to run, so you never know. . .
msprange said:
A War of the Ancients type book is not on the cards right now, though this licence still has years to run, so you never know. . .

I think you've misunderstood me there - I was suggesting that the AoG "War of the Ancients" should be required reading for anyone doing a Shadow & Vorlons supplement as there is a lot of background there on them all, including Shadow and Vorlon motivations, and just what the beef the Walkers of Sigma 957 have with the Vorlons is.
I think the Vorlons stole some lunch money from the Walkers and they've never forgiven the Vorlons for that, then there was the incident when the Vorlons laughed at a ship design that the Walkers created and.............

I don't know, I just had to say that.
Well if the walkers hadn't modeled their ship after a pac man icon, the Vorlons wouldn't have pointed and laughed so hard... I think they were most insulted when the Vorlons told them they couldn't go through their space with something that ugly.

Sorry had to throw in my two credits :)'s somethig different... two things in fact:
The Walkers had a nice toy they didn't want to share with the Vorlons; and the Vorlons then started a bitter agument about it (it is rumored that even Lawyers were involved! The Horror!)

And the Kirishiac once took a few things from the Walkers while they weren't looking; the Vorlons saw it, but instead of telling the Walkers like any good neighbor they just sat there giggling - and the Walkers never forgave them that. (hey, how would you think about a neighbor who merrily watched masked guys carry stuff out of your home instead of calling the cops?)

OK, so maybe there also was some bad blood about the Vorlons making fun of the Walkers ships... though personally I believe the point of argument was the little disco ball the Walkers put on their ship's bow instead of any possible resemblence to computer icons... :wink: :D
I think there was a girl involved.

The Walkers were going steady with the Krishniac Ladyships, but while they were off walking the Vorlons moved in and asked them out. The Ladyships were feeling lonely, so they went out with the Vorlons.

The Walkers never forgave the Vorlons and didn't speak to them for the next 20,000 years. They believed the Vorlons had betrayed them - kind of a Dark Knife in the back. :D
Greg Smith said:
I think there was a girl involved.

The Walkers were going steady with the Krishniac Ladyships, but while they were off walking the Vorlons moved in and asked them out. The Ladyships were feeling lonely, so they went out with the Vorlons.

The Walkers never forgave the Vorlons and didn't speak to them for the next 20,000 years. They believed the Vorlons had betrayed them - kind of a Dark Knife in the back. :D

There's just not enough groaning to cope with those in jokes :)