Shadows and Vorlons book ETA?

That was the same thing they said about "Wheel of Fire" back in 2004. It'll probably be 2006 b4 they get around to putting it out. Honestly, I'd rather see the Vorlons and Shadows sourcebook b4 "Free Mars," but I guess Mongoose finds Mars more exciting than the Vorlons and Shadows. :?
Mars is probaly a more useful book to have for role-playing campaigns, but for those who want more info on the big bads, S&V is essential.
Hopefully the abilities will be befitting the level of the First Ones.

Lorien projected Telepathically what Sheridan & Delenn experienced with the Vorlons and the Shadows to thousands of ships in the area :!:

Lorien, a P15...I think not :!:
scottmage said:
Lorien, a P15...I think not :!:

Lorien shouldn't actually get a P rating, seeing as he can pretty much do as he pleases; He's waaay beyond being merely "telepathic".

Besides, it's only the Vorlon's that are P15's ;)

The Mindriders I'd hate to think what their effective rating's were, the Triad more so...
frobisher said:
scottmage said:
Lorien, a P15...I think not :!:

Lorien shouldn't actually get a P rating, seeing as he can pretty much do as he pleases; He's waaay beyond being merely "telepathic".

Besides, it's only the Vorlon's that are P15's ;)

The Mindriders I'd hate to think what their effective rating's were, the Triad more so...

Actually in No Surrender, No Retreat (I don't have my book) it states that Lorien is a P15 and if he could do as he pleased...he would not have to have flown out in a White Star to help find the last of the First Ones. He could have just called them from B5, or sent a message to the Vorlons and the Shadows from B5 with Sheridan in the comfort of his quarters.... :roll:

Lorien is not all powerful, since he could not extend Sheridan's life more than 20 years.

The P15 limit is a "Human" limit. When Ironheart escaped and Bester was looking for him on B5, he stated "We're not sure. Mr. Ironheart is not what you or I would call human any more." Meaning that Ironheart had passed the P15 limit.

Mongoose did not want to place a stat on Vorlons or First Ones in general so a P15 would sound dangerous. The way the rules are set up, a P15 is only a little more powerful than a P12. In the show, a P15 should have been able to hold off say, a Psi Cop and his Bloodhound unit :wink:
scottmage said:
Actually in No Surrender, No Retreat (I don't have my book) it states that Lorien is a P15 and if he could do as he pleased...he would not have to have flown out in a White Star to help find the last of the First Ones. He could have just called them from B5, or sent a message to the Vorlons and the Shadows from B5 with Sheridan in the comfort of his quarters.... :roll:

Indeed, he could have done that, but the entire thing was about the younger races doing it. Lorien wasn't there to fix everything, he was there to facilitate the solution. There's a lot in that book I don't necessarily agree with regards the Ancients and their minions it must be said though...

You'll note how Lorien appears in "Sleeping in Light". Doesn't need a spaceship, and he "ascends" Sheriden.

scottmage said:
In the show, a P15 should have been able to hold off say, a Psi Cop and his Bloodhound unit :wink:

There's P rating and then there's experience - my money's on the Vorlon every time...
Just looked in NSNR for Lorien info, noticed that Number One's name is given as Tessa Holland, but int he season 5 ep where she shows up on station her name is given as Theresa (Tessa) Halloran.

Anyone know which is right?

lastbesthope said:
Just looked in NSNR for Lorien info, noticed that Number One's name is given as Tessa Holland, but int he season 5 ep where she shows up on station her name is given as Theresa (Tessa) Halloran.

Anyone know which is right?


As far as I know, the latter... at least every Number One reference I can find uses that name.
That's what I thought, Halloran is right, it's in the show (major deciding point) and in every source except the NSNR book that I have found so far. Maybe they'll correct it in Wheel of Fire?

scottmage said:
Great....can we get back to the First Ones?

Lorien was not all knowing, all powerful.

He wasn't all knowing or all powerful, but he was pretty powerful. He doesn't need ships to move around in, but created one for Sheridan to go along with him.

Barbara said:
Also his race didn't become immortal. They were naturally immortal.

Quite right! His race was the first naturally long lived. They were not immortal though;

Immortal - Not subject to death.

Lorien said that his people did get injured, sick and die. His people were very long lived. (I still think that Lorien was immortal since he could turn into energy, I doubt that his people could do that naturally) :wink: I think maybe he was being kind to Ivanova in his explanation about his race and that they could die, just like a having to almost nuke them to do so.

Kizarvexis said:
He wasn't all knowing or all powerful, but he was pretty powerful. He doesn't need ships to move around in, but created one for Sheridan to go along with him.

What?!?! You figure he just conjured up a ship for Sheridan? Granted when he left the White Star, he did change to an energy being and then headed out for beyond the Rim (no ship).
I was watching The War Prayer Season 1 and there is a Vorlon power or modification to a normal Telepathic Ability that I noticed.

Sinclair was speaking to Kosh:

Sinclair: Meanwhile it might be helpful if you spoke with the other ambassadors.
Kosh: We take no interest in the affairs of others.
Sinclair: Well I hope you'll reconsider. If you could give us a hand, we - [pause]
Kosh: Yes?
Sinclair: Nothing. We'll respect your wishes.
That's quite a viewer. I've never seen anything like it before. What is it?
Kosh: Efficient.
Sinclair: Those are images from my world. If I may ask, what are you -
Kosh: I am studying.
Sinclair: Studying what?
Kosh: [shuts down]

There is a look on Sinclair's face that his eyes glazed over just before he said "Nothing." It is the same kind of pause that the B5 security person did when Bester was Scanning him in Mindwar.

Either it was a form of Mind Control, where Sinclair thinks it is his idea to stop requesting Kosh intervene - similar to Idea Seed (see "Psi Corps book" ) or some kind of False Memory Implantation that is quick.

I suggest that it is handled similar to how Telepathic Abilities modifications are handled in the Psi Corps book. Idea Seed Immediate action +5 or +10 to the DC.
Anonymous said:
Sinclair: Well I hope you'll reconsider. If you could give us a hand, we - [pause]

That's your key phrase... Sinclair just realised he might have choosen an inappropriate expression given how Kosh was poisoned... ;)

I don't think there's anything in that scene that suggests telepathy - it's just Micheal O'Hare's acting style.

Also, his "realisation" is that despite the suggestion that they take no interest in the affairs of others, that's exactly what Kosh is doing, right in front of Sinclair...
If you watch the scene, you will see the blank stare, just before he agrees to honor Kosh's wishes.

This change of thinking does trigger a thought that Sinclair did not consider until after talking to Kosh. In the same episode, he states to Ivanova that Kosh was wearing an encounter suit and how did a poison get through the suit. Was it just and excuse to have Lyta have to touch him?

Kosh does it again in another episode that I will attempt to find, and not to a Vorlon Servant.