Shadizar : Review


Ok here it is the review:)
First of all the box set includes 3 books, a big map of shadizar, 4 location-maps-battle grids (serving for playing the adventure) and finaly many cards represending the NPC of the adventure.

1) The first book has title "Book I: Games Master's Guide" is a 95page book and includes a detailed info and introduction of Shadizar, within the pages you will find among the others, foreign cultures that influences the Zamorians, the way of living in Zamora, the clothes they wear, the culture, the position of women in society, slavery, trade and prostitution. There are also sample of thieves (just like Thunder River),illicit ventures and ofcourse the most important characters in Shadizar for example Tiridates the King Of Zamora.
Also you will find a detailed section about the districts in Shadizar inluding The Temple District the Craftsmen District and Merchant District and the most important characters you will in these districts.
There is also a section for the game master that helps him for his first game setting in Zamora, providing with details, tips and adventure scenarios.

2) The second Book ha title "Book II:Secrets Of The Streets" its a 31 page book that includes NPC samples for example: slavers,Poisoner,Gamblers, Merchants ecc. Within the pages you will also find new feats for thieves like brutal attack, concealed weapon, crush your enemy ecc. Also you will find a 9 page bestiary including a Gargantuan Dragon :D . At the end of this book there is a new prestige class The professional and a new race, the Kezankian Hillman

3) The third books has title "Book III:Dark Dens Of Iniquity" and its a 31 page adventure for high level campaign. The scenario is great and the last enemy is a huge threat for the adventurers:))) . :D

I cant wait to read the books so i'm leaving now and go to read:))
Hehe I sould thank you :D and i should thank all the team :)))) hehehe i am really happy to be the first that has the boxsex!! :D :D
Well the second book is verry important for a player because in this book he will find all the new feats for him:) and also there is a new prestige class there and a new class, this is very useful for characters:)
The first book is very important for the GM to know better the situation and the way of living in Shadizar, this will be essential for a player who wish to play a zamorian thief or any character from Zamora.
The Adventure as i can see its for characters 14+ level. The first encounters as i can see are not very difficult but the last encounter is a huge outsider demon 6/12 leve scholar :shock: that means 18 level :wink: it is very difficult hehehe
Well as i can see there are many worthy challenges;))) for example there is a soldier 4/thief 6 character (thiefs are always a difficult encounter :D ) hehe his sneak attack is 4d8 + 2 and his normal damage is 2d6 + 1 hehe so that means if he deals more than 20 damage (easy for him) the character has to roll a fortitude save or die:P .
Does say anything about why it's called "Shadizar the Wicked" in the REH yarns? Wicked as in Red Light District or as in Sorcery and Witchcraft?

Or a little of both? :)
Well Orkin i guess the first 3 lines of the first book will be the answere to your question:P
" Hopefully you have entered of your own free will and not as a slave, either to a person or to a vice. Regardless, I am sure you have no idea of the debauchery and villainy that await you .... " :twisted:
Hehe i leave the rest of the paragraph for you guys to read it :D
I am reading the books now and i prepare the adventure for my players and the best way to run an adventure in Zamora is without too much fighting, sorcery and monsters to kill but with treachery,mysterious murders and a lotttttttttttttttttttt of sex !:) hehehehe a good GM will be the one who will speak for hours describing and giving images to the players in low light with atmospheric music, the players must be terrorized and will leave the country as soon as possible:) this is Zamora:) the city of corruption, the "City of Wickedness" :D
Cimmerian said:
Well the second book is verry important for a player because in this book he will find all the new feats for him:) and also there is a new prestige class there and a new class, this is very useful for characters:)

Chaire, Cimmerian! Can you say a few words about the new class?
If I remember correctly, the PrC is "The Professional": the professional rogue, the professional whore, the professional craft-man...?
Mythos those cars are 7 and the first face rapresend the the NPC their image (this helps GM to show how the bad guys look like) and the other face of the card shows the statistics of the NPC.
René the Prestige Class is a 10 level class, the choises are....
1) Assasin
2) Bandit
3) Burglar
4) Confidence Artist
5) Cutpurse
6) Embezzler
7) Forger
8) Impersonator
9) Kidnapper
10) Mugger
11) Slaver
I am reading the books now and i prepare the adventure for my players and the best way to run an adventure in Zamora is without too much fighting, sorcery and monsters to kill but with treachery,mysterious murders and a lotttttttttttttttttttt of sex !

Which comes to mind, does the book give any tips about how to role-play devient sex? it's a role I'm not too comfortable sliding into. Role-playing sex between npc's and pc's that is.

In the past when a pc's made a pass at a wench, I just tell him his work paid off and he had an 'enjoyable' evening. Not too flavorful, but I don't feel the need to act out flirting or what not.

How do ya'll handle it?