Sand & Blood Part I
Ameer Balzu Shem Noble (Merchant)
Naseem Shem Soldier
Solongo Hyrkanian Soldier/Thief
Wafeeq Shem Nomad
Dirk Bossonian Soldier
Galacus Kothian Soldier
Cormac Cimmerian Barbarian
Hadeon Zamorian Thief
Damn the sand and damn this heat, why did you take this job? Then again an empty purse buy’s little drink and even less whores. Even so there must be an easier way of earning some silver than this. You had been in the city of Shushan where Naseem, a short, stocky shemite, who from the look of the scars had seen a fight or two, had approached you. He said he was looking for good, honest men, with a strong sword arm to guard a caravan for his master Ameer Balzu, a merchant from the city if Nippr. The pay was good and your purse was empty so the two would make good company. Even so this sand get’s in more place than a Zamorian whore.
The caravan moved slowly through the desert, the sun beating down on your backs, there is nought of interest, the expanse of sand is only broken up by the odd sand dune, palm tree and rocky outcrop. The only thing to break up this monotony is the crude banter with the other guards and the odd staring contest with a camel. Every now and then Naseem rides up and berates you, telling you to keep your eyes open and your wits about you, he also reminds you of the unknown riders who had now been spotted on two consecutive days.
Session 1 Summary
Two days from its destination the caravan befalls a small horde of Nomad raiders. The party valiantly tries to defend it. Dirk and Solongo enter into competition, as to who is the better archer. It would later be heard, that the Hyrkanian would say he had clearly won and would make several insults highlighting the incompetence of Bossonian archers and how they shoot better when hiding behind stone walls rather then when feeling the breath of their enemies on their face. The Bossonian was heard to reply with several insults about the Hyrkanians heritage and mother… Anyway Cormac entered a fighting rage and sent many a nomad to meet his god and even the Zamorian leapt onto the back of a nomads horses, killing it’s rider. Galacus was particularly lucky as his leather armour fended of a series of blows. Once the dust cleared Naseem rode up and told Dirk to take stock and find out what was stolen, men killed etc and to send out some outriders, to check the raiders have gone. Once things had settled down again, they where summoned to Ameer who gave them the job of recovering a girl called Rana, who had been kidnapped during the raid. Success meant wealth; failure meant being staked out in the desert. The caravan would continue to Nippr and the party would meet them there.
The party contained Naseem (Leader), Wafeeq (Tracker), Solongo (Annoying, but handy NPC), Dirk, Galacus, Cormac & Hadeon.
They headed off into the desert and after a brief encounter one night with some hungry Hyenas (weakened as they where mangy, hungry things and the party are 1st). They caught up with the nomads.
Hadeon stalked the camp that consisted of 3 tents surrounded by nomads, and a makeshift coral; he also spotted 2 guard posts on the ridge above the camp. He returned and they plotted their rescue.
Ameer Balzu Shem Noble (Merchant)
Naseem Shem Soldier
Solongo Hyrkanian Soldier/Thief
Wafeeq Shem Nomad
Dirk Bossonian Soldier
Galacus Kothian Soldier
Cormac Cimmerian Barbarian
Hadeon Zamorian Thief
Damn the sand and damn this heat, why did you take this job? Then again an empty purse buy’s little drink and even less whores. Even so there must be an easier way of earning some silver than this. You had been in the city of Shushan where Naseem, a short, stocky shemite, who from the look of the scars had seen a fight or two, had approached you. He said he was looking for good, honest men, with a strong sword arm to guard a caravan for his master Ameer Balzu, a merchant from the city if Nippr. The pay was good and your purse was empty so the two would make good company. Even so this sand get’s in more place than a Zamorian whore.
The caravan moved slowly through the desert, the sun beating down on your backs, there is nought of interest, the expanse of sand is only broken up by the odd sand dune, palm tree and rocky outcrop. The only thing to break up this monotony is the crude banter with the other guards and the odd staring contest with a camel. Every now and then Naseem rides up and berates you, telling you to keep your eyes open and your wits about you, he also reminds you of the unknown riders who had now been spotted on two consecutive days.
Session 1 Summary
Two days from its destination the caravan befalls a small horde of Nomad raiders. The party valiantly tries to defend it. Dirk and Solongo enter into competition, as to who is the better archer. It would later be heard, that the Hyrkanian would say he had clearly won and would make several insults highlighting the incompetence of Bossonian archers and how they shoot better when hiding behind stone walls rather then when feeling the breath of their enemies on their face. The Bossonian was heard to reply with several insults about the Hyrkanians heritage and mother… Anyway Cormac entered a fighting rage and sent many a nomad to meet his god and even the Zamorian leapt onto the back of a nomads horses, killing it’s rider. Galacus was particularly lucky as his leather armour fended of a series of blows. Once the dust cleared Naseem rode up and told Dirk to take stock and find out what was stolen, men killed etc and to send out some outriders, to check the raiders have gone. Once things had settled down again, they where summoned to Ameer who gave them the job of recovering a girl called Rana, who had been kidnapped during the raid. Success meant wealth; failure meant being staked out in the desert. The caravan would continue to Nippr and the party would meet them there.
The party contained Naseem (Leader), Wafeeq (Tracker), Solongo (Annoying, but handy NPC), Dirk, Galacus, Cormac & Hadeon.
They headed off into the desert and after a brief encounter one night with some hungry Hyenas (weakened as they where mangy, hungry things and the party are 1st). They caught up with the nomads.
Hadeon stalked the camp that consisted of 3 tents surrounded by nomads, and a makeshift coral; he also spotted 2 guard posts on the ridge above the camp. He returned and they plotted their rescue.