Sand & Blood Sessions


Sand & Blood Part I

Ameer Balzu Shem Noble (Merchant)
Naseem Shem Soldier
Solongo Hyrkanian Soldier/Thief
Wafeeq Shem Nomad
Dirk Bossonian Soldier
Galacus Kothian Soldier
Cormac Cimmerian Barbarian
Hadeon Zamorian Thief


Damn the sand and damn this heat, why did you take this job? Then again an empty purse buy’s little drink and even less whores. Even so there must be an easier way of earning some silver than this. You had been in the city of Shushan where Naseem, a short, stocky shemite, who from the look of the scars had seen a fight or two, had approached you. He said he was looking for good, honest men, with a strong sword arm to guard a caravan for his master Ameer Balzu, a merchant from the city if Nippr. The pay was good and your purse was empty so the two would make good company. Even so this sand get’s in more place than a Zamorian whore.

The caravan moved slowly through the desert, the sun beating down on your backs, there is nought of interest, the expanse of sand is only broken up by the odd sand dune, palm tree and rocky outcrop. The only thing to break up this monotony is the crude banter with the other guards and the odd staring contest with a camel. Every now and then Naseem rides up and berates you, telling you to keep your eyes open and your wits about you, he also reminds you of the unknown riders who had now been spotted on two consecutive days.

Session 1 Summary
Two days from its destination the caravan befalls a small horde of Nomad raiders. The party valiantly tries to defend it. Dirk and Solongo enter into competition, as to who is the better archer. It would later be heard, that the Hyrkanian would say he had clearly won and would make several insults highlighting the incompetence of Bossonian archers and how they shoot better when hiding behind stone walls rather then when feeling the breath of their enemies on their face. The Bossonian was heard to reply with several insults about the Hyrkanians heritage and mother… Anyway Cormac entered a fighting rage and sent many a nomad to meet his god and even the Zamorian leapt onto the back of a nomads horses, killing it’s rider. Galacus was particularly lucky as his leather armour fended of a series of blows. Once the dust cleared Naseem rode up and told Dirk to take stock and find out what was stolen, men killed etc and to send out some outriders, to check the raiders have gone. Once things had settled down again, they where summoned to Ameer who gave them the job of recovering a girl called Rana, who had been kidnapped during the raid. Success meant wealth; failure meant being staked out in the desert. The caravan would continue to Nippr and the party would meet them there.

The party contained Naseem (Leader), Wafeeq (Tracker), Solongo (Annoying, but handy NPC), Dirk, Galacus, Cormac & Hadeon.

They headed off into the desert and after a brief encounter one night with some hungry Hyenas (weakened as they where mangy, hungry things and the party are 1st). They caught up with the nomads.

Hadeon stalked the camp that consisted of 3 tents surrounded by nomads, and a makeshift coral; he also spotted 2 guard posts on the ridge above the camp. He returned and they plotted their rescue.

Sand & Blood Part II

Session Summary
At first the rescue went well, Galacus & Dirk made their way to the tents in the centre of the camp and even when Galacus raised the suspicion of a nomad they managed to bluff their way through (a handy 20 on bluff). Cormac & Hadeon moved stealthily into the coral and dispatched the two guards with ease. Then things then took a turn for the worse, while Galacus & Dirk were trying to check the tents, one of the guards noticed them and approached, Galacus went to greet the man and as he bowed in welcome, his headdress fell off (unhandy 1 on bluff), then all hell broke lose. Galacus engaged all 4 guards whilst Dirk went looking for the girl, by the time he had found her, Galacus had managed to despatch the guards, though he had taken several telling blows. Unfortunately for the pair a large nomad had appeared from one of the other tents and was shouting orders to a mass of nomads who where now heading towards them. Whilst this was going on Cormac & Hadeon released the horses and Naseem, Wafeeq & Solongo open fired into the camp. So with a combination of missile fire and stampeding horses Galacus & Dirk made to escape with the girls. Whilst escaping Galacus saved the Rana from being crushed by a horse but took the brunt of the blow. Naseem rode in with some horses, the girls, Dirk and Galacus rode off, but unfortunately Galacus was shot in the back during the final stages of escape. Luckily in his unconsciousness he manage to still cling to his horse.

For 4 days they travelled towards Nippr, whilst being chased by the nomads, they would have been caught had Solongo and Dirk not ambushed the chasing nomads and slowed them. Once within site of the city walls the nomads halted.

The group where taken straight to the house of Balzu in the merchants quarter, where it was discovered that Rana was the daughter of Akmid Balzu, head of the Balzu family. The group was welcomed as friends and treated as honoured guests. They were well rewarded and allowed to rest for several days and enjoy the hospitality of the Balzu family. Galacus received a ring from Akmid as a personal thank you for saving Ranas life, and Dirk was given one of the slave girls he had become fond of as his reward for the part he took in the rescue.

After several days the party was approached by Akmid whom whished to engage their services for the foreseeable future. The party discussed this and came to an agreeable fee for both employer and employees. Akmid said their first job was to go with his son and Naseem to the town of Jisp, they would be leaving tomorrow to conclude a deal. He wished them to accompany them and ensure the deal went smoothly and his son returned safely.

Sand & Blood Part III

Session Summary
The group readied themselves for the trip in the morning, some did this by packing and checking their gear, others thought it best to get drunk and check out the local whores. Morning came all to soon for some, and with a mixture of fresh faces and sore heads the party readied themselves to leave. They party was made up of Ameer (Akmids son), Faarooq (a new PC, Shemite Nomad, who is Naseems cousin), Aisil & Sadaf (two of Akmids men, under the command of Faarooq), Dirk, Galacus & Hadeon. The trip to Jisp would take about 2.5 days, and they took a camel, which carried supplies and tents. The trip through the desert passed un-eventfully except for 2 events. The first being when Hadeon whilst on guard on the first night spotted someone on a dune watching the camp. Hadeon attempted to sneak up on the spy, but he was ambushed and hit several times by arrows and forced back to the camp. By the time the camp had readied itself the spy had disappeared into the desert. The party considered going after the spy, but Ameer said the priority was getting to Jisp. The second event happened on the late afternoon when Faarooq spotted what seemed to be a scarecrow in the desert. He and Asil approached with great caution (caution is an understatement, I think he thought I was going to ambush him, it took him about 15 spot rolls before he got within 30 ft). It turned out to be a very badly beaten and sunburnt man, the man was unconscious and near death. Faarooq, tended to him and then returned to the group, they made camp early that night and did their best to keep him alive.

On the late afternoon of the third day they arrived in the town of Jisp, a fairly small town, with 2 gates and surrounded by a mud wall. Upon arrival Aisil & Sadaf were sent to secure some accommodation at the House of Lady Rhianna, whilst the group headed to a shop on the market square. The shop turned out to be owned by a fat and hawk faced Shemite called Abdul-Akmmer. Ameer handed over a sum of money and it was agreed that the goods would be delivered to the north gate tomorrow morning. The party spent an eventful night of gambling and whoring at Lady Rhianna’s, Hadeon spent time with the man they had rescued and discovered that he was called Anas and was a Scholar from Eruk and he had been attacked and robbed.

In the morning they headed for the north gate. Awaiting them was two ox carts laden with large urns, each had a leather skin that was sealed with wax. Dirk drove one, whilst Galacus slept of his hangover in the back and Aisil & Sadaf drove the other. The journey was uneventful and the party made camp, it was a cold, clear night and the moon gave good visibility. Whilst Galacus and Dirk were on guard, Galacus heard a faint chat being carried by the gentle breeze. As they both tried to locate its source, they heard a strange noise come from one of the carts and they went to investigate. As they approached they could detect a strong smell of spoilt wine and some other stench. They then spotted several of the Urns had cracked and a thick trail of slime led from the urn to the edge of the cart. Rather taken aback by this strange discovery Dirk went to wake the party. As he turned, a thick, leathery tentacle shot up from the sand and grabbed Galacus. Dirk shouted to wake the party and tried to shot the tentacle and missed (he in fact missed everything for the entire encounter, 16 rolls not 1 roll over 10). The party leapt to their feet at the shout, except for Aisil, Hadeon approached warily and notice his blanket was rippling, he pulled the blank off and discovered that Aisil was in the creatures tentacled embrace and being crushed to death. A fight ensued with several tentacles being severed, Hadeon tried in vain to save Aisil and he was pulled beneath the sand, several of the party were badly injured and Sadaf was knocked unconscious. Ameer was greatly revered as he managed to deal a lethal blow (did a max dmg crit) on what seemed to be the heard of the creature, which turned the fight in their favour. Ameer ordered the party to secure the camp and stormed off to decided their next move, in his eyes there was a glint of vengeance.

Sand & Blood Part IV

Cast Update
Ameer NPC Son of Akmid Balzu
Aisil NPC Guard killed the previous night
Sadaf NPC Guard currently unconscious
Dirk Bossonian Soldier
Galacus Kothian Soldier
Hadeon Zamorian Thief

The below are 2 floater players, who can’t every week, so they tend to come and go a bit.
Faarooq Shemite Nomad
Cormac Cimmerian Barbarian

Session Summary
The rest of the night passed without event and Ameer came out of his tent. He informed the party that they would be returning to Jisp. He ordered Hadeon to go to Lady Rhianna’s and explain to her they needed some discreet accommodation. Then he was to stalk Abdul-Akmmer see how protected he was, where he lived and when would be the best time to discuss his deception. Hadeon left for Jisp and Ameer explained that the group would conceal themselves within some of the casks and he would take them to Jisp. This way they could gain access the city without arousing to any suspicions.

Hadeon did as he was told, but upon arriving at Lady Rhianna’s discovered that their old room was burnt out. So Hadeon, decided it best gain accommodation elsewhere, he then went about the business of following Abdul-Akmmer (he had the foresight to pay a boy to tell Ameer what inn to go to). By evening Ameer and the rest of the party had arrived, and Hadeon had returned. Hadeon said the best place to take Adbul, was at his home as there weren’t any suitable places en-route where a conversion could be held without disruption. They decided to go that night, while the others prepped their gear, Dirk went to see what had happened at Lady Rhianna’s (he had taken rather a shine to this retired dancer…). After a bit of an argument about why he felt the need to invited arsonists into her house and was calmed with some apologises, cash and compliments. He was informed that the night after they left, the room was discovered ablaze. Anas the stranger they had found was missing and assumed to be the cause, the only strange thing was that the only room effected was that one and the blaze had died out of it’s own volition.

Late into the night the party left and cautiously made their way through town avoiding any patrolling guards. Upon arrived at Abdul’s house the thief hoped over the wall to the rear of the house. He and Cormac, moved like shadows down the side of the building, till they could hear conversation from the guards. The thief waved for the party to move up, unfortunately as they did so Dirk caught his long bow on the wall making a rather loud noise. The conversation inside stopped and Cormac assumed they had been discovered. Hadeon noticed the tenseness in the barbarian and tried to calm him. The barbarian thinking the worst threw off his grip, leapt over the wall and jumped throw the shuttered window (rather surprising 2 guards). A quick and lethal combat ensued (it almost looked like they were professionals, they killed 6 guards in 2 rounds), the guards where despatched and Abdul was captured (he was a tad bruised as Galacus had yanked him off a wall he was trying to scale).

After a rather confusing interrogation, where Adbul claimed he hadn’t seen Ameer or his father in months and that the order for the wine had been cancelled. Ameer in his fury was stopped from killing Abdul as it was discovered that Abdul had been hypnotised. No clue could be discovered as to who had hypnotised Abdul, nor tampered with the wine. In an effort to redeem himself, Abdul said that it would be impossible to get such quality wine at such short notice, but he could give the location of the wine he had sold on when the order had been cancelled. Ameer deciding that the need for the wine outweighed any ethics agreed to steal the wine and a deal was made between Adbul and Ameer.

The party rested for the next day and in the evening Abdul appeared with some plans and details of the warehouse where the goods were stored. After forging some papers to get their wagon close to the guards. The party leapt from their hiding places and ambushed the guards at the gate. There was then a short skirmish, were a guard nearly did for the party with his Shem bow, but Galacus’s bardiche soon turned the fight to their advantage (damn they do a lot of damage). They then filled their wagon with the wine and a few other choice items, Abdul appeared with some men and did the same, and they then made good their escape.
