Running Wraith Recon with Legend ?


Hello again everyone.
Its been a while since I directed a question at the forums here..

I still haven't played a session with Legend but I am much more familiar with the system now that I ve been reading most of the books.

I will GM our first group go at the system this January and I ve been looking at premade adventures. Bought both 'Age of Treason' books and I ve looked at other d100, they are treasuries for things to mine, but nothing clicked with my own world yet.

The idea was to run the first legend adventure through the eyes of an assassin team that has been plaguing the protagonists for a while now.It will be a good change of pace, people can relax and roleplay outside of their established norm and its easier for me to test the system that way because its a one off.

So I read about Wraith Recon and it seemed to be pretty close to what I was thinking(plus or minus a few things)
So before I go and buy the books and/or pdfs I thought I might ask here first:

Can I use them as is with legend? Would the players need to make adventurers through WR or could the Legend core generated ones be equiped and go through a WR adventure?(assuming that there is one in the book, I read somewhere that there is indeed one included)

Once again thank you for your time and advice :)
The Wraith Recon book published for Mongoose Runequest II is compatible with Legend - indeed, some of the content is reprinted in Arcania of Legend: Blood Magic. It would be great if some of the other spells and magic items from the Wraith Recon books turn up in future Arcania of Legend releases

You can get the PDF of Wraith Recon Here:

I would also recommend picking up the Spellcom sourcebook here:

Keep in mind that this setting was originally developed for 4th edition D&D and still reflects many of the assumptions built into that game. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but be aware of the influence of that system on the design. I have mixed feelings about the setting - I don't mind fantasy with a military flavour, but I find some of the odd anachronisms built into the setting a bit jarring. Also, I'm not sure how well a game based around cool cinematic action will work with a combat system as realistic as that of Legend. Still, some of the additional rules and spells provided are nice indeed. Pete Nash wrote the books, so you know that they are going to be good....

There was a collection of adventures released for the Wraith Recon setting entitled Skies of Fire, but so far as I know it was never released for MRQ II / Legend and is only available for the D&D 4e version of the setting...
Prime_Evil said:
The Wraith Recon book published for Mongoose Runequest II is compatible with Legend - indeed, some of the content is reprinted in Arcania of Legend: Blood Magic. It would be great if some of the other spells and magic items from the Wraith Recon books turn up in future Arcania of Legend releases

You can get the PDF of Wraith Recon Here:

I would also recommend picking up the Spellcom sourcebook here:

Keep in mind that this setting was originally developed for 4th edition D&D and still reflects many of the assumptions built into that game. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but be aware of the influence of that system on the design. I have mixed feelings about the setting - I don't mind fantasy with a military flavour, but I find some of the odd anachronisms built into the setting a bit jarring. Also, I'm not sure how well a game based around cool cinematic action will work with a combat system as realistic as that of Legend. Still, some of the additional rules and spells provided are nice indeed. Pete Nash wrote the books, so you know that they are going to be good....

There was a collection of adventures released for the Wraith Recon setting entitled Skies of Fire, but so far as I know it was never released for MRQ II / Legend and is only available for the D&D 4e version of the setting...

I see.Judging from the links I take it you are prompting me to get and and use it though

I respectfully disagree on 4th edition being cinematic..If anything Legend has a more legit chance of being that in my opinion.

So you haven't run a game with the MRQII book?
@stroval said:
I see. Judging from the links I take it you are prompting me to get and and use it though

Sure. To be honest, the Wraith Recon setting isn't really to my personal taste, but it's well done and if the concept appeals to you it's worth picking up. And even if you don't use the setting as written, there's plenty of material that you can steal for your own campaign. I've certainly used some of the content in my own games.

@stroval said:
I respectfully disagree on 4th edition being cinematic..If anything Legend has a more legit chance of being that in my opinion.

I'm not sure that we disagree. I just think that we may be using the word 'cinematic' differently....

@stroval said:
So you haven't run a game with the MRQII book?

I've run quite a few games using the MRQII rules, but none of them in Wraith Recon setting.
Well I'm not interested that much in the setting(unless its for a one off) but maybe the tools provided will suit me.Especially in the aforementioned assassin team adventure that I have in mind.

Well cinematic could refer to anything if we take it means ''reminiscent of a technique used in cinematography'' but in rpgs for most people it means a system with more freedom, a rules light/ fast action ruleset correct?

IMHO 4D&D is none of those things. I believe it does MMO and miniatures action superbly.But not cinema.

Legend is off course medium cruch and not light, but I believe as a GM you are capable of producing cinema moments with it. Maybe more gritty, less anime or action movie stuff but still pretty much resembling cinema moments.

I think I will get the books.Maybe put them on my christmas list.
My only question is if I can generate a character with the core Legend rules and then equip her with the Wraith Recon equipment and use for an adventure...If that would make sense. I guess we ll have to see :)
Looking through my copy of Wraith Recon, I don't think it's what you are looking for. There IS an adventure in the main book, but .... I need to clear up some misconceptions first.

Wraith Recon are not assassins. They are Navy SEALS ... who use magic instead of tech. I don't mean that the kingdom which they defend has just adopted commando tactics, they've adopted almost everything. The structure, the lingo, the supply system, and careers (armorer, aviator, cavalryman, commando, engineer) are all very reminiscent of a modern military but using a fantasy flavoring on top of it. I mean, the book has a section on "Combat Zone Magical Support" and lists the ability of players to call in an airstrike.

The included adventure is Apocalypse Now, again translated to a fantasy setting, but still retaining the military terms and vibe.

Their equipment is ... also tactical. Enchanted repeating crossbows, swords permanently enchanted with piercing magic to ignore 6AP of armor - while wearing some 6AP black commando armor that can be magically toughened to 12 AP. The also have knives of door slicing (which I would assume is quieter than taking a shotgun to the hinges), as well as a list of expected items that a team would carry into the field with them. Although their primary item is some form of gem thingy, which acts as a telepathic version of a communications device.

@stroval said:
Well cinematic could refer to anything if we take it means ''reminiscent of a technique used in cinematography'' but in rpgs for most people it means a system with more freedom, a rules light/ fast action ruleset correct?

I'm not sure about Prime_evil, but whenever I hear the term "cinematic" applied to something else, there is usually something ... over the top about them. It's that kind of wanton mayhem and destruction, that could lesser characters but leave a cinematic character looking down, and going "Enhhh, it's just a flesh wound. If you can picture your game as being directed by Michael Bay, with a lot of explosions, and characters spitting out coll one-liners; or maybe directed by John Woo, with a mage leaping through a doorway using two wands to take out a band of hired assassins (with doves flying in the background, slo-mo). Those are the kind of things people think of when they think "cinematic". This is why 4e can be considered "cinematic". With the ever expanding hit points and healing surges, it's coded in that 4e characters can take a larger amount of damage and keep functioning ... as opposed to Legend/RuneQuest characters who focus on skills and techniques for getting the hell away from anything doing damage.

@stroval said:
I think I will get the books.Maybe put them on my christmas list.
My only question is if I can generate a character with the core Legend rules and then equip her with the Wraith Recon equipment and use for an adventure...If that would make sense. I guess we ll have to see :)

Yes, yes you can. The only changes WR makes to character generation is a listing of what races are playable (humans, dwarves, elves, hobgoblins, lizardmen, scorpionmen, sharkmen), picking a nationality (which determines available cultures), and some modifications to the existing cultures to fit the world. There is a list of military professions for a player to choose from (guerrilla, infantryman, medic, war-priest, etc), but the book states you can pick from the Legend/RuneQuest profession lists as well.

Other than that, it's just a definition of the different combat styles of the setting and what weapons are associated.
Mach5RR thanks :)

I know WR is not about assassins, but there might be some equipment and tactics I could use as the Guild in question from my setting uses strike teams etc.

As far as 4th edition is concerned I think it tries to do what you are describing but like many D&D versions is so clunky and obsessed with the wrong things, that imo it fails. There are far more cinematic systems out there, even FantasyCraft which is essentially still d20 does a better job at that, but thats another thread entirely.

Cool its good to know a bit about content and compatibility.
For my d20 money, and one of the easiest things to convert to Legend for me is 13th Age. But I can't talk too much about that, since I'm ... under NDA :)

Wraith Recon has always been of interest to me though, I like the ideas.
@stroval said:
My only question is if I can generate a character with the core Legend rules and then equip her with the Wraith Recon equipment and use for an adventure...If that would make sense. I guess we ll have to see :)

Simple answer: yes.
Wraith Recon was adapted for MRQII by Pete Nash one of the authors of MRQII. Wraith Recon has no Glorantha in it. Legend = MRQII with no Glorantha in it. So, for all intents and purposes, Wraith Recon might as well have been adapted for Legend by Pete Nash.

That said, the magic items and equipment in WR is deliberately over the top. It's all fantasy special ops stuff with no intent to 'balance' it against regular Legend equipment. So your character's equipment will not fit into any vanilla fantasy setting.
The Wolf said:
For my d20 money, and one of the easiest things to convert to Legend for me is 13th Age. But I can't talk too much about that, since I'm ... under NDA :)

Wraith Recon has always been of interest to me though, I like the ideas.

Deleriad said:
@stroval said:
My only question is if I can generate a character with the core Legend rules and then equip her with the Wraith Recon equipment and use for an adventure...If that would make sense. I guess we ll have to see :)

Simple answer: yes.
Wraith Recon was adapted for MRQII by Pete Nash one of the authors of MRQII. Wraith Recon has no Glorantha in it. Legend = MRQII with no Glorantha in it. So, for all intents and purposes, Wraith Recon might as well have been adapted for Legend by Pete Nash.

That said, the magic items and equipment in WR is deliberately over the top. It's all fantasy special ops stuff with no intent to 'balance' it against regular Legend equipment. So your character's equipment will not fit into any vanilla fantasy setting.

I like how Legend can be connected with so much material out there..
I can't wait to see whats in line to be published