Runequest What were you thinking


I have been playing table top rpg for 33 years I have played or GM in over 50 systems they all have thier good and bad. But To come out with an old system saying that you have fixed it. When all you did was simplify the strike rank and add D20 feats called "legendary ablities" come on guy's let's be honest. you knew that there was a fan base. So you went to WOWC bought the rights so you could make some money by changing the price at the release date. I bought it but you will find my copy on ebay real soon.
Runequest will still be played at my table but not your version

An ex Mongoose fan
Well, let me put up one thing in Mongoose's favor. I've always been a fan of second edition RuneQuest, but that's a damn rare book to find nowadays (unless someone knows a source - I'd love a PDF version!). While the system itself was excellent, it was impossible to run a campaign with it because I was the only one with a copy, and I was unwilling to part with it. The one time I did, it disappeared.

So it's not just cynical profit-taking on Mongoose's part. It's a real service to try to bring forward a supported, available edition of the game. For the first time in a long time, I feel it's plausible to start a RuneQuest campaign and expect the other players to acquire a copy of the rules for themselves.

Now, your comments on the depth of the changes are a separate issue, but I'm not sure that if they had changed more about RuneQuest that I would have been happy. I'm actually pretty glad that they left as much alone as they did. I have a few issues with the new rules set, but overall, I'm just glad to see it back. I can fix problem rules with my own house rules, but I can't fix a near-zero player base and no available rules books. That's what Mongoose will hopefully give us with this release.
you are not alone. There is a definate group of "old guard" RQ fans who are not happy with "Mongoose RuneQuest" (MRQ). GO check out the pools and be counted. Right now the pro camp is more numerous, but I think the abnit-MRQ group is probably going to be more numerous away from the Mongoose boards.
Grilnog said:
I have been playing table top rpg for 33 years I have played or GM in over 50 systems they all have thier good and bad.

Thats pretty clever, when the very first edition of Dungeons & Dragons (the first RPG ever published) wasn't even in print 33 years ago.

List them, I find that VERY hard to believe I started with RPG's when I was 17 (so many years ago now) in 1979, and I have only Played/GM's around 20 or so different systems. You are either full of crap or have done nothing else with your life. In addition, according to your profile you are only 40, which meant you started playing and GM'ing in your auspicious gaming career when you were seven. Erm, ok - B******S!

Grilnog said:
But To come out with an old system saying that you have fixed it. When all you did was simplify the strike rank and add D20 feats called "legendary ablities" come on guy's let's be honest. you knew that there was a fan base. So you went to WOWC bought the rights so you could make some money by changing the price at the release date. I bought it but you will find my copy on ebay real soon.

All a matter of you own twisted opinion mate, not fact. You don't like it - tough. You are not only wrong, but quite obviousley a very rude and unpleasant pillock to boot. As for the Ebay crack, at least that gives someone who might appreciate the Rules a chance to get them cheap.

Grilnog said:
Runequest will still be played at my table but not your version

Good, the sooner we can get rid of the lightweights like you the better. Bog off!!!

Grilnog said:
An ex Mongoose fan

Goodbye, you unpleasant little man.
Lieutenant Rasczak said:
Grilnog said:
I have been playing table top rpg for 33 years I have played or GM in over 50 systems they all have thier good and bad.

Thats pretty clever, when the very first edition of Dungeons & Dragons (the first RPG ever published) wasn't even in print 33 years ago.

No, it was in print 32 years ago. However, table top RPGing can be traced back to Chainmail printed back in 1971.

List them, I find that VERY hard to believe I started with RPG's when I was 17 (so many years ago now) in 1979, and I have only Played/GM's around 20 or so different systems. You are either full of crap or have done nothing else with your life. In addition, according to your profile you are only 40, which meant you started playing and GM'ing in your auspicious gaming career when you were seven. Erm, ok - B******S!

What do you find hard to believe-that someone is familar with more games than you or that he could do something at seven that you didn't do until you were 17?

Grilnog said:
But To come out with an old system saying that you have fixed it. When all you did was simplify the strike rank and add D20 feats called "legendary ablities" come on guy's let's be honest. you knew that there was a fan base. So you went to WOWC bought the rights so you could make some money by changing the price at the release date. I bought it but you will find my copy on ebay real soon.

All a matter of you own twisted opinion mate, not fact. You don't like it - tough. You are not only wrong, but quite obviousley a very rude and unpleasant pillock to boot. As for the Ebay crack, at least that gives someone who might appreciate the Rules a chance to get them cheap.[/quote]

Why is his opinion twisted? Other people have negative opinions of MRQ, and that doesn't make them twisted, anymore than being a fan of MOngoose makes someone twisted. You want facts, okay. The new Strike systemis an intiative system (fact), the legendary abilities listen in the book are feats (some even have the same name),and Mongoose did buy the rights for the game to make money (duh),Ongoose did chance the relase dates and the price for the product. I can prove any of these "twisted" claims that Grilnog made. I got the old Amazon webpages and Game Trade mags with the $20 price tag.

So he is neither "Wrong" nor unpleasant. You, on the otherhand, have accusing someone of being full of crap, not having done anything with thier life, called them twisted, wrong, very rude, and unpleasant.

A true paragon of courtesy, tolerance and respect!

Grilnog said:
Runequest will still be played at my table but not your version

Good, the sooner we can get rid of the lightweights like you the better. Bog off!!!

What makes you a heavyweight?

Grilnog said:
An ex Mongoose fan

Goodbye, you unpleasant little man.[/quote]

And if that personal attack won't do it, what will you do next?

A lot of people around here have been able to exprese thier differencing point of views and opnions on this forum. Until now no one has resorted to prersonal attacks.

If you are any indication of that the fans of the new RuneQuest are like, I don't see why anyone would care to game with you.
1. Please don't feed the troll(s)

2. The point above about the game being available and supported is right on. for those of you with a group, and plenty of copies of old sourcebooks, good for you, but I'm glad it's available.

3. "cynical profit-taking" HA! I don't think this is the business to be in for that sort of thing "cynically hoping to break even" is probably more like it.
I can't believe that you can't see that this twit has an agenda for making his first post, on the day he joins such an overly critical and obviousley fake one.


Firstly he was trying to claim he started playing RPG's before they existed, and as an Ex Teacher AND an Ex Games Store Manager - I must say its unlikely a 7 year old would have been able to understand and actually play the original D&D rules - they were a mess.

Secondly, it was such a overtly aggressive attack on MRQ. He wasn't critisizing, he was slagging it off.
Ok lets not descend into flame wars.

As someone who has played RQ since 1980, and GMed an ongoing campaign since 1988, and was disappointed by Heroquest, I am really happy with MRQ and the fact that new stuff is coming out. I have some concerns with the skill system , but then i have no problem creating my own house rules to fix stuff i want to tweak.

If you dont like it, dont buy it, it does you no harm that its out there.
zanshin said:
Ok lets not descend into flame wars.

As someone who has played RQ since 1980, and GMed an ongoing campaign since 1988, and was disappointed by Heroquest, I am really happy with MRQ and the fact that new stuff is coming out. I have some concerns with the skill system , but then i have no problem creating my own house rules to fix stuff i want to tweak.

If you dont like it, dont buy it, it does you no harm that its out there.

Sorry for being so passionate, it just wound me up seeing someone to make such a venemous post first time.

I can't see too much wrong with MRQ, I know a lot of people don't like the Halving mechanic, and TBH its not my favourite part of the rules.

I have no problem with the Legendary Abilities (they only bear a passing resemblance to D20 Feats - and you can't start play with any) - their main advantage is that they stop a character just becoming a series of High Scores/Numbers, and enable players to make something of their PC.

I have no issue with criticism when it actually IS critique, but I get REALLY angry with petty slating.

Once again, my apologies to other posters.
Rasczak wrote:

Thats pretty clever, when the very first edition of Dungeons & Dragons (the first RPG ever published) wasn't even in print 33 years ago.

I think you'll find it was. I've sharpened my maths skills following the Halving Rule debacle and am pretty sure that 1973 was 33 years ago.

Calm down, there, young fellah. :D
Of course he could have miss-typed and meant 23 rather than 33 :wink:

And as for playing 50 rpgs, well it's a lot, but in 23 years I've probably GM'd and played in that many, some of course we tried out as they sounded interesting but abandoned after only a few sessions.

There's generally no call to be so upfront abusive though, unfortunately it seems to happen a lot on any forums when someones beliefs are challenged (try any of the MMO forums and you'll see the ugly side of humanity a lot of the time).


Its getting a little heated in here.

For starters I have been playing RPG since about 1983 (about 23 years not 33, so I don't know if that means my opinions have less value than other more esteemed posters!) and have played RQ in the last 2 incarnations.

RQ3 lost the plot form me, I begrudged the enforcement of European cultural stereotypes on a format that had always been Gloranthan and the Sorcery system was a mess and the magic never worked without extensive house rules for my groups.

MRQ has resurrected the RQ bandwagon, but for me I am dissapointed by the poor artwork and the attrocius waste of time the character sheet is..come on boys you didn't even try!!!

Generally the rules-polish that Mongoose have applied are welcome and in places interesting, though there is still a little need for house rules to tailor to your own play.

I was never ever not going to buyit! I just dispair that we will be flooded with books, books and more books at $25/£15 a time till we get to the D&D levels of comercial purchase insanity.

I am old enough to remember the days when some games had one book for everything you needed!! Ah the call of profit.

I must thank Mongoose for bringing back such a classic game, but I fear that unless they market the product with a lot more visual polish (get rid of the attrocious pencil and ink 'sketches' - you are meant to be professionals) in 'on glance' purchases, MRQ will lose out everytime.

MRQ looks like a cheap production, with the bloody ubiquitous 'page-border' that does nothing but fatten up a book and rob us of content. I expected more polish and more content and less expenditure to rebuy the game I already want to play.

I do wish Mongoose well, hoping the strategy is to provide a cheap to produce rulebook for all the players in a groups and the 'one copy needed only' texts like the Glorantha or Magic books will be of a higher quality.

I just wonder whether I buy one more and start converting my old RQ stuff over......

People have state that MRQ is only for the old-timer fan-boys. The rules aren't that much different for them, they will convert stuff (lets face it a monster manual will be exactly the same except Strike Rank is calculated and the HP total is ignored). MRQ's target is to induct a new breed of player who want a simpler, more streamlined and strategic alternative to D20....

....In my honest opinion viva la difference!!!!!

SmegmaLord said:
I just dispair that we will be flooded with books, books and more books at $25/£15 a time till we get to the D&D levels of comercial purchase insanity.

I am old enough to remember the days when some games had one book for everything you needed!! Ah the call of profit.

This is something I have a little bit of difficulty understanding.

I feel the RQ rulebook has everything needed to play a game within it, with the exception of an actual setting. Most of the "complete" rulebooks I've ever read are lacking in one area or another. I always see additional rulebooks as optional substitutes for the GM making those extra rules up themselves, never as "necessary" purchases, so I welcome the idea of entire shelves full of optional RQ addon books that I can pick and choose from.

It's a no-win situation really for Mongoose. If there were not additional books coming out every month they would just get accused of not supporting the game :) I'd rather see the extra books so that those who want them can buy them, and those that do not can choose not to.
mthomason said:
SmegmaLord said:
I just dispair that we will be flooded with books, books and more books at $25/£15 a time till we get to the D&D levels of comercial purchase insanity.

I am old enough to remember the days when some games had one book for everything you needed!! Ah the call of profit.

This is something I have a little bit of difficulty understanding.

I feel the RQ rulebook has everything needed to play a game within it, with the exception of an actual setting.......

It is indeed a point of view. I find the lack of cults (frankly they could have saved the pages for better things) the lack of game world, the lack of the other branches of magic, the fact the book is only just 130 page, most of that thinned by the horrendous border art...

In essence this is nothing more than a Player Manual D&D stylie.

Don't get me wrong, but when I put together systems I want depth and MRQ (though a welcome resurrection) is painfully bare when you consider what 'could' have been added.

My final and telling point is that most of the content is 'lifted' more from RQ2 than anything else, some rules are altered/updates (whatever) but there has really been little more added to the game than was developed 10 years ago by RQ3 (fatigue etc) and by fan-boy house rules.

This is not a book of 'new' material, it is heavily grounded in previous work. Someone has already sweated the main meat or MRQ, so I expected more from Mongoose to input their own significant content.

The book is enough to play, but hey, look how many more books are on the way for us to spend our cash on.

As stated in other threads I will see what the value per book quotient is and then consider converting the already sweated out work from my copies of RQ2/3.

Don't get me wrong I'm glad RQ is back with us, but what with cheap production art, black and white pages, intrusive border art, a character sheet that was an absolute waste of paper, a painfully bad gods section...I expected more effort and content than a rehash!

I think its good value - shame they didn't put the Kyger litor cult in there though, you never can have too many copies :D
For $25/£13 it was a no brainer buy for me!!

I just wanted to have more in the book...I suppose my aggrevation is simply based around good old greed!


PS Still prefer Thanatar...Always on step a head.. :-)
SmegmaLord said:
In essence this is nothing more than a Player Manual D&D stylie.

You're right, it comes down to a point of view. I suspected that was precisely what it would be when it came out, and am really happy I was right... Obviously not everyone is.

From my point of view, I now have an open set of BRPalike rules I can do whatever I want with. I'm looking forward to the inevitable RQ Horror ruleset from a third party that will provide me with material sadly not forthcoming quickly enough from Chaosium. I'm looking forward to playing in my favourite genres with something other than d20 rules.

Oh, and I'm also happy about the fact it means there's a lot more writing opportunities now, and I don't have to keep churning out stuff purely for d20.

SmegmaLord said:
This is not a book of 'new' material, it is heavily grounded in previous work. Someone has already sweated the main meat or MRQ, so I expected more from Mongoose to input their own significant content.

I think all the settings books should cover that. To be honest, I've been assuming that most previous RQ players would have avoided the core rulebook and gone straight to the settings books to graft into their existing rules. I see the rulebook more as a "here's a rehashed version of a classic ruleset for all you RQ newbies" product. With people complaining about the number of changes that were made it seems everyone wanted something different - some wanted a completely new version, while others would have been far happier if MGP had just put a copy of RQ3 through OCR... I just can't see a solution that everyone would have been happy with, unfortunately :(

SmegmaLord said:
The book is enough to play, but hey, look how many more books are on the way for us to spend our cash on.

We're going to have to disagree on whether that is a good or bad thing ;) (And just to clarify, I'm speaking as someone who loves my piles of rulebooks, as opposed to a retailer here)

SmegmaLord said:
As stated in other threads I will see what the value per book quotient is and then consider converting the already sweated out work from my copies of RQ2/3.

Sounds like a good idea :)