Having had my nose to the grindstone (well, keyboard) over the past few weeks I've decided I need to make a little time for gaming to stop myself going completely crazy. So, I'm throwing a private online play-by-post game together right now under very loose BRP/RuneQuest rules. There could also be an (optional to attend) weekly 1-hour chat session (8PM GMT/3PM EST/Midday PST comes to mind as a good one that fits most people). If you cannot make the timeslot for the chat session it will not matter that much.
The setting is an alternate Stargate SG-1 universe, still fleshing out details in my head but most likely divergence will start at the end of S9 (so anything up until then happened just like it did on the show).
While the game will not directly follow events of Season Ten, the exploits of SG-1 themselves may or may not get mentioned depending upon what happens in the game itself - there is no set storyline and I'll pretty much be winging it upon seeing the direction the group wants to take. I cannot promise no new antagonists that make the Ori look about as threatening as Urgo, but I can say I haven't got any concrete plans for any at this time. I may also bump the storyline back (even to S1) if it looks like it'll be necessary.
Due to not wanting to give spoilers out for those outside the US, there will be no mention of actual spoiler events from S10 apart from the occasional background mention that SG-1 has gone to such-and-such a world in conjunction with what happened in an episode - so nothing really beyond what you would read in an episode synopsis in a TV guide (exact details of what constitutes a "spoiler" will depend on who plays and where they're from).
You will need to have some kind of familiarity with the basic RQ rules (the SRD or probably even knowledge of BRP will do), even though play will be "rules-light" in order to keep things moving. You will be helped through character generation by your ever-friendly GM as you'll need a few extra bits and pieces for the modern-day setting as well.
Oh, and players will be expected to post every 1-3 days.
Any takers?
The setting is an alternate Stargate SG-1 universe, still fleshing out details in my head but most likely divergence will start at the end of S9 (so anything up until then happened just like it did on the show).
While the game will not directly follow events of Season Ten, the exploits of SG-1 themselves may or may not get mentioned depending upon what happens in the game itself - there is no set storyline and I'll pretty much be winging it upon seeing the direction the group wants to take. I cannot promise no new antagonists that make the Ori look about as threatening as Urgo, but I can say I haven't got any concrete plans for any at this time. I may also bump the storyline back (even to S1) if it looks like it'll be necessary.
Due to not wanting to give spoilers out for those outside the US, there will be no mention of actual spoiler events from S10 apart from the occasional background mention that SG-1 has gone to such-and-such a world in conjunction with what happened in an episode - so nothing really beyond what you would read in an episode synopsis in a TV guide (exact details of what constitutes a "spoiler" will depend on who plays and where they're from).
You will need to have some kind of familiarity with the basic RQ rules (the SRD or probably even knowledge of BRP will do), even though play will be "rules-light" in order to keep things moving. You will be helped through character generation by your ever-friendly GM as you'll need a few extra bits and pieces for the modern-day setting as well.
Oh, and players will be expected to post every 1-3 days.
Any takers?