Runequest: Friday afternoon question


The idea of a living-city is not a unique idea (re: AD&D Greyhawk, Ravens Bluff etc.)

I was wondering if there would be any interest in generating a Gloranth/Runequest4 based Living City?

Have yourselves a great weekend all, Don.
Once the rules are released it may be worth setting up, depending on how the RPGA feel about supporting it. I think it would give a chance for better RQ exposure, but there may be some recoil from those who have some doubts over the LG lobby, though. As far as I can see it the main Q's would be:

  • - Liaising/linking with RPGA
    - Background / campaign environment / scenario writing guidelines
    - Player Setup rules & guidelines
    - Progression rules (skill increases, training, availability, etc)
    - Meta-gaming organisations (I think possibly vital for some characters)
    - Scenarios
    - Checking / governing
    - Administering it (this will take a lot of time)!

Luckily, the TU restrictions can readily be adapted to RQ training times (if, of course, RQ4 has the same concept).
Yes. I think it is a wonderful idea. Sort of like a project that was done when the writers sat down and wrote the Thieves World books. They all made short stories that had the setting in common. It became a diverse and very interesting place because of this.

As such I suggest putting up a Wiki for the city. Where those intrested can write on aspects of the city they like. However it probably would be a good idea to set some guidelines on the city beforehand, and perhaps even have a general map of the layout of the city.

Update: And it seems I missunderstood the basic idea you were proposing...
Sorry, but I suppose I sort of missed the point. What IS the basic idea? What does "Living City" mean?

I gather it's some sort of a shared setting with contributions from many sides, but how is it supposed to work?
Turloigh said:
Sorry, but I suppose I sort of missed the point. What IS the basic idea? What does "Living City" mean?

I gather it's some sort of a shared setting with contributions from many sides, but how is it supposed to work?

That was my first interpretation of his meaning. The easiest way to make it work, is to take some people who are in charge, that sits down and makes a draft that outlines the city in very rough details. Then they put this information on a Wiki, available on the net, with some guidelines of their vision of the project and what they want to achieve with it. Those who then are intrested, may percipitake in the wiki, and write their own sections etc. of the city. Any writer can also read and modify what another writer has written, and as such, the city can grow from the creative effort of many people.
Turloigh said:
Sorry, but I suppose I sort of missed the point. What IS the basic idea? What does "Living City" mean?

I gather it's some sort of a shared setting with contributions from many sides, but how is it supposed to work?
And I took a completely different meaning, one more closely related to the RPGA "Living" campaigns where characters can be taken from GM to GM at different conventions, clubs or home and keep developing _that_ character ina coherent framework. I wasn't thinking of another "Thieves World"/Sanctuary at all!! :D

Isn't language concise! :?
A Living Version of Runequest could be fairly interesting in concept but there is a great deal of work that goes into a successful "Living" or persistant campaign.

For a little quick background, I am a Triad memebr for the Geoff Region of Living Greyhawk. In real world terms that is the Mid Atlantic United States (DC, VA, MD, DE, WV). I have been involved in two such campaigns directly, as an Editor and Author. I am by no means an expert on numbers or resources etc...

The most important aspect, IMHO, for a Living-style campaign would be a compelling story with compelling non-player characters. This allows the player to immerse themselves to a certain degree as well as allowing them to interact with their environment. This also keeps folks interested.

Second, you need a dedicated staff who can take the rules and tweak them in such a way as to create a fun, fair, and balanced environment where rewards are equal across the board. With a D20 system this is much easier to do then a % skill based system like the older versions of RQ or the BRP. It is not impossible of course, just more difficult.

Third, you need to get into the local cons and possibly sanction online play. Con goers will try just about anything AND often there are times when their favorite game is all booked. Having more Living-style options would not hurt anyone's feelings.

A couple of down sides do exist. For one, the RPGA has been going away from the Living-style of game and towards a persistant style which is much less labor intensive. Living Force is going away, Living Greyhawk and Living Arcanis both seem to be doing well. I am not sure the RPGA would find a benefit in partnering with a company like Mongoose on a persistent campaign.

On a local level I think most local Cons would love to have some variety.

A Living-style campaign is a good deal of work if you want to make it work but I think RQ is probably one of the few game with enough fan base to make it work.

RQ might have a large fan base, but that same base is mostly older, crusty RPG vets from the 80's. Todays game settings are much more action packed and cinematic. I'm sure Mongoose will modernize the system but I doubt there are enough Con going fans out there (at least at first) to support a Con living city.
logan400k said:
A Living Version of Runequest could be fairly interesting in concept but there is a great deal of work that goes into a successful "Living" or persistant campaign.
So, is THAT what the OP meant?
Turloigh said:
So, is THAT what the OP meant?
Don't know.... Tienaka?

logan400K's purist point re persistant vs the sheer volume of work in a pure Living style campaign is apt: I'd hope that what the OP was hoping for was a persistent style campaign based around a core city with a looser background within which the scenarios were based - it's fairly difficult to do otherwise as scenario/campaign threads have no backdrop or must create their own.

if that's what's being discussed it's a lot of work but I'd like to see it happen (and would commit, study permitting!).
Gutboy said:
RQ might have a large fan base, but that same base is mostly older, crusty RPG vets from the 80's. Todays game settings are much more action packed and cinematic. I'm sure Mongoose will modernize the system but I doubt there are enough Con going fans out there (at least at first) to support a Con living city.

As facts go, many of the players in the various Living campaigns are old and very crusty. :) At 34 I am about middle of the pack honestly and I have been playing since 1979. My experience has been that the heart of the Living / Con crowd does indeed enjoy good stories and well written modules. I am not sure how the Power Gaming crowd (said with no offense meant or judgement on those folks) would react to Glorantha or a Skill based system. You would have to see.

Your not the only one old and crusty. I'm 35 and been in the business awhile but never found myself drawn to the living campaigns. Of course anything that could boost support for Runequest deserves a close look. Wouldn't want to see the setting disappear for another couple of years...
32 years old here, and well, not that I have partaken in any living campaigns, but that is mostly because there are none running where I live, so it is kind of tough getting into one. Otherwise I would have liked to participate in The Living Force campaign.
Archer said:
32 years old here, and well, not that I have partaken in any living campaigns, but that is mostly because there are none running where I live, so it is kind of tough getting into one. Otherwise I would have liked to participate in The Living Force campaign.

Actually, if you have an established group, I believe that living campaigns can be run out of the house with adventures sent to the DM. I don't know if your still intestested but you could contact RPGA and find out. I think the later "living" campaigns did not require CON attendence.
Gutboy said:
Archer said:
... not that I have partaken in any living campaigns, but that is mostly because there are none running where I live, so it is kind of tough getting into one. Otherwise I would have liked to participate in The Living Force campaign.

Actually, if you have an established group, I believe that living campaigns can be run out of the house with adventures sent to the DM.

If there's none running nearby, Archer, you can still generate a character and turn up where you can find one (you're welcome to one of our sporadic home LG games) and just keep the character for the next possible game you can play. LG isn't quite the same as LF, but you don't have to play all the scenarios in a thread and can just play when you can (e.g. as our group has a variety of non-Con attendees, partial-Con attendees and semi-frequent-Conpeeps we have sort out what scenarios haven't been played and take the best we can for a home game. There is a background running within which the adventures are based but you can choose to focus mainly on just character building.

The RPGA page is easily contactable from the Wizards D&D page.
Gutboy said:
Archer said:
32 years old here, and well, not that I have partaken in any living campaigns, but that is mostly because there are none running where I live, so it is kind of tough getting into one. Otherwise I would have liked to participate in The Living Force campaign.

Actually, if you have an established group, I believe that living campaigns can be run out of the house with adventures sent to the DM. I don't know if your still intestested but you could contact RPGA and find out. I think the later "living" campaigns did not require CON attendence.

Thank you for the advice. I will contact RPGA. :)
Halfbat said:
Gutboy said:
Archer said:
... not that I have partaken in any living campaigns, but that is mostly because there are none running where I live, so it is kind of tough getting into one. Otherwise I would have liked to participate in The Living Force campaign.

Actually, if you have an established group, I believe that living campaigns can be run out of the house with adventures sent to the DM.

If there's none running nearby, Archer, you can still generate a character and turn up where you can find one (you're welcome to one of our sporadic home LG games) and just keep the character for the next possible game you can play. LG isn't quite the same as LF, but you don't have to play all the scenarios in a thread and can just play when you can (e.g. as our group has a variety of non-Con attendees, partial-Con attendees and semi-frequent-Conpeeps we have sort out what scenarios haven't been played and take the best we can for a home game. There is a background running within which the adventures are based but you can choose to focus mainly on just character building.

The RPGA page is easily contactable from the Wizards D&D page.

I would love to, but I suspect you do not live in sweden...