Road of Kings Question


Quick question:

In the Zingara entry in The Road of Kings - we find that Zingaran characters get free proficiency with the rapier. But I don't recall ever seeing rapier stats in the Core book or Road of Kings (or Aquilonia).

Was this an oversight, or am I blind?
That was a line that should have been edited out and was part of the rough draft before I really knew what was in the core rules and what was not. I flubbed up on that line and it got past the editors and proof-readers too.
Oooh.. okay. Thanks.

Whew.. I thought I had missed some big chunk of the equipment section.. haha.

Thanks again for the quick response.
Oof theres alot of that in the Conan Rulebook I have. For example the line where it says we can stack armor for additional bonuses and gives us a table reference that doesn't actually exist.

Heh, ironically the worst editing/proofreading I've ever seen is in the Conan Fantasy Masterworks line where they repeated an the same paragraph twice on different pages.
I'm not familiar with the "Conan Fantasy Masterworks line" - suffice to say. What exactly are you referring to?

I know that in the Road of Kings sourcebook the same basic paragraph is repeated multiple times (the one referencing the worship of Mitra - it's repeated a bunch of times, once for every land that has a notable Mitra worship).

In one of the rulebooks (I think the Core Book) there's also a few paragraphs that are in both the main text, and in a sidebar.
Damien said:
I'm not familiar with the "Conan Fantasy Masterworks line" - suffice to say. What exactly are you referring to?

It is a two volume-edition of REH's Conan-stories (including the fragments) published in 2004. It is essentially the same like the DelRey edition in three volumes (although without illustrations and drafts).

AFAIK it is not available in the US due to legal issues.
Yep, Rene pretty much nailed it. The armor table was the worst element in the Core Book. Everything else was just minor typo's.
René said:
AFAIK it is not available in the US due to legal issues.
They are available in some stores, though only places that feature UK editions of books in addition to their regular stock. It's very easy to order copies through, ebay, or, though.
Yeah - usually when something isn't available in X country - that doesn't include just buying it from someone else in a different country, or someone in X country that already aquired it from someone in a different country.

Cool beans.