SableWyvern said:
Whether or not that's too powerful ... well, it is a very high level ability, and other classes can be pretty potent by then as well (eg, Gunners getting 5 attacks dealing 2d8+3d6 damage on the first three and 5d6 on the last two;
They can't use Marksmanship and Two Gun Mastery at the same time (nor Marksmanship and Rapid Reload), so it would be 2d8 on the first three and 2d6 on the last two. In addition, such an attack will drain 6 EP (and they can't recover their Endurance as fast as a Telchos Warrior) and it will take two move actions to reload his handguns in the following round.
SableWyvern said:
Dessi doing 5d6 damage with a 18-20/x3 crits
Yes, but it will cost 5 willpower points per attack. Still very powerful, but on the other hand they are the people who defeated Agarash.
SableWyvern said:
Kai with their plethora of Tier V Magnakai disciplines etc).
Well, High level Kai Masters are supposed to be unbalanced.
At level 19, Lone Wolf travels through the Darklands to Gnaag's throne room and kills three Darklords in the process.
SableWyvern said:
I'll have a closer look though, as you may have a point. Other opinions on this one would be helpful.
I agree it's reasonable to add an instinctive shield when raging, as it's basically what happens in the gamebooks. My concern is about giving a psychic ability to a class that is already far superior on the physical level (especially when I consider that, according to Joe Dever, the Telcharim are a community that lives in peace and complete isolation thanks to the natural defence offered by the desert. I wouldn't expect such a strong class to come out from there).
Speaking of psychic defense, I was browsing through the gamebooks and noticed that in "The Dungeons of Torgar" Lone Wolf fights a Death Knight who is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge). So, my question is: shouldn't the Death Knight class have access to some sort of mind protection?