It doesn't look that way. I don't know if you have your book handy or not, but what it looks like on p58 is that.
1) Attacker makes grapple roll/Defender Dodges,etc.
2) IF the attacker hits, then he and the defender engage in an opposed roll on the grapple chart. (Two roll system)I don't know if this uses the opposed rules or not. Nor do I know if this will be a one roll attack now. I suspect so, but I don't think mMatt covered in n the PDF. Since it is a combat roll and there is a matrix with are criticals on the chasrt, I think it is meant to work out like combat.
3) If the attacker gets a critical succes he may immediately attempt an immobilize or throw attempt (his choice). If the attacker fails he doesn't have a grapple.
4) If the attacker grapples but does not critical, then the two are loceed together and each round can make grapple attacks for one of the four grapple actions: then he can attempt the one of the four grapple actions: Break Free, Immobilize, Inflict Pain, or Throw.