Questions from the new armageddon tournament pdf

I have read it all through now and all the rules tweaks look simple and elegant to me. Excellent job, well done.

I rather like what they have done with the Vorlons and Shadows as well. A Vorlon TRANSPORT is dangerous, you really do not want to run into a Vorlon Heavy Cruiser unless you have bought a lot of metal with you.

Some parts of the revised earth fleets do seem rather more difficult to comprehend.

As reaverman alluded, the sagittarius is basically the same as before, still skirmish but the forward missiles have been increased by 2!!!

I also notice that the avenger carrier is a very cost effective raid level ship in the early level list, ,but in the mid level list it gets a new paint job and some extra ikea furniture and goes up to battle level??

What has anyone else noticed that I amy have missed??

Cpt Kremmen
Energy mines don't have the -1 penalty to damage any more, but can't do crits. As expected.

Can't dodge if you have speed 0, or choose not to move. As expected.

AJP's now scatter. Not much, but a little.

Squadrons can now have 6 ships. Ouch, another boost for the 10x Skirmish ship fleet!

Fighters now ignore stealth, but only if they are within 1" of the ship. Lucky most of my Minbari have large bases! HAHA get within 1" of that, SUCKER!!!

Splitting of FAP's is now totally borked. Rather than fixing the "bug" in SFOS with splitting Battle points, this method has been expanded to include the other levels too. Lets say I am playing Centauri in a Raid fight. I want to buy Morgraths, and Corvans. So do I spend 1 pint to get 2 Morgrths and another pint to get 3 Corvans? NO! I spend each point to get 1 Morgrath and 2 Corvans. An extra Corvan for free :roll:
Well if you're measuring from the stem then surely we can place our fighters on your large bases? :twisted:
But if we're measuring from the stem then that's the point of existence for the ship, and the base is only there to help it stand up. Therefore surely it wouldn't be stacking.

And surely if you're not allowed to stack even on the base we can measure from the edge of the base or it's just not fair not fair hissy fit :x
Burger said:
Energy mines don't have the -1 penalty to damage any more, but can't do crits. As expected.

Can't dodge if you have speed 0, or choose not to move. As expected.

AJP's now scatter. Not much, but a little.

Squadrons can now have 6 ships. Ouch, another boost for the 10x Skirmish ship fleet!

Fighters now ignore stealth, but only if they are within 1" of the ship. Lucky most of my Minbari have large bases! HAHA get within 1" of that, SUCKER!!!

Splitting of FAP's is now totally borked. Rather than fixing the "bug" in SFOS with splitting Battle points, this method has been expanded to include the other levels too. Lets say I am playing Centauri in a Raid fight. I want to buy Morgraths, and Corvans. So do I spend 1 pint to get 2 Morgrths and another pint to get 3 Corvans? NO! I spend each point to get 1 Morgrath and 2 Corvans. An extra Corvan for free :roll:

The 1 skirmish 2 patrol split adds up nicely to 1 raid point, though, doesn't it? It's the other split (3 patrol for 1 raid) that's broken.
Since dogfights are resolved before capital ships fire, can the winning fighters be fired on by the enemy capital ships, since they are no longer in a dogfight?
Placing fighters on ship sbases is certainly permissable - same as when you have fighters escorting your own ship. . .
Lord David the Denied said:
The 1 skirmish 2 patrol split adds up nicely to 1 raid point, though, doesn't it? It's the other split (3 patrol for 1 raid) that's broken.
If it should all add up nicely then what is the point of the priority system? An 8 point patrol game would be identical to a 4 point skirmish, a 2 point raid, or a 1 point battle. The whole point of the priority system is to encourage you to take ships more appropriate to the level of the scenario, by offering you less "value per point" when buying smaller ships.
msprange said:
Placing fighters on ship sbases is certainly permissable - same as when you have fighters escorting your own ship. . .
OUCH, thats new!!!
Or have we been doing it wrong all this time?
Then one or the other has to be binned. Ruling that an FAP can only be split into ships of one other level would work, say, a raid point can be split into skirmish points or patrol points but not both. If you follow me.

That would solve the issue I think.
Lord David the Denied said:
Then one or the other has to be binned. Ruling that an FAP can only be split into ships of one other level would work, say, a raid point can be split into skirmish points or patrol points but not both. If you follow me.

That would solve the issue I think.
Yes my point exactly. Or, if you re-split a point you get one less of the lower level, eg Battle can be split to 1 Raid and 1 Skirmish, or 1 Raid and 2 Patrol. Currently it is totally exploitable by the Beardy's.
msprange said:
Placing fighters on ship sbases is certainly permissable - same as when you have fighters escorting your own ship. . .
Aha, vindicated! I knew it sounded silly the other way...
Captain Kremmen said:
I have read it all through now and all the rules tweaks look simple and elegant to me. Excellent job, well done.

I rather like what they have done with the Vorlons and Shadows as well. A Vorlon TRANSPORT is dangerous, you really do not want to run into a Vorlon Heavy Cruiser unless you have bought a lot of metal with you.

Some parts of the revised earth fleets do seem rather more difficult to comprehend.

As reaverman alluded, the sagittarius is basically the same as before, still skirmish but the forward missiles have been increased by 2!!!

I also notice that the avenger carrier is a very cost effective raid level ship in the early level list, ,but in the mid level list it gets a new paint job and some extra ikea furniture and goes up to battle level??

What has anyone else noticed that I amy have missed??

Cpt Kremmen

Pardon? the Saggi has been UP gunned in the same priority level?! how many people need to point out it's broken, then they up gun it?! proposterous
Reborn said:
msprange said:
Placing fighters on ship sbases is certainly permissable - same as when you have fighters escorting your own ship. . .
Aha, vindicated! I knew it sounded silly the other way...
So wait, base size isn't relevant anymore is it? Enemy fighters can be placed on a ship's base too? If so it'd quite the mess when that cap ship moves.

I like the sounds of all the rule amendments but upgunned Sag - what's going on here? Was the hull value or rating at least dropped? Perhaps the new stats of Vorlons & Shadows can keep the Sag in check but now it's just ridiculous for a Skirmish class vessel...SKIRMISH!?! Maybe EA should have a new PL: Squeamish.
hiffano said:
Pardon? the Saggi has been UP gunned in the same priority level?! how many people need to point out it's broken, then they up gun it?! proposterous
Well they did listen, it does have 3 less Damage. I'm sure that compensates for having the front weapon upgraded to 4AD.................
Seriously, someone was stoned when they playtested that. Or rather, didn't playtest that.