Captain Kremmen
I have read it all through now and all the rules tweaks look simple and elegant to me. Excellent job, well done.
I rather like what they have done with the Vorlons and Shadows as well. A Vorlon TRANSPORT is dangerous, you really do not want to run into a Vorlon Heavy Cruiser unless you have bought a lot of metal with you.
Some parts of the revised earth fleets do seem rather more difficult to comprehend.
As reaverman alluded, the sagittarius is basically the same as before, still skirmish but the forward missiles have been increased by 2!!!
I also notice that the avenger carrier is a very cost effective raid level ship in the early level list, ,but in the mid level list it gets a new paint job and some extra ikea furniture and goes up to battle level??
What has anyone else noticed that I amy have missed??
Cpt Kremmen
I rather like what they have done with the Vorlons and Shadows as well. A Vorlon TRANSPORT is dangerous, you really do not want to run into a Vorlon Heavy Cruiser unless you have bought a lot of metal with you.
Some parts of the revised earth fleets do seem rather more difficult to comprehend.
As reaverman alluded, the sagittarius is basically the same as before, still skirmish but the forward missiles have been increased by 2!!!
I also notice that the avenger carrier is a very cost effective raid level ship in the early level list, ,but in the mid level list it gets a new paint job and some extra ikea furniture and goes up to battle level??
What has anyone else noticed that I amy have missed??
Cpt Kremmen