Questions for Mongoose

Hi @MongooseMatt ,

In response your comments on AI art in the State of Mongoose 2024 post:

However, it (AI art) is also gaining penetration on the starting rung of the publishing ladder and this is a bit… less good. I have this idea (and it is just an idea) that it is being driven primarily by writers. And, speaking as a writer, we tend to be a tiny bit weak when it comes to the visual arts.

Meanwhile, an actual artist is sobbing at the result which has little technical direction and absolutely no soul.

The same applies to visual art. We writers tend not to be too good at seeing this, and so can get a bit dippy when we see our words transformed into pictures. I am absolutely not immune to this myself.

Are there any books about the fundamentals of visual arts / illustrations that you or the other Mongoose creatives would recommend for writers who are trying to overcome this? Any books or resources for understanding the basics of illustration technical direction that the Mongoose team is familiar with that they felt were helpful?