I have a few questions about spell prerequisites and I would greatly appreciate some official answers from someone working for Mongoose. Some of these questions have already been answered in threads, but I'm including them in the hope of having all the answers in the same place.
Atlantean Edition
1. Draw Forth the Soul: The spell description says Summon Demon is a prerequisite. The sorcery style list makes no mention of this. Which is right?
2. Black Plague: The sorcery style list says it's a Mighty spell. The spell description says it isn't. Is it Mighty?
3. Greater Black Plague: The sorcery style list says it's a Mighty spell. The spell description says it isn't. Is it Mighty?
4. Greater Demonic Pact: The sorcery style list says it's a Mighty spell. The spell description says it isn't. Is it Mighty?
5. Summon Elemental: The sorcery style list says Perform 15 ranks is a prerequisite. The spell description says Perform 10 ranks twice. Which is right?
The Scrolls of Skelos
6. The Time is Right: The sorcery style list says Knowledge (arcana) 15 ranks & Greater Demonic Pact or Master-Words and Signs are prerequisites. The spell description says Knowledge (arcana) 10 ranks. Which is right?
7. The Stars are Right: The sorcery style list says Greater Demonic Pact or Master-Words and Signs is a prerequisite. The spell description makes no mention of this. Which is right?
8. Voice of Power: Piecing together all the prerequisites it seems to me that MAB +7, Steely Gaze, Entrance, Greater Demonic Pact or Master-Words and Signs are prerequisites. What are the correct prerequisites?
9. Greater Voice of Power: Piecing together all the prerequisites it seems to me that Menacing Aura, Voice of Power & perhaps MAB +8 are prerequisites. What are the correct prerequisites?
10. Life Drain: The sorcery style list says it isn't a Mighty spell. The spell description says it is. Is it Mighty?
11. Bones of Life: Should the prerequisite Raise Dead instead be Raise Corpse?
Across the Thunder River
12. Bag of Demons: The sorcery style list says Master-Words and Signs is a prerequisite. The spell description says Demonic Pact or Master-Words and Signs. Which is right?
Messantia - City of Riches
13. Fangs of the Night: This spell was missing from the book and was later submitted in a thread by the author, but there was some confusion as to which style it belonged in. Are the correct prerequisites Raise Corpse, MAB +4?
14. Lesser Possession: The spell description says Demonic Pact & Master-Words and Signs are prerequisites. What are the correct prerequisites?
15. Greater Possession: The spell description says Demonic Pact & Master-Words and Signs are prerequisites. What are the correct prerequisites?
16. Spawn of the Black Heart: The spell description mentions neither Demonic Pact nor Master-Words and Signs as prerequisites. What are the correct prerequisites?
Hyboria's Finest - Nobles, Scholars & Soldiers
17. Legions of the Dead: The White Hand of Hyperborea PDF and the sorcery style list says MAB +10 is a prerequisite. The spell description says MAB +4. Which is right?
18. Legions of the Dead: The White Hand of Hyperborea PDF says the PP cost is 1 PP/5 corpses. Hyboria's Finest says 2 PPs/5 corpses. Which is right?
19. Simulacrum: The sorcery style list says MAB +10 is a prerequisite. The spell description says MAB +8. Which is right?
Atlantean Edition
1. Draw Forth the Soul: The spell description says Summon Demon is a prerequisite. The sorcery style list makes no mention of this. Which is right?
2. Black Plague: The sorcery style list says it's a Mighty spell. The spell description says it isn't. Is it Mighty?
3. Greater Black Plague: The sorcery style list says it's a Mighty spell. The spell description says it isn't. Is it Mighty?
4. Greater Demonic Pact: The sorcery style list says it's a Mighty spell. The spell description says it isn't. Is it Mighty?
5. Summon Elemental: The sorcery style list says Perform 15 ranks is a prerequisite. The spell description says Perform 10 ranks twice. Which is right?
The Scrolls of Skelos
6. The Time is Right: The sorcery style list says Knowledge (arcana) 15 ranks & Greater Demonic Pact or Master-Words and Signs are prerequisites. The spell description says Knowledge (arcana) 10 ranks. Which is right?
7. The Stars are Right: The sorcery style list says Greater Demonic Pact or Master-Words and Signs is a prerequisite. The spell description makes no mention of this. Which is right?
8. Voice of Power: Piecing together all the prerequisites it seems to me that MAB +7, Steely Gaze, Entrance, Greater Demonic Pact or Master-Words and Signs are prerequisites. What are the correct prerequisites?
9. Greater Voice of Power: Piecing together all the prerequisites it seems to me that Menacing Aura, Voice of Power & perhaps MAB +8 are prerequisites. What are the correct prerequisites?
10. Life Drain: The sorcery style list says it isn't a Mighty spell. The spell description says it is. Is it Mighty?
11. Bones of Life: Should the prerequisite Raise Dead instead be Raise Corpse?
Across the Thunder River
12. Bag of Demons: The sorcery style list says Master-Words and Signs is a prerequisite. The spell description says Demonic Pact or Master-Words and Signs. Which is right?
Messantia - City of Riches
13. Fangs of the Night: This spell was missing from the book and was later submitted in a thread by the author, but there was some confusion as to which style it belonged in. Are the correct prerequisites Raise Corpse, MAB +4?
14. Lesser Possession: The spell description says Demonic Pact & Master-Words and Signs are prerequisites. What are the correct prerequisites?
15. Greater Possession: The spell description says Demonic Pact & Master-Words and Signs are prerequisites. What are the correct prerequisites?
16. Spawn of the Black Heart: The spell description mentions neither Demonic Pact nor Master-Words and Signs as prerequisites. What are the correct prerequisites?
Hyboria's Finest - Nobles, Scholars & Soldiers
17. Legions of the Dead: The White Hand of Hyperborea PDF and the sorcery style list says MAB +10 is a prerequisite. The spell description says MAB +4. Which is right?
18. Legions of the Dead: The White Hand of Hyperborea PDF says the PP cost is 1 PP/5 corpses. Hyboria's Finest says 2 PPs/5 corpses. Which is right?
19. Simulacrum: The sorcery style list says MAB +10 is a prerequisite. The spell description says MAB +8. Which is right?