After last gaming session (with most of the group reduced to negative hit points), a question came up about long-term (medical) care.
According to p.164 (Atlantean edition):
Natural Rest= 3 + Con mod. + 1/level hit pts
Bed Rest = 6 + (2 x Con mod.) + 2/level hit pts
So far, so good.
However, the description of long-term care (Heal skill, p.90) adds that ".. the patient recover hit points at twice the normal rate.."
So, if someone is undergoing complete bed rest AND is tended by a healer, does that mean that he recovers 2x(6+(2xCon mod.)+2/level) or what? :?
According to p.164 (Atlantean edition):
Natural Rest= 3 + Con mod. + 1/level hit pts
Bed Rest = 6 + (2 x Con mod.) + 2/level hit pts
So far, so good.
However, the description of long-term care (Heal skill, p.90) adds that ".. the patient recover hit points at twice the normal rate.."
So, if someone is undergoing complete bed rest AND is tended by a healer, does that mean that he recovers 2x(6+(2xCon mod.)+2/level) or what? :?