Question: long-term care


After last gaming session (with most of the group reduced to negative hit points), a question came up about long-term (medical) care.

According to p.164 (Atlantean edition):

Natural Rest= 3 + Con mod. + 1/level hit pts
Bed Rest = 6 + (2 x Con mod.) + 2/level hit pts

So far, so good.

However, the description of long-term care (Heal skill, p.90) adds that ".. the patient recover hit points at twice the normal rate.."

So, if someone is undergoing complete bed rest AND is tended by a healer, does that mean that he recovers 2x(6+(2xCon mod.)+2/level) or what? :?
Mortepierre said:
So, if someone is undergoing complete bed rest AND is tended by a healer, does that mean that he recovers 2x(6+(2xCon mod.)+2/level) or what? :?
I think the answer to that question is yes, not sure though. I asked the same question a while back in this thread:
I'm not sure we ever agreed on what was the canon ruling there, but a few options and some houserules were discussed. Check it out, maybe it'll help you in some way.
In d20 a double of a double is a triple. You recover twice the normal rate for bed rest and twice the normal rate for long-term care for a grand total of 3x the normal rate or:

9 + 3*Con mod + 3/level

Hope that helps.
argo said:
In d20 a double of a double is a triple. You recover twice the normal rate for bed rest and twice the normal rate for long-term care for a grand total of 3x the normal rate or:

9 + 3*Con mod + 3/level
I would agree that this ruling also makes sense in that it somewhat restrains the otherwise outrageous healing rates. I think it'll work nicely.

BTW, its nice to see you back argo, haven't seen you for awhile!
Trodax said:
BTW, its nice to see you back argo, haven't seen you for awhile!
Heh, yeah. Finals will do that to a guy.

On the up side I just graduated, no more school! :P

On the down side I don't have a job lined up yet. Hooray for unemployment! :shock: :?