Published Adventures?


Don't know if this has ever been asked, but are there any plans to release adventures for CONAN, other than the downloads? I like the seeds and mini-adventures in the sourcebooks, but a nice, thick adventure book every now and then would do nicely in supplementing the adventures I create on my own :D
There are more adventures seeds than you can throw a stick at in the sourcebooks...alas, many of us want adventures since we don't have that much time for creation. The boxed sets have planned adventures (but watch the levels, as they are low and high) and Across the Border has a outline of an adventure requiring a bit of work from the GM.

Unfortunately, there really isn't much more than those other than the pdf's.

More adventures...please! :)
Old D&D and Conan RPG modules are a good source, but this requires some work on the part of the GM. TSR had two D&D mods for Conan out in the early 1980s (Against Darkness and Unchained, the latter of which isn't bad. The Conan RPG--TSR version--also put out three mods around 1985. Conan the Mercenary and Conan the Buccanneer are only okay, but Conan the Triumphant is excellent.

Moreover, The Black Kingdoms is due out next month and contains three adventures, hopefully of the "boxed text" variety for those of us without a lot of time for preparation. Let's also remember that the Shadow of the Sorcerer campaign is due out later this year.

Otherwise, there aren't many ready-to-tun type adventures available for Conan. Signs & Portents #17 had a decent scenario against the Hyborean Witchmen. Sadly, the text tells us to go back to S&P #9 for details on the Witchmen, including spells that are essential to run the adventure as is. I don't have #9, so I haven't run the adventure. Another S&P had a quick adventure against the Picts, but as I remember, it was short and there was no boxed text.

I understand about the whole "adventure" thing. We all want adventures, but some times sourcebooks are needed first so that those players that aren't familiar with Conan's world can get a little more acquianted.

Adventures are for those people that are already comfortable with the rules and ready to have hours of excitement and fun. I have written several adventures for the Conan rpg and so far two of them have been published. Hopefully more will be published in the future. I had written an adventure set within the Hyrkanian steppes, but had done it right before I had the official rules. Here it is, "FREE" to you. I can't post the map I made for it here, but if you email me with the title of your email "Hyrkanian Map Please", I will email it to you personally. It is in an old ProFantasy format, hopefully you will be able to read it.

This adventure can easily be changed to fit into any campaign. Hope you enjoy it.

Eric in Vegas

By Eric K. Rodriguez

A Conan: The Roleplaying Game adventure set within the Hyrkanian Steppes, east of the Vilayet Sea. Characters should be 3rd to 4th level, (average 4-6 players). Any character type can be played, however at least one Nomad type character is a must.

Until recently, the Shah of the Hyrkanian city of Onagrul was happy and his kingdom flourished. With large caravans of silk and spice from distant Khitai flowing through his city, the royal coffers were overflowing with coin and jewels and the populace was content. However, the Shah’s one true challenge was his son, Prince Asram Ibn’Arlath. The prince was educated, skilled and above all a true noble, however Prince Asram had no desire or penchant for political skills or ambitions. As much as the Shah would try to involve his son in the day to day activities of the city, the prince would have nothing to do with it. Prince Asram seemed to be more interested in books and scholarly learning, and would spend days in the royal archives pouring over moldering text’s describing ancient Turanian and Hyrkanian kings and hero’s. The Shah would listen to his son relate these ancient stories with a mix of disinterest and disdain, until one day Prince Asram appeared before his father in a state of exhaustion and excitement. Prince Asram told his father that he had found reference, in an ancient text, to the final resting place of the ancient warrior-king known as Khajah Al’Amar. In age’s past, Al’Amar was a chief of one of the greatest horse tribes of the steppes. In his age, he had conquered a large swath of the open steppes, from the Wahuan desert, to the Vilayet Sea. But like all men who attain great wealth, he became the object of jealousy and envy by his peers. Eventually, several horse chieftains gathered together and made war upon Al’Amar and for two years the steppes ran red with the blood of warrior and innocent alike. Finally, at an unnamed site, Al’Amar’s remaining warriors were surrounded and annihilated by an overwhelming force of their enemies. However, as the story goes, the horse chieftains had nothing but respect for Al’Amar as a warrior and leader and did not loot his body as they did Al’Amar’s warriors. In fact it was said that Al’Amar was buried with his weapons and personal wealth that he had gained during his years of conquest, as a true horse chieftain should be. After hearing his son’s latest story, the Shah dismissed it as he had done with so many others. However the prince was not to be dissuaded this time. Two day’s later, during the midnight watch; Prince Asram left the royal palace, along with a retinue of about 30 retainers and guards and was last seen heading north along the trade route to the town of Vekthalah

The adventure starts ten day’s after the prince has fled the city. The Shah, in a fit of anger and desperation since his son has not returned, has commanded his Wazier, Junmir Jazmal, to seek out mercenaries or bounty hunters to bring back his son, alive and unharmed. The Wazier will make contact with the characters either as a group or individuals, stating that he has heard of their skill’s and exploits and wishes to hire them for a discreet mission. When the characters agree, they are escorted to the palace, where they meet with the Shah. The Shah explains to them the need for speed and discretion and offers each man 100 pieces of silver for the safe return of his son. If the group has a character with a high Diplomacy score, then the Shah is also willing to provide supplies and one horse for each character. After accepting their mission, the characters should depart immediately, once supplies are gathered.

What’s really happening:

Prince Asram, after arriving in the town of Vekthalah, re-supplies and heads due east to the village of Hazalah. When he arrives in Hazalah, he is greeted with anger and distrust. The people of the village have long held stories and ancient superstitions about the Barrow Mounds east of their village. The elders of the village plead with Prince Asram not to disturbed the mounds because of an ancient curse that is said to have been laid upon them. The prince, too excited about the chance to uncover ancient knowledge and wealth, ignores the villager’s warnings and plea’s and takes his entourage east, toward the mounds.



1) Kozaki Bandits: Toward the end of the first day, the characters should come under attack by a band of Kozaki bandits, led by the Hetman “Bekesh Al’Yullef”. A minor Hetman among the Kozaki, but no less brutal than his superiors, Yullef has received word from his spies in the city of Onagrul that the royal prince has gone missing. Yullef is hoping to capture the prince and use him as a bargaining chip against the Shah. However, not knowing which way the prince has fled, Yullef has broken up his raiders into several groups and are scouring the lands around Onagrul, looking for signs of the missing prince. These Kozak’s are no different than most others, being from all races and cultures; they only follow the strongest leaders. If Al’Yullef was first to fall, then most likely the other bandits would flee. However if the battle is going badly for Al’Yullef, he will flee and gather together more of his raiders and come back and attack the characters at a later date. (GM note: Bekesh Al’Yullef would make a good reoccurring antagonist for the players later on, or in a long term campaign. Kozaki bandits, 2nd Level Nomads (6), use hit die and statistics per Conan Roleplaying game page 299. Use Hyrkanian light cavalry variant. Bekesh Al’Yullef will use same variant, Level 5 Nomad.

2) Giant Ant Attack: Sometime during the second or third day of travel, the characters come upon a bloody scene. As the characters ride over a small rise, they come upon two wagons that have been overturned, and their horses and riders strewn across the steppe, bloody and in pieces. Moving among this nightmarish scene are seven Giant Ant’s. The Ant’s seem to be methodically moving over the wagons, picking up sealed wooden barrels and stacking them together in an area away from the slaughter. One large, red Ant seems to be herding the others and keeping them to their task. It does not matter whether the group tries to find another route around the Giant Ant’s or not, one of the Ant’s will see them and then signal to the others. The Giant Ant’s attack, with the large red Ant leading the assault up front. The red Ant is a Soldier Ant, and the other six are workers. If the Soldier Ant is killed first, than there is a cumulative 5% chance per round that the other, ants will flee. If the characters search the over turned wagons, they find that the barrels they were carrying were filled with a variety of spices, mostly sugar. A successful Search roll reveals a loose floor board on one of the wagons, concealing a pouch with 122 Silver pieces. Neither of the two human bodies posses any identification or written documents.

GIANT ANT Giant Ant, Worker Giant Ant, Soldier Giant Ant, Queen
Medium Vermin Medium Vermin Large Vermin
Hit Dice: 2d8 (9 hp) 2d8+2 (11 hp) 4d8+4 (22 hp)
Initiative: +0 +0 –1
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), climb 20 ft. 50 ft. (10 squares), climb 20 ft. 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 17 (+7 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 17 17 (+7 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 17 17 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +9 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +1/+1 +1/+3 +3/+10
Attack: Bite +1 melee (1d6) Bite +3 melee (2d4+3) Bite +5 melee (2d6+4)
Full Attack: Bite +1 melee (1d6) Bite +3 melee (2d4+3) Bite +5 melee (2d6+4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. 5 ft./5 ft. 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab Improved grab, acid sting Improved grab
Special Qualities: Scent, vermin traits Scent, vermin traits Scent, vermin traits
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0 Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +1 Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +2
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 9 Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int —, Wis 13, Cha 11 Str 16, Dex 9, Con 13, Int —, Wis 13, Cha 11
Skills: Climb +8 Climb +10 —
Feats: TrackB TrackB TrackB
Environment: Temperate plains Temperate plains Temperate plains
Organization: Gang (2–6) or crew (6–11 plus 1 giant ant soldier) Solitary or gang (2–4) Hive (1 plus 10–100 workers and 5–20 soldiers)
Challenge Rating: 1 2 2
Treasure: None None 1/10 coins; 50% goods; 50% items
Advancement: 3–4 HD (Medium); 5–6 HD (Large) 3–4 HD (Medium); 5–6 HD (Large) 5–6 HD (Large); 7–8 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: — — —
Giant ants are among the hardiest and most adaptable vermin. Soldiers and workers are about 6 feet long, while queens can grow to a length of 9 feet.
Acid Sting (Ex): A giant soldier ant has a stinger and an acid-producing gland in its abdomen. If it successfully grabs an opponent, it can attempt to sting each round (+3 attack bonus). A hit with the sting attack deals 1d4+1 points of piercing damage and 1d4 points of acid damage.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a giant ant must hit with its bite attack. A giant soldier ant that wins the ensuing grapple check establishes a hold and can sting.
Skills: *Giant ants have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent and a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks. A giant ant can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened

3) Troubled Town: The first thing the characters notice when they arrive in the town of Vekthalah is a large funeral service being held outside the town’s walls. At least a hundred citizens have gathered at a large funeral pyre, where at least three bodies can be seen burning atop the wooden pile. As the characters get closer, several armed men approach them with fear and apprehension in their eyes. If the characters do not act hostile, then an elderly man dressed in fine robes introduces himself as Husram, the speaker for the town. Once Husram speaks to the characters for a little while, he seems convinced that they are not bringing trouble to his town and allows them entrance. A character with a high Diplomacy skill can speed up the process. Once inside the town, Husram asks the characters to join him in his home, so that they may speak of serious matters. After feasting in Husram’s home, the characters learn that a great evil has visited itself upon the people of Vekthalah. Husram begins to explain that, about four week’s ago, merchants and travelers began to complain about wolf attacks while traveling to Vekthalah. At first it was just horse’s or beasts of burden being attacked, but then reports of full grown men being attacked started trickle in. Then about three weeks ago, a merchant from Onagrul staggered into town, claiming that his two drivers and man-servant were savagely slain in the night by demon possessed wolves. The merchant claimed that the wolves ignored fire and arrows and swept into his camp, slaying anyone they met. The merchant was barely able to escape, having jumped onto the back of a frightened horse and rode off into the night. Since that day, many more people have died, all the attacks happening at night.

Husram states that about ten day’s ago, a young noble from Onagrul arrived in Vekthalah with a small entourage of followers. Husram and the other town elders pleaded with the young noble to help them, but he refused stating that he had more important matters to attend to. If the characters question Husram about the young noble, he will describe the missing Prince in detail. Husram stated that the young noble only stayed long enough to gather supplies and then left Vekthalah to its fate. Luckily, Husram and the other elders had sent for aid from the renowned Seer, Kata’Vul two weeks earlier. Kata'Vul, unfortunately, was not able to come to the town’s aid; however he did send his apprentice in his stead. Habrath of Khoraf arrived in Vekthalah almost six day’s ago, and has told Husram he knows the answer to their problems. However it will take men of courage and a strong sword arm to solve the problem. Husram beg’s the characters to help his town and to save them from this evil. He tell’s the characters that if they will see Habrath and save the town, then 100 pieces of silver will be given to each man, along with a fine Hyrkanian Steppe horse. A character with a high Diplomacy skill can get Husram to give at least 200 pieces of silver for each character, but only after proof the curse being lifted from their town. If the characters agree to Husram’s pleas, then they should immediately go and see Habrath of Khoraf.

Habrath of Khoraf is found at the “Silk & Scimitar”, an average quality Inn located on the south side of town. Habrath let’s the characters know that they face normal steppe wolves; however they are being led by a creature that is not normal. Habrath call’s the creature a “Werewolf”, and tell’s the characters that at one time this creature was a man. For whatever reason the man became cursed and was possessed by an evil spirit that forced him to change back and forth between man and wolf with the changing of the moon. Habrath states that only by killing this creature with fire or silver, will the attacks stop and the curse be lifted from Vekthalah. Habrath can show the characters how to coat their weapons in silver, using his alchemical skills; however the characters will have to provide the silver for the process. Weapon size will determine the amount of silver needed, GM’s discretion. (GM’s will note that Habrath makes a great reoccurring character that the group can come to for knowledge or arcane information. However Habrath will not leave the safety of the town, and will not go with the characters adventuring. He is strictly a useful information source. For game purposes, treat Habrath as a 4th level Scholar, with average stats, high intelligence, low hit points, 20 power points, and five spells to be determined by Gamemaster.)

It will take at least one day for Habrath to treat the characters weapons with the “Were-bane” solution the he made, this gives the characters at least one day to repair and re-supply before leaving Vekthalah.

4) Village Massacre: Arriving in the village of Hazalah, the characters find a scene of carnage and destruction. Scattered about the ruins of the village are corpses in various stages of decay. The village has 15 buildings, most of them thatch and animal hide. Only three structures look to still be in fairly good shape, the others are complete ruins. A character with a good Spot check will notice that even with the scattering of rotting corpses around, no carrion creatures are anywhere to be seen. If the characters make a difficult search check, they will find a trap door in one of the still standing buildings. Cowering inside the dark hole is a man named “Bekesh”, a retainer of Prince Asram (treat Bekesh as a 1st level commoner). Bekesh looks malnourished and beaten, and is barely conscious. If the characters are able to heal him and provide some food and water, then Bekesh should regain consciousness within a few hours. Bekesh can relate to the characters that he was with Prince Asram over a week ago at which time the Prince had found the ancient burial site that he had talked about and was in the process of uncovering the burial chamber. All that Bekesh can remember after that was there was a loud sound, like of boulders falling down, then many screams of terror. At first Bekesh thought that there had been a cave in and that several men were trapped. However, after several minutes of screams, and horrible sounds that could belong to no mortal man, Bekesh grabbed a saddled horse and fled to the west. When he reached the Village of Hazalah he tried to tell the villagers about what had happened, but they treated him with disdain and mistrust. They had told him that he and his Prince had awoken an ancient curse and nothing but bad would come of it. They locked Bekesh in the cellar of one of the buildings and left him there until they could decide what to do with him. Later that night, the sounds of screams and slaughter woke him up from his uneasy sleep. Bekesh does not remember seeing anything, and only remembers the sounds of people screaming and the unearthly howling of a wolf (At this point, the Gamemaster should try to keep the characters in the village until nightfall, at which time the Werewolf will have his wolves attack). As soon as the wolves attack, Bekesh will scream in terror and either run off into the night, or drop back down into the cellar and barricade himself in. The Werewolf will lead his pack into the remains of the village and begin a methodical search of all the buildings. Once the characters are found, the Werewolf orders his pack to attack. The Werewolf has 13 wolves with him and orders them to attack the characters. However, the Werewolf will not stay back out of the fight, but instead will join in the slaughter. The Werewolf will be in hybrid form throughout the battle. If the characters are able to kill the Werewolf, than every round after its death there is a 10% chance that the pack will lose heart and flee into the night. Once the Werewolf is killed, it reverts back to its human form. The body of the Werewolf/man is that of a middle-aged man, who looks of Hyrkanian descent. He has no distinguishing marks and his only possession is a bronze talisman in the shape of a sun with a large topaz jewel in the middle. A character with a high Spellcraft roll can read the ancient glyphs on the back of the talisman. The glyphs call the talisman, “The Eye of Hossuth”, a long dead god of the ancient Lemurians. If a character is a Scholar, or they speak with Habrath, and a little research, it can be determined that the wearer of the Eye of Hossuth gains the ability to see at night just like the “Eye’s of the Cat” feat. This ability is constant and remains unless the wearer removes the talisman. No other items are to be found on the body. See Conan Roleplaying game page 312 for Wolf statistics, and page 330 for Werewolf statistics (use Werewolf-wolf form stats).

5) Tomb of Death: As the characters approach Prince Asram’s campsite, they see most of the camps equipment and supplies scattered about in a haphazard manner. Although everything is scattered about, most of the items are still in good condition. An easy Search check reveals there are five barrow mounds on the east side of the campsite, and one of them has torches, digging tool’s and supplies stacked next to it. If the characters approach closer, they see a large hole dug into the side of the mound, with hand carved steps leading down into the dark earth. Whether the characters go down into the mound during the day or night, the following happens: A musty, rotting odor overwhelms you as you and your companions step down into the dark earth. Your torches light flickers off the wall’s, showing they are encrusted with the bones of perhaps hundreds of men. You descend almost forty feet, before the tunnel opens up into a large, circular chamber almost fifty-feet in circumference. Your light show’s a stone bier which rests a body, decked out in ancient armor and covered in coins and treasure. Before you and your companions can advance further, dark shadows from the other side of the chamber move and come into your view. Shadowy illumination shows that they are men far past life and they move with slow, methodical purpose as they advance upon you. These are the remains of Prince Asram and his retainers. Although the Prince did find the burial place of Khajah Al’Amar, he did not research further into the nature of his burial. A curse was placed upon the Khajah’s remains when he was buried, stating that any who disturbed the sleep of Khajah Al’Amar, would be consumed by death and then forced to serve it. Prince Asram and his followers fell to an ancient spell which released a black cloud of death that killed and then transformed them into Risen Dead. Now they are forced to protect the tomb against any who violate it. See Conan Role-playing Game, page 325, for statistics on Risen Dead. There are a total of 15 Risen Dead, including Prince Asram. Once the characters have defeated the undead, they will be free to search the chamber. None of the characters need to fear the curse upon the tomb, for once Prince Asram opened it the curse had been spent. A search of the chamber reveals items that the Risen Dead had carried while in life: 14 Gold Eagles, 159 Silver pieces, 45 Bronze pennies, miscellaneous jewelry valued at 200 Silver pieces, and assorted weapons and armor of average quality. Prince Asram remains still wear his royal signet ring and his royal turban. Characters should bring these items back to the Shah as proof of his son’s death. If the characters don’t do this, let them make a moderate Gather Information roll. The body of Khajah Al’Amar is dressed in ancient armor that has rusted and become unused. However laying across his chest is a quality composite bow and an empty quiver that looks to be made of Ivory. Spread around the Khajah’s body are various ancient coins and jewelry (59 Gold Pieces, 300 Silver, 14 semi-precious stones, and 21 pieces of miscellaneous jewelry valued at 600 silver pieces). Characters that make a difficult Search roll find a matching pair of jeweled scimitars underneath the Khajah’s body. Characters with Spellcraft or Ancient Language skill can determine that the composite bow is called “The Might of Al’Amar”(consider the bow Akbitanan quality, and any arrow fired from it gains a extra 1d4 damage when it hits, the character that uses this bow must have at least an 17 Strength). The two scimitars are made of high quality steel, with silver sheaths that are decorated with semi-precious stones. The blades are inscribed with ancient Lemurian runes, and the blades are called, “Swift” and “Death”. Each sword has a ruby at the bottom of the pommel the size of a pigeon egg(consider the swords Akbitanan quality, each sword is +1 to hit and damage, when used together the sword wielder gains +2 to his initiative, used separately the wielder gains no bonus to his initiative).

Epilogue: The group should head back to Onagrul as soon as possible. However a short stop in the town of Vekthalah will allow the characters to collect their reward, and to use the skills of Habrath if necessary. When they return to Onagrul with the proof of the Prince’s death, the Shah is visibly distraught. However, the Shah will not express any anger at the characters for what has happened, but in fact shower them with praise for their discretion in such a serious matter. The Shah will allow the characters to enjoy the pleasures of his palace for the next two weeks and will heap rich foods and strong drinks upon them, as much as they desire. The Wazier will spread a tale that the Prince had ridden with a city patrol outside of the city, when they were beset by a large number of Kozaki’s. The story will say that Prince Asram died a hero, allowing his soldiers to escape while he held the Kozaki’s off. If the Gamemaster wishes to use this area for further campaigns, then the Shah can be a useful plot device for future adventures. Below are lists of other notable sites in the area around this adventure.

6) Lost Mine of Gul’Gularath: The Lost Mine of Gul’Gularath is a series of caverns deep beneath an ancient ruin, in the middle of the Hyrkanian Steppes. The mine is said to be laden with thick veins of silver. Over the last 100 years, several merchants and nobles have sent large caravans to the site to claim the site and mine the ore. None have ever been heard from again. A tribe of the Horse folk, the Wal’Azir, believes the ruins are haunted by the spirits of those that died in the ruins above the caverns. No records can be found about who built the ruins, but several legends state that the ruins were an ancient outpost of the evil Acheronians.

7) Cursed Ruins of Baraz’kul: Baraz’kul was an ancient castle that was transformed into a way-town, between the cities of the Vilayet and the far off land of Kusan. Large trade caravans and vast amounts of wealth passed through Baraz’kul, making it as wealthy as cities five times its size. One day a white robed figure entered the city and claimed that he spoke for the spirits of the land and that this city was angering the earth. Most of the people laughed at the old man, but others realized that this “prophet” could hurt trade with his blasphemous talk, so they had him jailed under false pretenses and then quietly executed him. Before the robed prophet died, he cursed the people of Baraz’kul stating, “The Sun is your Jailer and Executioner. To look upon the Sun is to look upon your own death.” It has been over 40 years since anyone has come or gone to Baraz’kul and lived to tell of it.

8) The Poisoned Pool of Amanarath: Amanarath was a lieutenant to the ancient horse chieftain, Khajah Al’Amar. Amanarath betrayed Al’Amar to his rival chieftains at a crucial time in a major battle. Al’Amar survived the battle and captured Amanarath before he was able to escape. Al’Amar bound and gagged Amanarath to a palm tree at a remote oasis and cursed him to watch over the oasis, even in death, and to allow only those who have not “Betrayed” to drink from the oasis’s waters. Few have gone to the oasis and returned.

9) Devils Eye: A 100 foot plateau, rising out in the middle of the Hyrkanian Steppes, Devils Eye has stood for over 400 years. Ancient Horsemen claim that it was an ancient burial site for a renowned horse chieftain. Others state that it is a temple to some forgotten god that only waits for his faithful to return and sacrifice. The only fact about the plateau is on nights when the sky turns violent and the clouds let loose their fury, large bolts of lightning can been seen striking the top of Devils Eye in quick succession. Many believe that an artifact, left by the ancients, still rests upon the top of the summit.

10) Ruins of Marthag’Gul: Marthag’Gul was a city up to 70 years ago, until the combined armies of Rhamdan and Onagrul destroyed it. Marthag’Gul was said to have been a corrupt city of greedy merchants, shadowy thieves, and death dealing assassins. No actual fact can be found in any records or documents of history; however it can be surmised that Marthag’Gul was cutting profits from both cities and was destroyed for simple economic reasons. Today, the ruins are said to be filled with bandits, slavers and escaped political prisoners.

11) Kata’Vul the Seer: For 30 years, Kata’Vul has lived within his “Blood Tower”, along the eastern coast of the Vilayet. Kings and commoners alike have come to his tower to seek knowledge and wisdom and to have him read their futures. Each person is required to pay for this service, but not every person pay’s the same price. Kata’Vul is eccentric, and will ask coin of one person and then ask service of another. Whatever the case, it is whispered that Kata’Vul is not only a Seer, but a powerful Sorcerer as well. More than one pirate ship of the “Red Brotherhood” has attacked Kata’Vuls tower, only to have their ship struck down by mysterious storms that seem to appear instantly, and disappear just as quickly. Kata’Vul does take apprentices, and has been known to make offers to the most unusual of people.

12) Village of Mata’Kai: A small village nestled along the eastern Vilayet coast,
Mata’Kai has long held a tradition of sacrificing virginal women to the sea at the Harvest of Waves. The Harvest of Waves was a tradition that started over 50 years ago, when the village was on the verge of starvation due to the lack of fish being pulled from the sea and the unfertile land not producing. One day, a villager named “Olagrah” stated that she was the last, faithful, follower of an ancient sea god that would save the village, and in return asked only that a virgin be sacrificed to Olagrah’s god on the first day of the new year. The village had nothing left to lose, and did as Olagrah asked. Within the month, fisherman’s nets were full, and the ground began to produce food. Since that time, Olagrah has had a temple built in the middle of the village and has preached the word of her god to all in the village. However, recently, the villagers have begun to realize that if sacrificing one virgin a year brings great fortune, than sacrificing more victims will bring even greater fortune. The villagers realize they will soon de-populate the village if they keep using their own, so they have begun to look elsewhere.

13) The Oasis of Yatazul: The oasis of Yatazul borders the great Wahuan Desert and the south-eastern Hyrkanian Plains. The last and first stop between the Wahuan and the Hyrkanian plains, the oasis has traded hands many times over the years. Recently, a large band of Hyrkanian Horsemen have set up camp at the oasis and charge a high fee to any that wish to use the waters. The leader of this group, Chief Ali Ben’Massul, has let it be known that he is in need of clan-less nomads and hardy mercenaries for a war against another, unknown tribe. Rumors persist that Chief Massul has heard of an ancient tomb, located within the heart of the Wahuan, said to contain the wealth of an ancient civilization. However the ruins are guarded by a fanatical tribe of desert warriors, who guard the tomb with their lives.
Necropolis by Sword And Sorcery (A White Wolf offshoot) is perfect for Conan. Its set in an Egyptian like realm, VERY easily adaptable to Conan, im not sure if its 3.0 or 3.5 though, id say 3.0, but as I said, its pretty much a Conan adventure in everything but name.

Its a hardcover, complete campaign, I think there is a preview somewhere on the net, ill have a look for it...
Heres the sites description of Necropolis:

"An epic adventure and sourcebook by The Master himself, Gary Gygax's Necropolis is a vast campaign scenario that sweeps the characters into an epic adventure across the magical desert kingdom of Khemit. From a hidden evil in a desert village, to the secrets of ancient tombs, Necropolis takes the characters on a dangerous mission to thwart the plans of an undying archpriest-wizard who would be a god!

Necropolis is also a campaign sourcebook, detailing the lands of Khemit, new classes and prestige classes, new spells and more than 60 monsters unique to the desert lands. This book also details over 50 new gods and new cleric domains, allowing DMs to run extended campaigns in the desert kingdom.

Gary Gygax's Necropolis is a full length 288 page hardcover epic adventure and campaign sourcebook designed for 4 to 8 characters of 10th to 18th level. The source material and initial adventures can be used with lower level PCs as well, but no one under 10th level should attempt to enter Rahotep's tomb!"

Also, on this page There is a free adventure set leading up to the Necropolis campaign. I havent run it, but it will give you some idea what the books like I guess :)
Also go for Ancient Kingdoms: Mesopotamia from Necromancer Games. There is a thread on this forum and conversion table for CONAN by the author himself:

You have to un-D&D it, but in the core it is already Hyborian.

My players enjoyed it very much!
Auggie said:
Don't know if this has ever been asked, but are there any plans to release adventures for CONAN, other than the downloads? I like the seeds and mini-adventures in the sourcebooks, but a nice, thick adventure book every now and then would do nicely in supplementing the adventures I create on my own :D

Conan and the Shadow of the Sorcerer, a nine-part campaign taking the player characters from Messantia, Asgalun, a mysterious island, through the Black Kingdoms and finally into the heart of Stygia is coming later this year.
Another option is to go to the main D&D site and just adapt their free adventures. It takes some work but a few of them have some good ideas and such.

But yeah, adventures would be nice.
I agree that the WOC/D&D site has a lot of excellent adventures that you can download for free. Some will take a little more time than others to convert, but it might be easier than coming up with your own?

Eric in Vegas
Been converting a lot of D20 games myself, but the conversion process [such as substiting Picts for goblins] can be a lot of work.

Adventures, the good old 48-64 page type put out by TSR once upon a time, would be a great timesaver.

[Is anyone in charge of these things listening?] 8)

P.S. Maybe I'll type up the last three adventurers I wrote- if someone could find me a lot of free time. Working 60+ a week's good but my players are going to start noticing that the world's beginnning to fade around them as I have less time to create it.

One thing I can tell you, as far as published generic adventures go, Necromancer Game are at the top of the list for quality. If your good at converting, check them out!!!

EricKRod said:
I can't post the map I made for it here, but if you email me with the title of your email "Hyrkanian Map Please", I will email it to you personally. It is in an old ProFantasy format, hopefully you will be able to read it.

Any chance of getting that map in another format, e.g., print it out and scan it in as a JPG or PDF?