Michael Hopcroft
I'm trying to figure out how to price some new Legendary or Heroic abilities (Heroic abilities would function the same way, but be a step down in power). I am hoping the descriptions of what I'm thinking will help. WARNING: Possible Silliness Included.
Emasculating Glare (heroic): This is only available to female characters with CHA 13+. with an icy glare, you can cause any male making an unwanted sexual advance on you to lose interest.
The Way to a Man's Heart is Between the Ribs: A variation of Decapitationg Stroke, this enables you to make a called shot to the heart of your adversary with any melee weapon capable of penetrating -- incluidng all swords, spears, and improvised stakes. This is instantly fatal to any being with a heart (being staked through the heart may be the classic way to kill a vampire, but it wouldn't do me a whole lot of good either).
Emasculating Glare (heroic): This is only available to female characters with CHA 13+. with an icy glare, you can cause any male making an unwanted sexual advance on you to lose interest.
The Way to a Man's Heart is Between the Ribs: A variation of Decapitationg Stroke, this enables you to make a called shot to the heart of your adversary with any melee weapon capable of penetrating -- incluidng all swords, spears, and improvised stakes. This is instantly fatal to any being with a heart (being staked through the heart may be the classic way to kill a vampire, but it wouldn't do me a whole lot of good either).