L lastbesthope Mongoose May 16, 2006 #1 According to the Mongoose Web site they are out now, but they haven't been in the last fortnight's Esdevium release listings. Anyone know when we'll get them? LBH
According to the Mongoose Web site they are out now, but they haven't been in the last fortnight's Esdevium release listings. Anyone know when we'll get them? LBH
C Chernobyl Cosmic Mongoose May 16, 2006 #2 The inside back cover of my "Cold Equations" says that "the ragged edge" is "out now" also...and I got it a couple weeks ago.
The inside back cover of my "Cold Equations" says that "the ragged edge" is "out now" also...and I got it a couple weeks ago.
L lastbesthope Mongoose May 16, 2006 #3 Yeah, I noticed that, but I got both of TRE and TCE pre release so I ignored that :lol: LBH
L lastbesthope Mongoose May 17, 2006 #5 Chernobyl said: Grrrr Click to expand... Well MSprange has announced that they are being released this week (The Primus plans that is). Excellent! LBH
Chernobyl said: Grrrr Click to expand... Well MSprange has announced that they are being released this week (The Primus plans that is). Excellent! LBH
A Aramanthus Mongoose May 19, 2006 #6 I picked up my copy yesterday from my FLGS. I have only given it a preliminary look at it.
L lastbesthope Mongoose May 19, 2006 #7 Huzzah! Primus plans and Stygia are on this week's Esdevium list in the UK, so I should have mine this time next week! LBH
Huzzah! Primus plans and Stygia are on this week's Esdevium list in the UK, so I should have mine this time next week! LBH