Press Release - CyberNet Official Roleplaying Sountrack


CyberNet Official Roleplaying Soundtrack by Stratos

Press Release – May 11, 2004

For Immediate Release:

Attention fans of cyberpunk and sci-fi! The CyberNet Soundtrack is here! CyberNet Soundtrack is a CD of original music based on and inspired by the OGL CyberNet Cyberpunk Roleplaying Core Rulebook by August Hahn (2003 Mongoose Publishing, LTD – All Rights Reserved). Further inspiration was taken from the very heart of the cyberpunk genre, the writings of William Gibson and Phillip K. Dick and toss in The Matrix trilogy for good measure!

Several songs from the CyberNet Official Roleplaying Soundtrack have already been released online and have received positive reviews. Visit: to hear those songs (‘Darkrider Returneth’, ‘Vegas Caches Out’, and ‘Dogs of War’) for yourself.

For music fans, the CyberNet Soundtrack offers 24 original songs ranging from techno to world to rock and clock in at just under 74 minutes! For all your gamers… the CyberNet Soundtrack also features brand new, exclusive stats by August Hahn and Rodney Thompson!

All Songs Copyright 2004 Bailey Records –

If you would like to purchase CyberNet Soundtrack, please send $15.00 (US) to:

Bailey Records
2894 Creith Court
Grove City, OH 43123 USA

or Paypal it:

The $15.00 will cover postage & handling fees.

If you are interested in purchasing the CyberNet Official Roleplaying Soundtrack bundled with the recently released independent horror film soundtrack Deterioration Furthers – Music From & Inspired by The Charnel Gospel for an additional $5.00, please send $20.00 (US) to either address above (shipping still included in the price). For either CD alone, pay just $15.00 (shipped).

Plus! Everyone is invited to the Official CyberNet Album Release Party on Saturday, May 15th @ 6:00 – 8:00pm. Visit for more details including the Free Party Pass!
Hey Gooses!
Since my local games store can't get the Cybernet soundtrack for some reason, I'd just like to know, if i order from your site, will it be sent from the UK or US? This is rather imortant, as it is much cheaper for me buying things from within the EU. And I would very much like this record, now that I've heard so much about it!
Thanks for your time.

- Sonny
Hi there,

All our mail orders originate (in one way or another) from the US. However, the price listed on the web site is the price you pay.
msprange said:
Hi there,

All our mail orders originate (in one way or another) from the US. However, the price listed on the web site is the price you pay.

Yeah, sorry I forgot to clarify. It's the vat and other taxes that I have to pay if I order from without the EU. Marketing laws and such. :(

But thanks.
Sonny... and anyone else interested... Bailey Records in the USA is handling the actual orders and shipping for all CyberNet Soundtracks - regardless of whether you place your order at or our site.

PM me if you want to further ths discussion off board!

- Stratos
Just a reminder to all the local USA folks... tomorrow (Saturday, 15 May) is the official CyberNet Album Release Party at The Ohio State University / CAPCON 27. for the free pass & address!

6-8pm! Hope to see you there!

- Stratos
Attention Everyone! I think we sort of figured out that if European residents purchase the CyberNet Soundtrack from Mongoose's online webstore - some of the VAT and fees, etc will be cleared up (since yu're buing from the UK and not the USA). Mongoose then processes the orders by sending me the address to ship CDs to from the US. I can mark the Customs forms "accordingly".

Hope this helps!

- Stratos
Hey, I just received my CDs and I have to say I'm delighted.
I must congratulate Stratos on a superb job. 2 thumbs up!
They will see a lot of use near the gaming table, among other things.

P.S.: How was the release party?
Happy New Year!

The CyberNet Official Roleplaying Soundtrack is a perfect mix of music for 2005 and the future! Order your copy today thru the Mongoose Publishing webstore!

Work is now underway on the 2087 Official Roleplaying Soundtrack (the OGL CyberNet Campaign Setting) in addition to all my other various projects lined up for the new year!
