Justice Department has decided to build a waystation to Cursed Earth to help bring justice to the wasteland. Fort McGruder, as it is called, is not yet finished but mutant and other outlaw gangs are worried about the increasing presence of MC-1 judges that this new fort presents.
Different gangs decide to make an alliance and send a technically adept female spy to MC-1. She is able to get the schematics and guard details of the Fort McGruder and send the data forward before she gets noticed. PC judges will be dispatched to apprehend her and they will probably hunt her down and arrest.
Meanwhile the knowledge of her capture reaches a gang base and a young mutant with psi abilities and a weird weapon (something similar that Van Helsing had in the movie) that can be used as a melee and throwing weapon (that has great armor penetration abilities and when thrown return to his hand etc.) hires a TexCity smuggler and takes some of the gang members with him to go to MC-1. The smuggler (who is very proficient with all kinds of vehicles) manages to get the gang to MC-1 and the mutant has a vision that the spy is being transported from her initial interrogation place to hi-security isocube. They decide intercept the transportation to free her. This should result in a high speed chace with PC judges pursuiting the fleeing perps who should be able to make a narrow escape.
Maybe the Justice Dept can follow the perps for a little while when they emerge in the Cursed Earth but not for long and PCs are sent to track them down. If they are successfull they should find a large concentration of mutants and outlaws preparing an attack towards unfinished Fort McGruder.
At the final climax of the adventure there will be an attack against the fort.
The ideal situation after the adventure would be that at least the young mutant escapes and a large percentage of the gang members scatters only to regroup after a while and this time they want blood, blood of the PCs.
I hope this gets your creative juices flowing...
Different gangs decide to make an alliance and send a technically adept female spy to MC-1. She is able to get the schematics and guard details of the Fort McGruder and send the data forward before she gets noticed. PC judges will be dispatched to apprehend her and they will probably hunt her down and arrest.
Meanwhile the knowledge of her capture reaches a gang base and a young mutant with psi abilities and a weird weapon (something similar that Van Helsing had in the movie) that can be used as a melee and throwing weapon (that has great armor penetration abilities and when thrown return to his hand etc.) hires a TexCity smuggler and takes some of the gang members with him to go to MC-1. The smuggler (who is very proficient with all kinds of vehicles) manages to get the gang to MC-1 and the mutant has a vision that the spy is being transported from her initial interrogation place to hi-security isocube. They decide intercept the transportation to free her. This should result in a high speed chace with PC judges pursuiting the fleeing perps who should be able to make a narrow escape.
Maybe the Justice Dept can follow the perps for a little while when they emerge in the Cursed Earth but not for long and PCs are sent to track them down. If they are successfull they should find a large concentration of mutants and outlaws preparing an attack towards unfinished Fort McGruder.
At the final climax of the adventure there will be an attack against the fort.
The ideal situation after the adventure would be that at least the young mutant escapes and a large percentage of the gang members scatters only to regroup after a while and this time they want blood, blood of the PCs.
I hope this gets your creative juices flowing...