Please use more pornography!

Jason Durall

I for one would like to commend Mongoose on their realization that naked women and near-naked men are quite appropriate for a RPG based on the Conan stories.

Furthermore, I would like to encourage them to continue in this regard, with similar imagery in future products such as the Book of Skelos, the Hyborian Gazeteer, and others.
Mongoose Old Bear said:
We have an artist currently working on some suitable scenes for a Zamorian orgy...


As it should be. In the Hyborian age, the heroes were heroic, the villains were dastardly, the sorcerers were sorcerers in spades, and the women were the kind that any red-blooded man would want in his seraglio. I commend you for breaking through the PC crap that continually threatens to neuter REH's world.
Jason Durall said:
I for one would like to commend Mongoose on their realization that naked women and near-naked men are quite appropriate for a RPG based on the Conan stories.

Furthermore, I would like to encourage them to continue in this regard, with similar imagery in future products such as the Book of Skelos, the Hyborian Gazeteer, and others.

You are THE MAN. The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian has a really good drawing of Belit doing her mating thing. We need more artwork like that.
Who did the piece depecting the snake sacrafice spell (the dancing girl and the four cobras in the Sorcery section)?


Man I hope the future supplements aren't something I don't have to sneak into the house so my fiance doesn't find them! :twisted:
Lowly Uhlan said:
Man I hope the future supplements aren't something I don't have to sneak into the house so my fiance doesn't find them! :twisted:

Man, I hope the future supplements are something my fiance and I can look at together ;)
More butt nekkidness with slave chicks is good. Makes me want to buy every book Mongoose book they put out.
Mongoose Old Bear said:
We have an artist currently working on some suitable scenes for a Zamorian orgy...

What book will this grace? I assume it's too late to put it in Skelos, perhaps Road of Kings? Or is there an as-yet-unheralded book on the way?
Johannixx said:
Mongoose Old Bear said:
We have an artist currently working on some suitable scenes for a Zamorian orgy...

What book will this grace? I assume it's too late to put it in Skelos, perhaps Road of Kings? Or is there an as-yet-unheralded book on the way?

There is a Shadizar/Zamora sourcebook coming up, I thought.
I wouldn't mind pictures that stick to the Conan stories, but in no way would I want the to become something that is on every other page. I enjoy many artists renderings of the female body, but focusing too much on this one aspect of the Conan stories would turn me away from this product. After all, the stories were about more than naked women.
Rikki-Tikki-Tavi said:
I wouldn't mind pictures that stick to the Conan stories, but in no way would I want the to become something that is on every other page. I enjoy many artists renderings of the female body, but focusing too much on this one aspect of the Conan stories would turn me away from this product. After all, the stories were about more than naked women.

It's not called Shadizar the Wicked for nothing... :wink: :shock:
I wonder how many of you would be as excited to see Conan swaying in the breeze ... one of the reasons our hobby gets such a bad rap is because of horny fanboys getting all crazy over breastses.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of the female form. But it might be appropriate (and a treat for the female gamers) to see some actual or implied male nudity. It fits the genre just as well. If we're going to objectify the human body, let's be equal-opportunity about it.
Mongoose Old Bear said:
It's not called Shadizar the Wicked for nothing... :wink: :shock:

Damn skippy! My PC's are currently based there, and I've taken great care to impress upon them the Wickedness of Shadizar in all its forms.
InsomNY said:
I wonder how many of you would be as excited to see Conan swaying in the breeze ... one of the reasons our hobby gets such a bad rap is because of horny fanboys getting all crazy over breastses.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of the female form. But it might be appropriate (and a treat for the female gamers) to see some actual or implied male nudity. It fits the genre just as well. If we're going to objectify the human body, let's be equal-opportunity about it.

I'm going to have to violently disagree with you on this one, and may take a few hits for my stance, but... Nobody wants to see Conan's ding-a-ling or bare ass except the chicks in the stories, and I'm not concerned about "bad raps" except when I turn on MTV. :P

The hobby will probably always be stigmatized and gamers regarded by the mainstream and the media as suicidal nerds, losers and outcasts who can't be happy in real life, let alone get dates. I hate the way the hobby has been changed to try to appeal to a broader audience by diluting the core appeal, denying its origins and softening its image over concerns of "angry mother syndrome." Just drives me nuts the way the Politically Correct movement has reached in and corrupted gaming like it has everything else, and how many gamers are brainwashed by the whole PC craze so that they get upset when they see a naked girl or virgin sacrifice and want to try and advocate censoring it or boycotting the publisher (*cough* Avalanche Press) over images of sexy girls in their scanties.

The genre and gaming in general appeals to men, mostly. Misogyny and chauvinism is rampant in Conan, just as it would be in an ancient world where might makes right, just as it was in our own past. As to male nudity, there's plenty of images of males in skimpy outfits or stripped to the waist; enough to argue "homo-eroticism" for those so inclined. :roll:

Conan The RPG is the first breath of fresh air we've had in gaming that evokes the "good old days" of the late 70s/early 80s (Avalanche Press notwithstanding as the covers are pretty much the only provocative elements). Let's not ruin it by introducing PC elements!