Pathfinder prototype



Well, I finally came up with a colour scheme that sorta works for my pathfinders. But I'm pretty sure I could do better, so I need some suggestions on how to better finish this off. I was thinking about some white spots with black centers, but I think it might be a little to busy to work well.
Aniyn said:

Well, I finally came up with a colour scheme that sorta works for my pathfinders. But I'm pretty sure I could do better, so I need some suggestions on how to better finish this off. I was thinking about some white spots with black centers, but I think it might be a little to busy to work well.

Maybe instead of using a white or lighter gray "camo strips" use a darker gray than your base. A consistent highlighting and low-lighting on the armor might help. I like where you are going with this and I really like the conversion.
Looking forward to seeing some more.